Chapter 697

However, Linger followed everyone to a wide square!

At this time, the square was already surrounded by many guards, and surrounded by them were two big, two and four figures!

Among them, the two small figures made Ling’er feel very familiar, but because they were far away, she didn’t know who was surrounded by them!

“Your Majesty is here!”

At this moment, the guard leading the way suddenly shouted!

Following the loud shout of the guard, the surrounding guards turned around one after another, and then knelt down and shouted: “Farewell to your Majesty!”

“Don’t be polite! Get up!”

The middle-aged emperor who was walking in front raised his hand and said!

“Thank your Majesty!”

After hearing the emperor’s words, the surrounding guards also stood up!

After everyone stood up, another way came out, only to see a big man with a beard wearing a bronze “Five Thirty Zero” armor, coming from inside!

“Your Majesty! Why are you here!”

This big man with a beard came to the emperor and said with a worried look!

“Why? It’s like this! Can’t I come?

The emperor glared at the big man with a beard, and then asked angrily!

“Where, your Majesty can go anywhere you want, but it’s dangerous now! I’m afraid you are in danger, your Majesty?”

Seeing this, the big bearded man hurriedly said with a smile!

“Okay! Don’t flatter yourself! Tell me what the situation is? Do you know who the intruders are?”

Hearing this, the emperor waved his hand, interrupted directly, and then asked!

Hearing the emperor’s question, the big man suddenly became serious, and then he told the cause and effect of the matter!

Your Majesty”! Those intruders don’t seem to be from our Yunling Empire! They are very powerful, many soldiers have been injured by them, and they are unable to fight again!!

“But one thing is certain! That is, they are here to look for Princess Ling’er!”

Suddenly, the bearded man seemed to think of something, and immediately added it again!

Really “Ling’er?”

Hearing some words of the big man, the emperor’s brows frowned slightly!

At the same time, I thought to myself: “How can Ling’er know such a strong person, who can defeat the generals of my Yunling Empire, and so many soldiers, the Cultivation Base is at least above the holy rank!”

“Let’s go! Let’s go over, I want to see, who are the people these Linger knows!”

In the end, unable to think of a reason, the emperor waved his hand to the big man and motioned him to let go!

“But your Majesty, if you are in the past, what if………….

Seeing this, the general looked at the emperor hesitantly, and then said!

“Okay! You quickly get out of my way, is it so fragile in your eyes?”

Upon hearing this, the emperor interrupted him again, glared at him fiercely, and then said angrily!

Hearing the emperor’s words, the general reacted at this time.The emperor in front of him didn’t want to be as weak on the surface, and he was also a strong saint!

Therefore, the general did not dare to say anything at the moment, and respectfully stepped aside!

“Go! Ling’er go and see your friends with her skin!”

The emperor said to Ling’er behind him, and then walked towards the front!

Hearing this, Ling’er also showed curiosity on her face, and immediately followed him without even thinking about it!

The others followed behind and walked over!


The emperor and his party walked to the middle, and when they saw the people who were surrounded, he couldn’t help but be stunned!

Because he found that the people who were surrounded were actually two women in their twenties.One of them was wearing a blue long dress with a fiery red flame mark on his forehead!

The other is also wearing a white long dress, with a golden thunder and lightning mark printed on his forehead!

And behind them, there are two very cute little girls who are only a few years old!

At this moment, the two women were surrounding the two little girls, and at the same time they looked around with a guard, for fear that the two little girls would suffer a little bit of harm!

But what made the emperor felt strange was that surrounded by so many people, these two little girls, who were only a few years old, did not have the slightest fear on their faces. Instead, they were looking around with interest. Trust the two women so much, or so sure that the soldiers around can’t hurt them?

“Because? Qiqi?”

Just when the emperor felt strange, he suddenly heard a surprised voice behind him!

Before he could react, he saw a figure rushing out from behind him!

Take a closer look, who else could it be that girl from Ling’er!

After Ling’er rushed out, the two women who were surrounded and the two little girls suddenly noticed the movement here, and they came right now!

When I felt someone rushing towards me, the two women immediately blocked the front. Suddenly, as long as the person rushing closer came closer, the two of them would make a fatal blow!

But after they could see who the person rushing over was, their originally guarded expression gradually relaxed!

“Linger Big sis!”

And when the two little girls saw that the person rushing over was Ling’er, their faces couldn’t help showing a look of surprise, and they shouted loudly right away!

“Yin, Kiki! It’s really you! Are you here to see me?”

Ling’er ran up to the two little girls, and then asked in surprise!

Yes, these two little girls are Xiao Guoyin He Qiqi!

Hearing this, Xiao Guoyin He Qiqi nodded, and then said: “Hehe! We miss you, isn’t this boring anymore? So I came to see you!”

“But Linger Big sis! These people are so bad that they wouldn’t let us see you! Therefore, Yin and Qiqi let Laner Big sis and Baier Big sis hit them! Seeing that they still dare not let us see you! We see Linger Big sis, don’t you!”

At this moment, Xiaoyin suddenly thought of something because of Qiqi, and immediately complained to Ling’er with an angry expression!


After hearing the explanation of the community and Qiqi, Ling’er’s forehead could not help but be covered with black lines!

“This is really the two little guys I know, their hearts are still as big as 1.3, and they look like they are not afraid of the sky!”

After hearing what Xiaoyin and Qiqi said, Ling’er couldn’t help but think of it silently!

“But who are Lan’er Big sis and Baier Big sis? Is it the Big sis that Xiaoyin and Qiqi met after I left?”

Thinking of this, Ling’er couldn’t help but look curiously, standing next to Xiaoyin and Qiqi, and always guarding the two women around!

But for Ling’er’s gaze, these two women didn’t care at all.They still looked around with their eyes alertly, for fear that something might happen suddenly that would hurt Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi!

“Are these two? Because! Qiqi! Don’t introduce Linger Big sis yet!”

Seeing that these two women didn’t care about herself at all, Ling’er immediately asked Xiaoyin and Qiqi with curiosity!

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