Chapter 677: The cave with shining purple light!

Thinking of the owner’s method of punishing own, Lang Yun couldn’t help but shudder!

I didn’t dare to hesitate at the moment, and hurriedly chased into the cave!

And here!

The community and others walked into the cave for a while, and they felt a purple light not far away.Although the purple light was bright, they did not feel the slightest glare!

“Hehe! We’re here!”

After seeing the purple light in front, Xiaoyin Bu-you said with a smile!

After speaking, she took Qiqi and ran inward quickly!

“Hey, Yinyin, Kiki, wait for us!”

Seeing Xiaoyin and Qiqi running towards the inside quickly, Linger hurriedly called out, and then quickly chased after him!

Seeing this, Winnie Elena and He also shook their heads helplessly!


Just as Winnie and Elena were walking slowly inside, they suddenly heard an exclamation from inside!

At the moment, the two looked at each other, and then rushed in without thinking about it!

“What happened?”

After Winnie and Elena rushed in, they hurriedly asked the three little girls!

The exclamation just now really shocked the two of them, thinking that something happened to these three little nizis!

“Nothing happened!”

Xiao Yin shook his head and said with a strange expression!

“Then who was calling just now?”

After hearing Xiao Rourou’s words, the two also asked with confusion!

“Ah! Linger Big sis is calling!

The small picture pointed to Ling’er next to him, and then said to Winnie and Elena!

“Huh? Ling’er, what were you calling just now? Did something happen?”

“Wow! Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Look, it’s really beautiful!”

However, Linger had no time to answer Winnie and Elena’s questions.At this moment, her eyes were constantly looking around, and then she said!


Seeing that nothing happened to Ling’er, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked up and looked at the surrounding situation:

It’s okay if you don’t look at it.At this look, the two of them suddenly opened their eyes in shock, as if they had seen something very incredible!

Hee hee “! Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Because I didn’t lie to you! Isn’t it beautiful here?

Seeing the shocked look of the three of them, Xiao Guo couldn’t help but said with a smug expression!

But they said that Winnie and Elena heard an exclamation sound inside, and immediately rushed in without even thinking about it!

After rushing in, they found that nothing happened to Xiao Guoguo, and they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief!

But when they raised their heads and looked at the scene inside the cave, they were stunned!

I saw that the entire wall of the cave was made up of purple ice cubes, and the shining purple light emitted from the purple ice cubes looked very Fantasy!

Clouds and mist hung upside down on the dome with countless strange rocks and rocks. The colorful lights around are shining and colorful, making the entire ice cave more like the mythical Qionglou Yuyu. Some places on the top of the cave are covered with purple ice cubes, and spring water drips from it from time to time.

The ice contention at the bottom of the ice cave is in various forms, some are like spring bamboo shoots that have just broken the ground, some are like young bamboos rushing to the palace, some are like the lamp holders of a table lamp, and some are like strong tiger feet, which are simply carved from jade. artwork.

Some of these glaciers are like branches, some are like starfish, some are like funnels, and some are like skirts.

When a person enters the ice cave, it is like entering a crystal palace. The ice world is as clean as washing, transparent and pure, shiny and psychedelic; some images are covered with a veil, such as latex, mysterious and mysterious.

“Huh! What are those twinkles?”

At this time, Winnie suddenly discovered that in the entire wall of the ice cave, among the purple ice cubes, there are densely shining white light spots!

Because of the purple light irradiation, it was difficult to find these light spots without careful observation!

After hearing Winnie’s words, everyone also walked to the purple ice cubes and looked at the shining things in these gaps, what is it!

“Hey! It’s true! I didn’t notice it before!”

Xiaoyin and Qiqi looked at the light spots in the gap with curiosity, and then said!

“The crystallization of ice! This is the crystallization of ice!

Suddenly, Elena exclaimed!

After hearing Elena’s exclamation, everyone turned their heads and looked at her. At this moment, when they saw Elena, they were staring at the gap in shock, the thing that was shining with light!

“Ice Crystal? Irene Big sis! What is Ice Crystal?”

Xiaoguo asked with some curiosity:

0.……Look for flowers…

Hearing the community’s inquiry, everyone looked at Elena with curious expressions, only Ling’er was bowing her head and frowning, not knowing what she was trying to think about!

“Ice Crystal? It’s so familiar! It feels like I’ve heard of it there! But I just can’t remember it for a while!”

Linger frowned and thought!

“The crystal of ice is the top material for making ice artifacts, and it is also the best auxiliary treasure for the cultivation of ice attribute cultivators. With ice crystals and ice attribute cultivators, they can quickly Ascension Cultivation Base!”

Forcibly suppressing the shock in her heart, Elena explained to everyone!

This ice crystal did not even have their Bruce family.She was also in the family’s library, and she accidentally saw it.I didn’t expect this ice crystal to be touched by her here, and it looks like this, there are so many!

“Crystal of ice, crystallization of ice! By the way, I remember it!”

At this moment, Ling’er next to her also suddenly exclaimed!

“Huh? Linger, what did you think of?”

Everyone looked at her suspiciously. Then I asked!

“I remember I heard this ice crystal there!”

Linger explained!

“I remember seeing it once when I was a kid!”

“At the time, my father was holding a stone that was shining white light. I saw that the stone was very beautiful at the time, so I wanted to come with him, but he said he would not give anything, and it was very precious!”

“It turns out that this ice crystal was what the emperor father had at the time!”

Linger recalled the scene at the time, and then explained to everyone!

At this time, Ling’er suddenly realized that, it’s no wonder that the father was so precious to the stone at the time, it turned out that the stone was a treasure!

Thinking of this, Ling’er immediately stared at the stones with shining light in the gap!

“Huh! If I dug up all these ice crystals and placed them in front of the father, then he wouldn’t be dumbfounded!”

When I thought of the dumbfounded scene where Emperor Father was seeing so many ice crystals, Linger couldn’t help but laughed happily!

“Hmph, see you still ignore me! Do you still treasure the stone?”

Linger thought triumphantly!

“Hehe! Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Linger Big sis! There are even better things in it!

Seeing that everyone has recovered, Urinating said with a mysterious face!

“Huh? There is a cave inside?” The factory,

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