Chapter 720 Meet the Emperor!

After that, Ling’er and the others had no intention of fishing, so they sent the little white snake down to catch some fish and grilled them to eat!

After eating the grilled fish in a hurry, everyone returned to the imperial city, because Longxi was going to visit the emperor of the Yunling Empire, that is, the father of Ling’er, so he entered the palace with Ling’er and the others!

Although the meal was not full of pleasure, Ling’er was extremely happy.Even on the way back, she jumped and jumped, like a little girl who had eaten candy!

Signed a contract with a Holy Order Magical Beasts, can she be upset?

In the palace!

Linger bounced and led Longxi and others towards the Great Hall!

“Hey! Did something happen today? Why are you so happy!”

“Did you find Lord Ruyi Scepter?”

“Yeah! It’s possible, otherwise the princess wouldn’t be so happy!”

Seeing Ling’er stepping into the palace, the maids or guards passing by, couldn’t help but start talking in a low voice!

“Shhh! You don’t want to live anymore, so you dare to say these things! Walk around! Give me work!”

At this time, a middle-aged woman similar to the general manager came over and saw the palace ladies who were surrounded by them. After hearing what they were talking about, her face changed involuntarily, and she shouted at 593!

“Ah…Master in charge!

The palace ladies who were gathered together were obviously startled when they heard the sudden shout from behind, and then turned around, and when they saw the middle-aged woman with a stern face behind, they couldn’t help but cried out cautiously. !

“What are you doing in a daze? Don’t hurry up and work for me!”

Seeing that these little palace ladies were still ignorant of life and death, they were dumbfounded, and the female supervisor couldn’t help but glared at them, and then said!

“Ah…Yes! Master in charge, let’s go now!”

Hearing that, those little palace ladies quickly replied!

After speaking, he left in a hurry!

“It’s really a group of little girls who don’t know how to live or die, and talk about royal matters casually!”

After seeing those little palace ladies leave, the female supervisor couldn’t help but shook her head!

Then left too!

In the Great Hall!

The emperor was frowning and watching the news from the shadow guard. Suddenly the door of Great Hall was pushed open, and Ling’er was jumping in from outside!


After Linger walked into the Great Hall, she shouted sweetly at the emperor!

(agbd) What’s the matter today? It makes my princess so happy?”

Seeing that Ling’er was so happy today, the emperor couldn’t help but joked!

Hehe “! Today I met a very powerful partner, if someone bullies me in the future, I will let my partner beat him!”

Hearing this, Linger couldn’t help but said proudly!

“Ah! I didn’t expect my princess to know such a powerful partner. It seems that the father will not be able to suppress you to accompany you in the future!”

The emperor smiled, and then said!

As for what Linger said, that new partner he knew, the emperor didn’t care at all!

After all, in his opinion, his daughter’s mouth is not necessarily so powerful!

Ling’er thought that Emperor Father was going to praise herself, and now she also showed a proud look on her face!

“Late! By the way! Father, I have some friends who want to see you!”

Suddenly, Ling’er remembered that Longxi and the others, who were standing outside the door, couldn’t help but say to Emperor Own!

“Late! Your friends? I’m going to meet you soon! Let them in!”

Hearing what Ling’er said, the emperor glanced outside the door, then nodded and said!

As for the friend Linger said, as the emperor, how could he not know!

You know, this is the imperial city, his territory, and there are special circumstances now. For those close to his daughter, how could he not send someone to investigate it!

Therefore, he also has some understanding of the origins of Longxi and others, although not a lot, but at least he knows that they will not harm own daughters!

It’s just that for the two children (Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi), and the two women in the form of gods and beasts, he dare not investigate anyhow, because he can’t provoke, even the entire Yunling Empire can’t provoke it. !

What’s more, even if it is investigated, what can be done? Can it be done to them? By the time they will not only be evil, it may become a hostile relationship!

“Hehe! Father, I have asked them to come in for a long time!”

Seeing that her father had promised to meet Longxi and the others, Ling’er’s face suddenly became happy, and then she quickly thanked her!

After speaking, he ran towards the outside!

Long Xi and the others, who were waiting outside, saw Ling’er running out, so they asked, “How about it, does your father want to see us?”

The reason Longxi asked this was because she knew how difficult it is to meet an empire’s emperor!

Even in the Spirit Dragon Empire, it was very difficult for her to see the emperor, let alone other empire emperors!

“Hee hee, it’s Ling’er who is going to take the lead, how could the emperor father not see you!”

Hearing Long Xi’s question, Ling’er suddenly raised her head and said with a smug expression!

“Then when will your father see us?”

After listening to Ling’er’s words, Long Xi was also relieved, and then asked quickly!

“Go! Father will see you now, come in with me!”

After hearing this, Ling’er said towards it!

After speaking, he waved to Longxi and the others again, motioned them to follow him, and then walked towards the Great Hall!

Seeing this, Long Xi and the others did not dare to hesitate, and immediately followed!

After a while, Longxi and the others followed Ling’er to the Great Hall. After seeing the emperor sitting on the throne, they quickly saluted him: “Farewell to your majesty!”

“Hey! You are all Ling’er’s friends, and this time you are here to help Ling’er, so you don’t need to be polite!

Seeing this, the emperor also nodded towards Longxi and the others, then waved and said!

After speaking, he ordered to the eunuch next to him: “Look at the seat!”

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

Hearing the emperor’s order, the thick eunuch next to him responded quickly, and then ordered someone to move a chair to Longxi and the others!

“Thank your Majesty!”

Seeing that the emperor said that he was thankful, Longxi and the others were not hypocritical, and after thanking them, they sat down!

Because if you refuse, it means that you don’t admit that you are Ling’er’s friends, and the relationship between them will be alienated!

“Ling’er heard that you want to see Lian? I wonder if there is anything wrong?”

After Longxi and the others sat down, the emperor asked them curiously!

“That’s your Majesty! Yesterday, a secret order came from the Empire (Linglong Empire). Let me personally hand it over to you!”

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