Chapter 681: What? Mr. Langyun is a Gentleman?

Like Ling’er, this little girl, Lang Yun has been outside with Qin Xuan for several years, and he has seen a lot!

Although his heart is not bad, he is too selfish. In the words of the master, he is a child who has been spoiled since childhood!

“Okay, Ling’er! Mr. Wolf said he wouldn’t want it, so he wouldn’t want it!

At this moment, Winnie suddenly reprimanded Ling Ji!

“Winnie Big sis! This is a lotus of ice and snow, a god of Ascension Cultivation Base!”

After hearing this, Linger quickly reminded!

“I know! This ice lotus may be useful to me, but for Mr. Wolf, it shouldn’t be of any use!”

Winnie said again!

After speaking, he stared at Lang Yun with his eyes firmly!


Ling’er glanced at Lang Yun, then at Winnie, and then asked!

“Because Langyun senior should be a god-level powerhouse! I wonder if I’m right?”

Hearing Ling’er’s question, Winnie still didn’t remove her eyes from Lang Yun!

“What! God-level powerhouse? You said he is God-level powerhouse? Winnie Big sis, do you feel wrong?”

After hearing Winnie say that Lang Yun is a 467-level powerhouse of God, Ling’er suddenly exclaimed in disbelief!

Not only Ling’er, even the one who hasn’t spoken next to Elena looked at Wolf Yun with an incredible expression!

It’s not bad that they are so shocked!

God-level powerhouse, what a remote Realm that is!

There are only a few strong gods on the face of the entire Celestial Continent!

But these god-level powerhouses are not what they can see at all.The main reason is that they are not qualified enough to see the god-level powerhouses!

And now I heard Winnie say that this Mr. Langyun in front of me is a powerhouse of the gods, how can this not shock them!

“I won’t feel wrong! Being able to follow us without being discovered by me, and hiding so well, if Langyun senior doesn’t show up automatically, we may never find him, except for the god-ranked powerhouse. , I really can’t think of what kind of Cultivation Base he is!”

Winnie explained!

But her eyes were still staring at Lang Yun very excitedly!

After hearing Winnie’s explanation, Ling’er and Elena also looked at Lang Yun, hoping to see something (agbd) from his face!

“Aha! Winnie Miss, you really wouldn’t have been studying with your master for a few years! Yes, I do have a God-level Cultivation Base!”

After listening to Winnie’s words, Lang Yun also looked at her appreciatively, then nodded and admitted!

Really “Is it a god-level powerhouse?”

Although Lang Yun had already admitted, Ling’er still asked a little uncertainly!

“What is there to lie to you? The God-level Cultivation Base is the God-level Cultivation Base. I’m not that boring yet, I lie to you a little girl!”

Seeing this, “Wolf Cloud” rolled his eyes, and then replied angrily!

After finishing speaking, I saw a powerful breath suddenly emanating from Lang Yun’s body, and the breath instantly enveloped the entire cave.At this moment, time, space seemed to stop for a moment!

And under this breath, except for Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi, whether it is Winnie who owns the Saint-tier Cultivation Base, or Linger and Elena, they feel that the whole body is stiff, unable to move, and even breathing. Feel a little difficult!

“What’s so good to lie to you! The God-level Cultivation Base is the God-level Cultivation Base, I’m not so boring yet, I lie to you a little girl!”

Seeing this, Lang Yun rolled his eyes, and then replied angrily!

After finishing speaking, I saw a powerful breath suddenly emanating from Lang Yun’s body, and the breath instantly enveloped the entire cave.At this moment, time, space seemed to stop for a moment!

And under this breath, with the exception of Xiaoyin and Qiqi, whether it is Winnie who owns the Saint-tier Cultivation Base, or Linger and Elena, they feel that the whole body is stiff, unable to move, and even breathing. Some difficulties!

“Okay… so strong momentum!”

Under this breath, a trace of horror flashed in Winnie’s eyes, and she said with some difficulty at the moment!

And Linger Elena looked a bit unbearable, Elena was a little better, not so embarrassed!

Ling’er was different. At this moment, she formed a “big” character and was pressed to the ground, and she couldn’t even lift her head!

The reason why she is like this is because of the aura of Lang Yun, which is mainly aimed at her!

This is to teach her a lesson, to punish her for the crime of disrespect to him just now!

In any case, this little girl is also a friend that the two little masters have admitted, and doing this now is to make her remember, so as not to offend some strong person next time!

After all, not every strong man is as easy to talk as himself. If you encounter a holy-rank strong, it is better to say, because a holy-rank strong might consider the Aoge Saint and the royal family behind her.

But if you encounter a god-level strong man with a bad temper, I am afraid you will be slapped to death. After all, a god-level strong man will not care about the people behind you or the royal family!

Although there are strong gods behind the royal family, they will not offend another strong god just because you are an emperor!

The god-level powerhouse itself is this nuclear weapon. If it accidentally provokes it, it will probably explode. Then it will not be a matter of the royal family, I am afraid the entire empire will be affected!

After teaching Ling’er this little girl a lesson, Lang Yun restrained his own momentum, and then said with a smile: “What? Now believe it?”

After Ruyun reduced her aura, Ling’er also quickly got up:

“Uh! Believe it, believe it! Haven’t I never seen a god-level powerhouse!”

And this time, after hearing Lang Yun’s words, Linger’s face suddenly showed a trace of embarrassment and fear, but she was quickly restrained, and then said!

Seeing this, Lang Yun just smiled, and didn’t say anything!

Compared with Ling’er’s embarrassment and fear, Winnie and Elena looked at Wolf Yun with excitement!

Winnie’s excitement is that Mr. Qin, Xiao Guoyin, and Qiqi can have such a powerful existence by their side!

And Elena yelled in her heart: “It’s right! This time I’m really right!”

Although when I came here, Elena knew that the community and Qiqi often mentioned that this Big Brother might be very powerful!

But she never expected that she would be so powerful!

Even Mr. Lang Yun, who is a powerhouse of the gods, has to call his master, how unpredictable is Mr. Qin’s Cultivation Base!

“Is this Mr. Qin a god? Otherwise, how could this wolf cloud senior of the Cultivation Base call his master?”

In an instant, a thought flashed through Elena’s mind!

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