Chapter 718 Excited Linger!

“But you are not a saint, how can you fly?”

After hearing Qiqi say that she is not a saint, Qin Qin also asked with a puzzled look!

“Kiki would fly!”

Hearing that, Qiqi also looked at Qinqin blankly!

Compared with Qinqin’s care about Qiqi’s flight, Longxi also cares more about what Yu Qiqi said just now!

“Cause is a saint?”

Looking at the small country that squatted and caught the fish by himself, Long Xi couldn’t help being shocked!

This time I received this task, I thought it was just to protect it, Linger, a princess with outstanding talent, did not expect to find so many powerful men by her side!

Moreover, among these strong men, there are two younger girls!

“Late, by the way! Linger Big sis, see what good things Qiqi brought you!

At this moment, Qiqi suddenly thought of something, so she said mysteriously at Ling’er!

“Huh? What? It’s so mysterious?”

Seeing this, Ling’er also asked blankly!

“Hehe! Jun Junjun, look, what did I catch for you!”

Seeing Ling’er’s dazed expression, Qiqi was not hesitating anymore, but when she stretched out her hand, the white snake suddenly appeared on her hand!

“Little white snake?”

Seeing the white in the heart of Kiki’s hand, Ling’er couldn’t help but stared at Kiki with a strange expression, like that, why are you catching a little snake for me?

Linger “Big sis, this is the mount Qiqi grabbed for you!”

Seeing Ling’er Big sis looking at her puzzledly, Qiqi said quickly!


Upon hearing Qiqi’s explanation, Linger’s eyes widened, and she looked at Qiqi in disbelief!

Such a small snake, you actually said that you want to be a mount for me? I think it was me who used it as a mount!

“Kiki! I think this mount is forgotten! After all, it’s so small.

Ling’er said softly!

“Ling’er Big sis, don’t look at this little white snake as small, but it will become bigger, and it will become very big!”

Seeing Linger’s Big sis, she seemed to have misunderstood, Qiqi quickly explained!


Hearing this, Ling’er was stunned again, and then looked at the little white snake in Qiqi’s hands with a look of disbelief!

It’s not that Ling’er doesn’t believe in Qiqi’s words, and she wants to come, even if this little white snake will grow bigger, how big it can become!

Seeing Linger Big sis, I still don’t believe it. Now Qiqi was a little anxious, and immediately ordered to the little white snake in her hand:

“Little snake snake, wait for you to grow bigger and let Ling’er Big sis take a look! But you can’t run away, otherwise I will catch you back and roast it!”

Hearing Qiqi’s words, the little white snake nodded without thinking!

Seeing that the little white snake could actually understand Qiqi’s words, it was not only Ling’er now, but also Longxi and Qinqin who were next to him came over, and then stared at the little white snake in Qiqi’s hand with curiosity!

Seeing the little snake nodded, Qiqi also showed a satisfied smile on her face, and immediately threw the little white snake towards the lake!

After being thrown out by Qiqi, the little white snake also sank into the lake!

“Kiki, how do you throw it away? Even if it can’t be used as a mount for me, we can take it as a pet and keep it! I think that little white snake is also very cute and very spiritual!”

Seeing Qiqi throw away the little white snake, Ling’er couldn’t help showing a pity on her face, and immediately asked Qiqi!

“Hehe! Linger Big sis, you will know later! But you can’t be scared! Longxi Big sis, Qinqin Big sis, don’t be scared either!”

Hearing Ling’er’s question, Qiqi still said to everyone with a mysterious face!

“Cut! What kind of scenes I have never seen before, how could I be scared!”

Upon hearing this, Ling’er said with disdain!

And Long Xi just smiled and didn’t say anything, but judging from her face, maybe she didn’t take Qiqi’s words seriously!

Only Qinqin leaned against Longxi cautiously, it seemed that she believed Qiqi’s words!

But at this moment, I saw that the originally very calm lake suddenly gasped with bubbles one by one, and the entire lake was also violently moving, and ripples began to spread from the center of the lake to the lake!


Suddenly, the surface of the lake seemed to be exploded, and a huge column of water rose into the sky!

I saw a huge white figure suddenly emerged from the lake!

Seeing this huge white figure, Ling’er and Longxi’s faces froze suddenly, and Qinqin, who was hiding behind Longxi, also stared at him incredulously. The huge white figure that emerged from inside!

It was a huge white giant snake, although this white giant snake only showed a head from the lake, the rice is this head, and it is as big as a small hill, and its eyes are bigger than a house!

Good “…what a big snake!”

Qinqin looked at the snake head protruding from the lake with a shocked look, and then exclaimed!

“This, this is the one just now…

Ling’er pointed at the huge snake head in shock, and then stammered speechless!

Hee hee “Ling’er Big sis, how about it, isn’t the little white snake transformed into a big one?”

Seeing this, Qiqi said with a smile!

“Yeah! It’s huge!

Upon hearing Kiki’s words, Linger couldn’t help but nodded fiercely from Lord 593!

And Longxi next to him also looked at not far away with a shocked look, the huge snake head, and he kept muttering to himself:

“Magical Beasts of the Holy Order, absolutely Magical Beasts of the Holy Order! If it weren’t for the Magical Beasts of the Holy Order, there would be absolutely no such power!”

“Kiki! Is this going to be given to me as a mount?”

At this moment, Ling’er remembered what Qiqi had said earlier, and couldn’t help but ask her with a look of excitement!

“Of course! Linger Big sis, didn’t you say that you also want a mount? I think this little snake is a good fit for you! Are you satisfied?”

After hearing this, Qiqi also nodded with a certain face, and then said!

“Satisfied, satisfied! How can you be dissatisfied!”

When she heard Qiqi’s affirmative words, Linger nodded her head and turned back without even thinking about it!

“Okay! Click on the little snakes and you will come back!”

Seeing Ling’er Big sis, her face was excited, Qiqi suddenly laughed, and then shouted at the giant white snake in the lake!

After hearing Qiqi’s words, the giant white snake did not dare to disobey, and no longer hesitated at the moment, I saw the white light emitting from its body, and then its body slowly shrank, and finally only shrank to the size of a little finger, and then stopped. Come down!

After shrinking to the size of a little finger, the white snake came back into Kiki’s hands with a small flash!

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