Chapter 699 What? They Are Blue and White?

“Hmph! I didn’t even know you! When I went to meet you and my Big Brother, I was sitting on the blue Big sis!”

Xiao Guoguo looked at Ling’er with a look of someone you lied to, and then reminded!

“What? I have sat on the body of a god?”

After listening to the community, Ling’er’s eyes widened with an unbelievable look. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind, as if she had thought of something, she could not help but exclaimed: “Wait! Because of the country, you are Say, these two gods are your mounts back then, blue and white?”


Hearing this, Xiao Yingying nodded!

This is not just Ling’er, even the Ogg Saint who is standing next to her. His eyes widened, his face looked incredible!

“These two gods are the two very cute sacred beasts back then?

In just a few years, they have already broken through the existence of the beast level? How is this possible?

But the facts are right in front of them, and Ogle Saints can’t help it if they don’t believe it!

“Are you blue and white?”

Ling’er looked at the blue and white in front of her with a dull face, and then asked!

Seeing this, Lan and Baibai also nodded!

“It’s really you! Tell me how you can break through so quickly?”

Linger asked again!

“Master’s advice!”

The two still cherish the words and replied like gold!

“Ogg! It seems that you know these two gods! Don’t introduce them quickly!”

Seeing Ling’er chatting with Lan Lan and Baibai, at this moment, the great ancestor emperor also walked over, and then asked Aoge Sage!

Hearing the great ancestor’s question, Ogg told the story of the matter without thinking too much!

“Divine beast? Mount? And Qin senior?”

And after hearing the explanation of the Aoge Saint, the great ancestor, the emperor and others were also stunned!

But one thing they figured out is that these two gods are actually just the mounts and bodyguards of these two little girls!

At the same time, I was extremely curious about the Qin senior in the mouth of the Oge Saint!

What kind of existence is this Qin senior who can actually allow two sacred beasts to be the mounts and bodyguards of these two little girls?

Moreover, it seems that these two sacred beasts are still very willing, and they are not controlled at all!

You know, Magical Beasts is very repulsive to humans, not to mention that this intelligence is already comparable to human beings!

Seeing that Ling’er was still asking about Lan and Baibai, without any measure, the emperor really squeezed a cold sweat for her, fearing that these two sacred beasts would suddenly become impatient and kill Ling’er!

So the emperor gave Ling’er a quick wink, and then said:

Linger “! What’s the matter, let’s go back to the palace and talk about it! If you don’t have a hurry, I will invite two sacred beasts to enter, please!”

“Cough! That’s right! Because, Kiki! Go, go back to the palace with me! There are many delicious things in it, this time I will let you eat enough!”

Hearing the emperor’s reminder, Ling’er suddenly realized it, and then said to Yinhe Qiqi in the community!


Sure enough, the two little guys’ eyes brightened when they mentioned food, and then they couldn’t wait to ask!

“Of course! How could I lie to you!”

Seeing the two little guys suddenly didn’t believe in herself, Ling’er said with a dissatisfaction at the moment!

“Okay! Linger Big sis, we believe you, can’t we!”

Seeing Ling’er Big sis suddenly seemed a little angry, the two little guys also quickly apologized!

“Aha! It’s okay! Let’s go in quickly!”

Hearing that, Ling’er just smiled, then took the hands of the two little guys, and walked inside!

Seeing this, Lan Bai Baihe, who had been guarding the two little guys, followed behind them silently, just like a bodyguard!

Regarding this, the great ancestor, the emperor and others couldn’t help but look at each other, and then followed!

“Tutu, Kiki! Do you think my house is big? Is it bigger than the place where Big Brother lives?”

Beside the two little guys, Ling’er seems to be back in the extreme west back then, and there is no trouble following the two little guys expedition, and there is no need to think about so many things!

“That’s not it! Humph! The place where my big Big Brother really lives, but it’s very big! It’s been a long time before, and it can’t fly!”

After listening to Ling’er, he shook his head, and then replied!


Hearing that, Ling’er looked at Xiao Yinyin with a look of disbelief!

Linger certainly didn’t believe it. Regarding the flying speed of Xiao Yuanyuan, she knew that when she was in the extreme west, she definitely flew faster than grandpa own, so how could it be possible to fly for a long time? Not to the edge?

Therefore, Ling’er thought that Xiaoyin said that because she was afraid that her big Big Brother would lose her face at this time!


Xiaoyin nodded affirmatively!

In fact, what Ling’er didn’t know was that Xiao Guoguo didn’t lie to her at all, but what they were talking about was not in the same way at all!

The place of the novel is the world Qin Xuan opened up in the wilderness, and Ling’er thinks that the place Xiaoyin is talking about is somewhere in the Celestial Continent!

so. The understanding of the two is not the same boundary line at all!

“‘”Yin, Kiki! The place ahead is where I live! Go, I’ll take you to see it!”

After walking for a while, Ling’er suddenly pointed to a palace not far in front, and then said to the two little guys!


After listening to Ling’er, the two little guys agreed directly without thinking!

And the blue and white, who have been silently following them, naturally have no opinion on the words of these two little masters!

But the emperor, grand ancestor and others who have been following them far away are in a hurry!

At the same time, I blamed Ling’er for being so ignorant!

The two in front are sacred beasts, you don’t take them to Da (Li Hao’s hall to entertain them, but take them to the place where you live, isn’t this disrespect for the powerhouse of the gods?

“Aah! Dage. Aolong, don’t worry, you two! Nothing will happen!”

Perhaps seeing the worries of the two, Saint Org couldn’t help but said with a smile!

For the two people’s concerns, Oge Saint also understood very much in his heart.After all, the two above are sacred beasts, and their own Dage is the same first-level other existence, and may even be stronger than his own Dage!

After all, the sacred beasts are at the same first-level level, and they are indeed better than humans!

But when he went to see Qin Xuan in the extreme west, he naturally understood how good the relationship between Ling’er and these two little girls is. Don’t look at them, they are always noisy, but they still care about each other!

Not to mention the two mythical beasts, they are basically based on the words of the two little girls, and there will be no rebuttal.

Therefore, Ogg Saints don’t worry that they will be angry!

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