Chapter 719 Little White Snake’s Narration!

However, after Qiqi made the little white snake appear in its original form, everyone present was shocked!

Compared to Longxi and Qinqin’s shock, Ling’er was also extremely excited when she learned that this little white snake was caught by Qiqi as a mount!

At the moment, under the witness of Qiqi and others, he directly signed a contract with Xiaobai Snake.Of course, Linger is not an insatiable person, so Xiaobai Snake signed a slave contract, but signed an equality contract!

And after signing the contract with Bai Snake Xiao, Ling Er also unintentionally continued to fish, sitting directly aside, and playing with Xiao Bai Snake!

And Longxi, who was next to him, thought of the rumors he had seen in that book, so he walked to Ling’er’s side, and then asked the little white snake curiously:

“Little White Snake! Have you ever been suppressed by the Ogle Saint?”

“Ogg Sage? Who is Ogg Sage? Why does he suppress me?”

Hearing that, Little White Snake asked with a puzzled look!

And Linger, who was teasing the little white snake. After hearing Longxi’s question, he instantly remembered the rumors Longxi had said before, so he said:

“Xiaobai, you can’t kill people anymore, you know? Only if I let you do it, you can do it!

“Killing? Huh… they come to catch me first, so I will kill them!”

Seeing that Ling’er actually suspected that she was killing people randomly, Xiao Bai Snake said with a dissatisfaction on her face!

“Catch you?”

Hearing that, Long Xi and Ling’er looked at each other, why Xiao Bai Snake said it is different from what he saw in the book!

“Yeah, I lived in this lake a long time ago, but then a lot of people came here to play, it was nothing at all, but a few people actually dived into the bottom of the lake, but I tried my best to hide it, but it was too big. I was discovered in the end!”

“Later. Of the few people who sneaked into the bottom of the lake, two were directly killed by me, and the remaining few fled. At that time, I saw them running away and didn’t care too much. But who knows, it didn’t take long for those people to escape! There are a lot of people here again, these people actually want to come and arrest me, for a long time!”

“For these people who came to arrest me, of course I had to fight back, so I killed them, but after I killed this group of people, another group after another came over. These people They all have a common characteristic, and that is to catch me!

“So I fought with them. I don’t know how many groups of people I have defeated. Maybe these people were scared by me. They haven’t come for a while. At that time, I also got a period of silence!”

“But later I found out that own idea is still too naive!”

“After getting peace for a while, another group of people came, and this group of people is more disciplined than the previous ones!”

“But these people are still not my opponents, they were beaten by me and fled soon!

Having said that, the little white snake held his head up and said with a smug expression!

And Longxi and Ling’er thought that the groups of people Xiaobai Snake said before should be mercenaries or adventurers, and the group of people afterwards should be soldiers of the Yunling Empire!

“But after I defeated the last group of people, I thought it would be over, but I didn’t expect a group of people to come, but this time there are not many people here, only so few people!”

“So I fought with them again, but what I didn’t expect was that among this group of people, there was an old man who was very powerful! Stopped!”

Not to mention the explanation of the white snake, Longxi and Ling’er also knew that this old man must be the Oge Saint!

“And after the old man had been fighting for a day and a night, he knew he couldn’t do anything about me, and I couldn’t do anything about him, so we signed an agreement, that is, I stay in this valley and are not allowed to go out at will. , I’m not allowed to kill people indiscriminately. I thought about it and I don’t want to go out anyway. As long as I don’t get disturbed, whoever is okay to kill people indiscriminately. So I agreed!”

“And he promised to block this valley and not let people come in. If someone comes in, then let me kill or kill! So since then, no one is entering this valley. Until now, you are Since then, the first people to come here!”

Little white snake explained everything clearly in one breath!

After speaking, she looked at Ling’er and Qiqi and the others with a grieved expression!

It seems like that again, I was staying in the own turf very well. You came over not only to disturb me, but also to arrest me. I was so wronged!

And after hearing what the little white snake said, Ling’er and Longxi couldn’t help but secretly said in their hearts. Sure enough, some history books really couldn’t be taken seriously, because these were written by the victor for us latecomers!

What really happened was that it was hidden or obliterated by them long ago!


Seeing Xiao Bai Snake’s aggrieved look, Ling’er and the others couldn’t help showing embarrassment!

Because they knew that what the little white snake said was indeed the truth.They stayed at home well, because they waited for others to disturb them first.More than that, Qiqi directly arrested them and used Ling’er as a mount!

Fortunately, Ling’er is not such a greedy person, and did not directly use the little white snake as a mount, but signed an equality contract with it!

“Little white snake, don’t be wronged, you will follow me in the future, but there are many delicious foods! And, I can take you to many places!”

“What’s fun here, the outside world is very exciting!!

Seeing Xiaobai Snake’s aggrieved look, Linger couldn’t help but patted own chest, and then promised!

“Is the outside world really as good as you said?”

Hearing what Ling’er said, Xiao Bai Snake was obviously moved a little too, and couldn’t help but ask with curiosity!

“Of course, how could I lie to you! If you don’t believe it, you can follow along and see if it becomes clear!”

Seeing that the little white snake was obviously moved, Ling’er continued to say!

“Okay, then I’ll go out with you to have a look!

Seeing that Ling’er had said this, Xiao Bai Snake didn’t hesitate, and now (Li Nuohao) nodded and turned back!

“Aha! Let’s go and fight together in the future! But let’s talk about it first. If I didn’t let you take action, don’t you want to kill people at will, you know?”

“You know, there are many very powerful people out there, and there are even many who are better than you! And before you said that the old man who beat you inextricably, but it is my grandfather!”

Seeing that Xiaobai Snake agreed, Linger was very happy, but she still reminded it!

When talking about Saint Org, Ling’er couldn’t help holding her head up, showing a proud look!

“Your grandfather’s village?”

After hearing Ling’er say that the old man who was inextricably beaten with it at the time was actually her grandfather, Xiao Bai Snake couldn’t help but be surprised!

At the same time, I also thought in my heart, “God’s will is really unpredictable

Unexpectedly, I fought with that old man a hundred years ago, and a hundred years later, he actually signed a contract with his younger generation. This is not what God’s intention is!

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