Chapter 682

You know, whether it is a holy person of a holy rank or a god of the gods, they all have their own pride and dignity!

And this kind of pride and dignity is stronger than ordinary people. If you convince him on Cultivation Base, he will not be able to succumb to you! “Wolf Wolf Yun senior, can I worship you as a teacher!”

At this moment, Ling’er suddenly thought of something and couldn’t help but say to Lang Yun!

“Huh? Worship me as a teacher?”

Hearing this, Lang Yun was also stunned!

He didn’t know what Ling’er’s little head thought. It was fine just now, so why did he mention that he was going to be a teacher!

“No, no! I won’t accept apprentices!”

Lang Yun shook his head and replied!

However, regarding the matter of apprenticeship, he refused without thinking about it. What a joke, although he has the Cultivation Base of the gods, his combat power will not be lower than other ~ gods.

However, his knowledge is only half a monk. You must know that from his cultivation to the present, he is only a mere trivial person-less than a few hundred years!

After encountering Qin Xuan, it took only a few years to go from a Magical Beasts with only a seventh order to a magical Beasts of the gods!

The precipitation and insights in this can’t be compared with those who have cultivated, thousands of years of god-level experts!

Therefore, he still knows a little about some cultivation knowledge, let alone accepting apprentices!

At that time, don’t say that you are teaching apprentices, I am afraid that you deserve to own apprentices and it is almost the same!

“Ah…why? Is the talent not good enough? Or another reason? If it is for other reasons, say Langyun senior, I will change it!”

Even Lang Yun rejected herself without even thinking about it, Linger asked unconvincedly at the moment!

“Neither! This is not your problem, but I still don’t want to accept disciples! I just want to serve the master and the two young masters, and I don’t want the others now!”

Lang Yun shook his head, and then explained!

“Ah… that’s it!”

Upon hearing this, Ling’er couldn’t help but be shocked!

She had guessed many reasons in her heart, but she didn’t expect it to be this reason!

Therefore, after hearing Lang Yun say this, Ling’er looked at the community Yin and Qiqi’s eyes, could not help being full of envy!

Envy them not only, there are two so cute Saint-tier Magical Beasts as mounts, and there is a god-tier powerhouse who is always protecting them!

But it’s just envy, she is not jealous, because she is doing well now, although there is no such thing as Xiaoguo and Qiqi, there is the protection of Magical Beasts of the gods, and there is a strong man of the gods in the secret, who is always protected. NS!

Not to mention, behind them is the Big Brother whose Cultivation Base does not know the depth!

“Haha! But don’t be discouraged, if I want to accept a disciple anytime, I must be the first to think of you!”

At this moment, Lang Yun suddenly laughed, and then said to Ling’er!

“Yeah! Ruyun senior! Don’t forget it!”

Hearing this, Ling’er couldn’t help showing a smile of joy, and immediately nodded and replied without thinking about it!

“Eldest daughter of the Bruce family, Elena pays homage to the gods!”

At this moment, Elena bowed towards Lang Yun, and said respectfully!

“The Bruce family? Huh? Why are you so familiar? I seem to have heard of it somewhere! By the way, when I traveled to the Spirit Dragon Empire with my master, I seemed to have heard of this Bruce family!”

After listening to Elena talking about the Bruce family, Lang Yun also felt familiar. After thinking for a while, he realized that he had heard of it there!

“What? Wolf cloud senior knows about my Bruce family?”

Seeing Lang Yun meditating there, Elena couldn’t help but ask strangely!

“The Bruce family? Huh? Why are you so familiar? I seem to have heard of it somewhere! By the way, when I traveled to the Spirit Dragon Empire with my master, I seemed to have heard of this Bruce family!”

After listening to Elena talking about the Bruce family, Lang Yun also felt familiar. After thinking for a while, he realized that he had heard of it there!

“What? Wolf cloud senior knows about my Bruce family?”

Seeing Lang Yun meditating there, Elena couldn’t help but ask strangely!

“Aha! I have indeed heard of it! A few years ago, my master and my little master, and I traveled through the Spirit Dragon Empire and heard about your Bruce family! But let alone, your Bruce family was in the Spirit Dragon Empire. , It is quite famous!”

Lang Yun explained with a smile!

“Of course! Our Bruce family is one of the four major families of the Spirit Dragon Empire!

Hearing that even Wolf Yun, a powerful god-ranked man, admired his Bruce family, Elena couldn’t help showing pride!

0……Look for flowers…

“Then senior! Have you ever heard of it, the Gordon family?”

Seeing Lang Yun praised Elena’s family, Ling’er next to him couldn’t help asking!

“The Gordon family? Hey! Heard of it! Isn’t it the royal family of the Yunling Empire! How could I have never heard of it!”

Seeing this, Lang Yun couldn’t help feeling a bit amused in his heart, thinking, this girl is really competitive!

I think that in the past, in order to better understand the Celestial Continent, Lang Yun recorded the entire Celestial Continent and the strongest forces. Therefore, for the Bruce family of Elena and the Royal Gordon family of the Yunling Empire, he How could I not know!

Hearing that, Ling’er, the little Nizi, also laughed happily!

“But hearing what you say, I seem to have heard of Gordon’s house for a long time!”

At this time, Lang Yun felt that in his vague memory, he seemed to have heard of the Gordon family for a long time, and he couldn’t help frowning and thinking!

“Eat right! When I was in the Elf Forest, I seemed to have met two people. They dared to enter the Elf Forest. One of them seemed to be Gordon!”

At this time, Lang Yun remembered that when he was in the Elf Forest before, he had not met his master before, it was just a Magical Beasts with only a seventh-order!

At that time, he was staying in the elf forest, and he encountered two human beings who did not live or die and came to the elf forest. At that time, he also asked the two humans why they should smell the elf forest!

But the answers of the two humans at the time surprised him, actually to see the elf queen!

You know, the elven queen is not only the emperor of the elves, she is also an extremely powerful god-level powerhouse!

Even the current self, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Elf Queen!

And these two human beings actually dared to break in, this is undoubtedly not a death but what else?

“Huh? It’s weird! How can you feel so familiar with what Wolf Yun senior said? I seem to have heard of it somewhere!

After hearing what Lang Yun said, not only Ling’er, but also Winnie and Elena next to them, frowned and fell into contemplation!

Suddenly, Elena remembered that it seemed that Saint Ogg had also mentioned this matter!

And the saint of Ogg is also the saint of the Gordon family, and he happens to have the right surname! Factory,

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