Chapter 680 Xiaoyin’s Method of Picking

“Humph! That’s right! If I and Qiqi weren’t bringing you here, what kind of ice and snow can you see? You blame me, next time I won’t bring you here!”

Seeing Winnie Big sis speak for herself, Yin suddenly became hardened, and then retorted to Ling’er!

After speaking, the two little guys turned their heads to one side, an expression that I was very angry and ignored you!

“Um! Wasn’t I anxious just now? Because, Qiqi, Linger, Big sis apologizes to you, OK!”

Seeing this, Ling’er couldn’t help showing an awkward expression on her face, and then hurriedly to please her!


Although Ling’er had already apologized, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi still didn’t look back. It seemed that they obviously didn’t want to forgive her!

“Because! Big sis apologized, please forgive Big sis!”

Linger took Xiaoyin’s hand, shook it, and then pleased her!

“Humph! Unless you are getting a lot of fruits, I won’t forgive you!”

Seeing this, Xiaoguo’s eyes flashed a little cunning, and then said!

“Cut! Why do I still think, isn’t it just for food? Don’t worry, when I go back, I will let you guys get a bunch of them right away!”

After hearing the comments made by Xiao Yinyin, Ling’er was relieved immediately, then patted own chest, and said with assurance!

“Hehe! Then we will forgive you!”

With Ling’er’s assurance, the two little guys suddenly smiled, and then said!

“Because! Then tell Big Sis, how did you pick this ice lotus?”

Even Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi seemed to forgive themselves suddenly, Linger couldn’t wait to ask!

“Pull it out directly!”

The small picture replied directly without thinking about it!

“Pull it out?”

Hearing that, not only Linger, but also Elena and Winnie next to them, their eyes widened, and they looked at Xiao Yin in disbelief!

“Yeah! Just pull it out! How else would you pick it?”

Seeing this, Xiao Yin glanced at the incredible faces of the crowd, and then said angrily!

“But, wouldn’t it hurt the ice and snow lotus if it was pulled out, anger?”

Elena asked stutteringly!

But she regretted it after asking, because this question seemed a bit idiot!

You know, the reason why the community picks the ice and snow lotus is mainly for eating, not for cultivation or collection, so it is not important for them to hurt the ice and snow lotus!

“Hurt the ice lotus? Isn’t Winnie Big sis doing this for eating?”

At this time, Xiaoyinyin and Qiqi reacted, and couldn’t help but ask strangely!

“Of course not for eating! You think we are like the two of you!

“We pick the ice and snow lotus in order to preserve it, so that it can be cultivated quickly! Such a precious thing is not a waste to eat!”

After hearing Xiaoguo’s words, Linger said suddenly!

“Hurt the ice lotus? Is it Winnie Big sis that you did this for food?”

At this time, the community and Qiqi reacted, and couldn’t help but ask strangely!

“Of course not for eating! You think we are like the two of you!

We “pick the ice and snow lotus in order to preserve it, so that we can cultivate it quickly! Such a precious thing is not a waste to eat!

After hearing Xiao Yinyin’s words, Linger said suddenly!

“Ah… this way!”

After hearing Ling’er’s words, Xiaoyin suddenly had nothing to do!

“Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! What should we do now?”

Linger looked at Elena and Winnie next to her, and then asked!

“We don’t know anymore!”

Hear the words. The two also shook their heads and replied!

How about “Shall we go back to the Big Brother? Maybe he knows it!

At this moment, Qiqi next to him suddenly suggested!

“Well, yes, with Mr. Qin’s unpredictable Cultivation Base and his heavenly insights, maybe you really know how to pick the ice lotus!”

After receiving Kiki’s prompt, Winnie also thought of Qin Xuan immediately, and said with excitement!

When the others heard it, they nodded again and again!

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go back and ask, Yin Guo, that Big Brother of Qiqi and others!

Linger also said happily!

“Okay! Let’s go back now!”

Hearing this, Winnie Elena also nodded and said!

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to walk outside!

“Ahem! Actually you don’t need to ask the master, I also know how to pick this ice lotus!”

Just as everyone was about to go back, suddenly a voice came in from outside!

Whoever is “, whoever is there, come out if there is a seed!”

Everyone was obviously shocked by the sudden appearance of the sound, and Linger shouted in a reflexive manner!

As soon as Ling’er’s words fell, everyone heard a sound of footsteps outside, and everyone was looking towards the entrance of the cave!

I saw a figure with a big body, and was about to walk inside. Because the passage was relatively dark, everyone couldn’t see who this figure was!

After this figure walked into the cave, Xiaoyin, Qiqi and other talents could clearly see the people coming!

“Doggo? Why are you here?”

After seeing the person who came, Xiaoguo and Qiqi also asked a little strangely!

“Mr. Wolf? Mr. Wolf, why are you here?”

After seeing the wolf cloud, Winnie and others looked at him with a puzzled expression, and then asked!

Yes, the person here is Lang Yun!

When seeing them preparing to go back to see their master, Lang Yun didn’t intend to hide it, and showed his body right now!

“I’m not worried about the two little masters, so I followed them out to have a look!”

Lang Yun explained with a smile!

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the ice and snow lotus in the pool, and said with a look of wonder at the moment:

“Unexpectedly, there are actually such gods here!”

“Mr. Wolf, seniors like you should look down on this ice and snow lotus! So, “Wang Zhao) you won’t grab us, are you arrogant?”

Seeing Lang Yun staring at the ice and snow lotus in the pool, Ling’er looked at him vigilantly, and then said!


Seeing Ling’er looking at herself warily, Lang Yun suddenly had the urge to vomit blood!

He explained at the moment: “Don’t worry! I won’t grab it from you! This ice and snow lotus may be useful to you, but to me, it’s useless at all!”

“It’s useless? How could it be!

Although Lang Yun explained it, Ling’er still didn’t believe it!

After all, a god like the ice lotus, this Mr. Wolf actually said it was useless to him.

But the fact is like this, this ice and snow lotus may still be useful to the holy order, but for the holy order, it is just a good-looking ornament!

However, Lang Yun did not explain Ling’er’s suspicion, because in his opinion, it was unnecessary!

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