Chapter 698 Gods? Two Gods!

“They are Lan’er Big sis and Baier Big sis! Don’t you know each other before?”

Upon hearing Ling’er’s question, Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi couldn’t help but look at her with strange expressions, and then said!

“I knew them before?”

Hearing Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi’s words, Ling’er suddenly looked blank and began to search hard in her mind, but no matter how she searched, she couldn’t find these two women in Own’s memory!

Linger “! These are your friends?”

Just as Ling’er fell into a memory, the emperor and his party also came over, and then asked Ling’er with a curious look!

“Ah! Father!

Ling’er, who was remembering, was also awakened by this sudden voice!

“Don’t hurry up and introduce to Father Father!”

Seeing that his own daughter was still in a daze, the emperor glared at her immediately, and then said angrily!

And after seeing the emperor coming, the two women immediately stood in front of Yin and Qiqi in the community, and then Qiqi stared at the emperor!

No, to be precise, it is to stare at the great ancestor behind the emperor, because among this group of people, only this person can make them feel dangerous!

06 And the great ancestor who stood behind the emperor, when these two women stared at him, also felt a fatal crisis.At the moment, they slammed and blocked the emperor’s front without even thinking about it!

Then he looked at the two women in front of him, and asked in a deep voice: “Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here? Are they from the Dark Vatican?”

“Great Patriarch! What happened?”

Regarding the sudden action of the great ancestor, everyone present was also at a loss, and they didn’t know what happened!

“You guys step back!”

But for everyone’s doubts, the great ancestor didn’t say anything, just waved at them and signaled them to retreat!

Hearing that, although everyone didn’t know what happened, they didn’t dare to violate the words of the great ancestor, so they retreated one after another!

After everyone retreated, the emperor suddenly found his own daughter Ling’er still standing there stupidly. He couldn’t help but shouted: “Ling’er, don’t come here yet!”

As for why the great ancestor would do this, it was because he felt the same level of aura as him in these two women, that is to say, the two women in front of him are all god-level powerhouses!

“Huh? What happened?”

Ling’er looked at all this blankly!

Not only her, but one of the people present did not retreat.This person is the Oge Saint!

The Oge Saint obviously recognized Xiaoyin and Qiqi, and knew that they would not hurt themselves, so they didn’t step back!

“Dage! What’s the matter?”

Saint Aoge looked at the great ancestor with a puzzled face, and then asked!

“These two people may be members of the Dark Vatican!”

The great ancestor did not conceal the inquiry of the Oge Saint, and he said in a deep voice at the moment!

“What! People of the Dark Vatican?”

Sure enough, when he heard the words of the great ancestor, the emperor and the others who retreated back suddenly exclaimed in shock.

“Hmph! You are a big bad guy, Guoguo and Qiqi are not dark people from the Holy See!”

After hearing what the great ancestor said, Xiao Yin suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the great ancestor, and then said with a grumble expression!

“Great Patriarch! Did you make a mistake? How could Yin and Qiqi be members of the Dark Vatican?”

After hearing this, Ling’er also said with a puzzled expression!

“Yes, Dage! I can assure you that these two little girls are definitely not from the Dark Vatican! I think you may be mistaken!”

The Ogg Saint beside him also echoed!


Hearing this, the great ancestor frowned involuntarily, and then secretly said in his heart: “Have I made a mistake? But these two god-ranked powerhouses came here for hiding their identities, what are they for?”

“Ogg! Do you know them?”

Although there was still some suspicion in his heart, the great ancestor’s guard was obviously relaxed, and he immediately asked Aoge Sage!

“Yeah! Know! It’s not just me, but Ling’er also knows! A few years ago, I Heling lived there for a few days!

Hearing the great ancestor’s question, Oge Saint also nodded hastily, and then explained!

“I don’t know if the two gods are driving, Oli seems to have offended just now, and I hope the two gods will forgive me!”

After hearing the explanation of the Oge Saint, the guard in the grand ancestor’s heart was obviously put down, and the two women who stood in front of Xiaoyin and Qiqi immediately hugged the cupped fist, and then said!

“Huh? God?”

Hearing what the great ancestor said, the people present were taken aback, and when they reacted, they all stared at the two women in front of them with horror!

No wonder the great ancestor was so nervous just now, it turned out that he felt the existence of the same level, and there were still two!

Regarding the two god-level powerhouses suddenly breaking into the palace, no matter who they are, I am afraid they will be nervous!

“God? What is that?

Hearing what the great ancestor said, Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi looked at a loss, and they didn’t know what they meant!

“Lan’er Big sis, Bai’er Big sis, is Grandpa talking about you?”

Seeing everyone present, they all looked at Lan’er Big sis and Sister Bai’er 530 with horror, Xiao Yin suddenly asked with a puzzled look!


Hearing that, the two women also nodded and admitted!

“But what is a god?”

The two little guys asked curiously again!

“It’s a name!

In response to the questions of the two little guys, the woman in the blue clothes still patiently explained!


Hearing the woman’s explanation, the two little guys still nodded their heads without understanding, and they didn’t know if they did not understand!

“Because! Qiqi! Who are these two? They are actually gods!”

Hearing what the great ancestor said, Linger immediately looked at the two women with excitement, and then asked the two little guys!

“Ling’er Big sis, didn’t I tell you just now? Why did you forget it again?”

Hearing Ling’er’s question again, the community suddenly said with dissatisfaction!

Suddenly Linger didn’t listen carefully to what she said just now!

“What you said just now? But I don’t even know them!”

Seeing Xiaoguo gazed at herself, Ling’er also replied blankly!

I really have never seen these two people, and they are still two gods, it is even more impossible to know them!

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