Chapter 717 Dumbfounded White Giant Snake!

“Blue Big sis, white Big sis, why are you here?”

After seeing Lan Baibaihe coming, Qiqi also asked a little strangely!

“We are worried that something will happen to you, little master!”

Hearing Qiqi’s question, Lan Lan replied!

“Blue Big sis, white Big sis! It’s this little snake who stole the fish that Qiqi caught!

Kiki pointed to the white giant snake, and then, like a child, complained to Lan and Bai Bai!

And when the white giant snake saw two more people coming, he couldn’t help but become more afraid!

Magical Beasts’ notification was already strong. Although it could not tell Qiqi’s true identity, it vaguely told Lan and Baibai that these two last women, like themselves, are all Magical Beasts. !

Since they are Magical Beasts, but they have the human body “Five Nine Three”, then it means that they have already transformed!

And on the Celestial Continent, Magical Beasts can transform what it means, it’s not Xiaobai who doesn’t know how, so how could it not know!

That means that these two human beings who came later, their bodies are divine beasts!

Thinking of this, the white giant snake was also dumbfounded, didn’t he choose a good time for going out today?

It’s just that I accidentally ate a fish, and unexpectedly dispatched two transformed beasts, as well as a human child!

That particular human child. Although the White Snake Giant Snake doesn’t know her true identity, but when it can feel the incomparably powerful force from its tail, it is under this force and does not dare to move at all!

Thinking of this, the white giant snake had no hope of being able to escape, so he simply closed his eyes and waited for the final judgment!

“Leave it to us, little master! Don’t your Linger Big sis always want to be a mount? We will catch it back and give it to your Linger Big sis as a mount, I think she will be very happy!”

Hearing Qiqi’s words, she couldn’t help but smile for nothing, and then said!

“Hey! It seems to be late! Then we will catch it back and use Ling’er Big sis as a mount! Who would let it steal the fish caught by Qiqi!”

After such a free reminder, Qiqi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then nodded and said!

“Little white snake, are you getting smaller by yourself, or do you want us to take action?”

Seeing that the little master agreed, Bai Bai looked at the giant white snake again, and said!

After finishing speaking, an aura that only Magical Beasts can feel, spread from Lan and Baibai!

After feeling these two terrifying auras, where did the white giant snake dare to hesitate, the white light flashed, and its huge body quickly shrank under the gazes of Qiqi and Lan Lan!

After a while, that huge white giant snake shrank to a white snake the size of a little finger!


Looking at the little white snake floating in front of her, Qiqi couldn’t help showing a smile on her face, and then grabbed the little white snake in her palm!

“Blue Big sis, white Big sis, let’s go back! Otherwise Linger Big sis and the others will be worried!”

While holding the little white snake in her hand, Qiqi said to the blue and white beside her!

If the two would oppose Qiqi, they nodded right now!

After that, the three of them quickly swam back towards the lake!

By the lake!

“Yueyin! Why haven’t Qiqi and the others come up yet? Could something be wrong?”

Ling’er, who was walking around by the lake, couldn’t help asking Xiao Guoguo with a worried look on her face!

Although I know that Lan and Bai Bai are divine beasts, Ling’er is still a little worried after all this time has passed!

Linger “Big sis, you have asked this for the first time, didn’t I say it? Qiqi and the others are fine!

Seeing this, Xiao Yinyin also pulled his face, and then replied!

As soon as Xiaoguo’s national dialect was finished, she felt something. She pointed to the surface of the lake, and then said to Ling’er who looked worried: “Look, Qiqi and the others are back!”

“Back? Where?”

Hearing what the community said, not only Ling’er, but also Longxi and Qinqin next to them hurriedly turned their heads and looked towards the lake!

As soon as the three of them turned their heads, they saw the originally calm lake surface, and a wave suddenly appeared, and then three Daoist shadows shot out from the lake. These three Daoist shadows weren’t Qiqi, who else could they be!


After seeing that it was indeed Qiqi and the others coming back, Linger couldn’t help but cried out happily!


After hearing Ling’er Big sis’s cry, Qiqi also stood up immediately, then flew in front of Ling’er and fell down!

“Kiki, are you okay!”

Seeing Qiqi falling in front of own, Ling’er hurriedly walked over, and then looked carefully at Qiqi. After confirming the date, she couldn’t help but relax!

“Kiki, don’t be so impulsive in the future, know? It’s just a fish, and we will go there. Wouldn’t it be alright if we fished again? There is no need to rush into the lake to take risks!”

After relaxing, Ling’er couldn’t help but sullen her face, and then trained towards Qiqi!

“Yeah! Qiqi got it!

Seeing this, Qiqi also nodded, indicating that she understood!

And Longxi and Qinqin also opened their mouths now, looking at Qiqi and Lanlan in disbelief!

Feifei “come back? Qiqi and the others can actually fly?”

The reason why the two of them were so shocked was because when Qiqi and the others came back, they actually flew over!

People who practice on the Celestial Continent know that flying is the symbol of the holy rank.Of course, this is not an absolute one.There are some special talented races that can fly even when the Cultivation Base is not at the holy rank!

But Longxi and Qinqin didn’t know Qiqi 8 and their identities, and thought they were also humans, so they were so shocked when they saw Qiqi and the others fly back!

At the same time, Long Xi also suddenly realized why the Yunling Empire would let Ling’er out under this special situation with 1.3. It turns out that this is their dependence!

Thinking of this, Long Xi couldn’t help showing a wry smile on his face, and there were three holy rank powerhouses by his side.Unless the god rank powerhouse took the action personally, who else could hurt her?

“Kiki! Blue Big sis, White Big sis! You can actually fly, are you saints?”

Qinqin is not like Longxi, who can hide everything in his heart, and then ask Qiqi and the others with surprise!

“Sage? Is it Sage? Isn’t Kiki! Kiki is just a quasi-sage now! Because Big sis belongs to Sage!”

When Qinxin asked if she was a saint, Qiqi thought that Qinqin was asking her if she was a prehistoric Sage, so she shook her head and replied!

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