Chapter 716: The White Giant Snake Who Stole Fish!


Hearing this, although Qinqin also calmed down, she looked at Longxi with a puzzled expression!

“Ah! You will know later!

Seeing her look puzzled, Long Xi didn’t say much, just smiled at her!

the other side!

But it is said that after Kiki jumped into the lake, she saw a huge white shadow swimming towards the bottom of the lake, and immediately chased it up without even thinking about it!

Don’t say it’s a child, even an adult, if you see a white figure, I’m afraid it will be directly-scared stupid!

Because this white figure is really too big and too long, compared with this white figure, Kiki feels like an ant and a giant snake with the size of a wrist!

Yes, you are right, this white figure is indeed a huge snake!

This giant snake is nearly ten feet wide and at least more than a hundred meters long. Any human being who sees such a giant snake will probably be frightened directly!

But is Kiki an ordinary person? The answer is no!

How can Qiqi say it is also a prehistoric alien, and later because of Qin Xuan, she got the inheritance of the Chaos Tianhu, and the heel is from an ordinary prehistoric alien, Ascension to the top of the predecessor!

And where is the prehistoric world, there is not one of the top worlds in the world, there are countless alien species in it, not to mention a hundred-meter-long giant snake, even if it is a million meters, tens of thousands of meters or even larger There are countless longer giant snakes!

So, how can you be scared by a giant snake that is only a hundred meters long!

In two or three blows, Kiki had already caught up with the giant snake. When she saw the giant snake with her own fishing rod hanging on her mouth, she immediately grabbed the giant snake without thinking about it. Tail!

Then he shouted fiercely: “Big villain, dare to steal the fish that Qiqi caught! Let Qiqi caught it now!

As for (how can Qiqi talk in the water, if she can’t do this, she is still a cultivator!)

And after the giant snake swallowed the fish that Qiqi caught in one bite, it swam towards the bottom of the lake.As for why it didn’t attack the community and the others, it was because it felt that the community was too small for them to be enough. It’s stuffed between its teeth, so it didn’t deal with them in the community!

But when he was swimming towards the bottom of the lake, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from his tail. Under this force, he was like a caught ant, unable to move at all!

Then I heard a Daoist-like language coming from behind.As for what it is so sure that it is a human language, it is because it has once fought a human being. In the water, then humans have nothing to do with it!

Yes, this snake was what Longxi said. In order to prevent humans from disturbing it, one killed the humans in the valley. Later, the Yunling Empire sent many soldiers, but it was helpless. In the end, The Magical Beasts that was suppressed by the Ogg Saint himself!

However, this terrifying Magical Beasts in Longxi’s mouth, after being caught by Qiqi, could not move at all.This shows how terrifying the power of Qiqi is!

Feeling the huge power coming from behind him, the giant snake couldn’t help turning his head stiffly and looking behind him!

I saw a human child who was smaller than an ant (for it, it was indeed as small as an ant), grabbing his own tail, and glaring at him with wide-eyed eyes, as if he had done something maddening!

Seeing this scene, the giant snake was also stupid!

Isn’t this human child just one of the few humans she saw when she was just by the lake? Why did she run down, and still clutching her own tail?

“Say! Why did you steal Kiki’s fish? Where did you hide Kiki’s fish?”

Seeing that the villain was looking at herself stupidly, Kiki couldn’t help but glared at it, and then asked again!

“Fish? Is it the little fish I took off just now?”

Hearing Qiqi’s question, the giant snake blinked his own big eyes, and then started thinking hard!

Suddenly, it remembered that it was asleep at the bottom of the lake just now, and then it felt that someone came to the lake, so it went up and took a look, but after seeing a few humans, it felt boring.

So I was ready to return.On the way back, I saw a small fish dangling in front of my eyes, so I didn’t think much about it, so I just swallowed it!

0……Look for flowers…

Is this human child chasing own because of that little fish?

Thinking of this, the giant snake suddenly felt that he was extremely wronged!

I think it is usually at the bottom of the lake, several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times larger than this, and I don’t know how many fishes have been eaten, but this time it just swallowed a small fish casually, and it caused misfortune!

As for why the giant snake doesn’t resist, do you think it doesn’t want to?

But the huge power from its tail made it instinctively afraid to move. How could it resist?

“Fish? Do you want a lot of fish? If you want, I can send you a lot of fish!”

For his own life, the giant snake didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately asked Qiqi cautiously!

“Huh? Do you have a lot of fish?”

After hearing this, Qiqi was also taken aback, and then asked happily toward the giant snake!


Hearing Qiqi’s question, the giant snake nodded without thinking about it, because this lake is all its own, so all the fish in the lake are its own, so it’s right to say that it has a lot of fish!

However, due to its huge size, as it nodded quickly, huge waves suddenly appeared on the originally calm lake!

Looking at the huge waves that suddenly appeared on the lake, Ling’er, Longxi and Qinqin, who had settled down by themselves, couldn’t help but become a little worried!

“But… but that fish is different. It was after Qiqi worked hard for a long time before he caught it!”

Seeing the giant snake nodding, Qiqi reacted and felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a while, she remembered that the fish was the fish she had caught for the first time, so she said!

“But I also want to eat your fish deliberately!

The white giant snake said aggrievedly!

At this time, just when Qiqi wanted to say something, two more figures came behind Qiqi, these two figures were not others, they were the blue and white that were chasing down!

“little Master!”

Lan Lan and Bai Bai came behind Qiqi, and when they saw this huge white snake, they were surprised at all, as if they had known the existence of this huge snake a long time ago!

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