Chapter 676 Lang Yun’s Conjecture!

“When you are done, I will take you to a very secret and very beautiful place!

The three of them nodded, and the community said with a mysterious face again!

“Can! There are more beautiful places than here!”

The three asked in amazement!

After all, when they came here, they found that there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and now that there is such a beautiful place, it is already rare!

And now listening to Xiao Guoyin’s meaning, it seems that there is a more beautiful place than here, how can this not make the three feel different!

“Hehe! You’ll know if you follow me!”

But Xiaoyinyin didn’t answer their questions, but still said with a mysterious face!

“Uh, that’s all right, we’ll go with you!”

Seeing this, Winnie, Elena, and Ling’er looked at each other, then nodded and turned back!

“Big sis! Where are we going?”

But Qiqi who was next to her didn’t seem to understand very well, so she couldn’t help but ask!

“Kiki, have you forgotten that cave and that beautiful flower?”

Seeing that Qiqi suddenly forgot, Xiaoguo 467 immediately pulled her by, and then said in Qiqi’s ear with a very small voice!

“Tutu Big sis, you mean that…

After getting the reminder from the community, Qiqi suddenly thought of something, and immediately said!

But Kiki’s words weren’t finished, she was surrounded by Xiao Gong!

Suddenly, I was afraid that Winnie and the three would hear the same!

Seeing this, Qiqi instantly understood what Xiao Yinyin meant, and she nodded her head again and again at the moment!

“Kiki, have you forgotten that cave and that beautiful flower?”

Seeing that Qiqi suddenly forgot, Xiaotu immediately pulled her by, and then said in Qiqi’s ear with a very small voice!

“Tutu Big sis, you mean that…

After getting the hint from Xiaoguo, Qiqi suddenly thought of something, and immediately said!

But before Qiqi finished her words, she was covered by the community!

Suddenly, I was afraid that Winnie and the three would hear the same!

Seeing this, Qiqi instantly understood the meaning of Xiaotutu, and she nodded her head again and again at the moment!

“What are you two whispering? Because! Didn’t you say there is a more beautiful place than this? Don’t take us there yet!”

Seeing that the two little guys were still there still whispering, Ling’er also shouted impatiently!

Hee hee “! No muttering anything, no muttering anything!”

Hearing this, Xiao Guoguo waved his hand quickly and said!

After speaking, he walked and waved to the three of them, beckoning them to follow, and then he took Qiqi and walked forward!

Seeing this, the three looked at each other, and then followed!

The wolf cloud hidden in the dark has a face of doubt.Is there any place here that I don’t know?

Lang Yun has been here for several years. It can be said that he basically knows the terrain around here!

Moreover, sometimes when the community comes out to play with Qiqi, he will hide in the dark and follow, so that these two little masters don’t have any accidents!

It can be said that he basically knows the places that Xiaoguo and Qiqi know, but this time he really can’t think of what Xiaoguo said in his mouth, what is more beautiful than this place!

Although Lang Yun couldn’t figure it out, he still followed. He didn’t dare to let these two little masters leave Own’s sight!

“Tu! Qiqi, it’s been so long! Why haven’t we arrived yet!”

After leaving for a while, Ling’er asked impatiently!

“Yeah! It should be almost here!”

Hearing that, Xiaoyin looked around for a while, and then said hesitantly!

“Huh?! You won’t forget how the road went?”

(agbd) Even seeing Xiaoyin hesitate, Linger looked at her suspiciously, and then asked!

“That’s not it! How could Intu forget the way! Isn’t this still not there yet?”

After hearing Ling’er’s words, a trace of embarrassment appeared on her little face.She did forget how to go, but she still retorted stiffly!


“Yeah! Really!

Madoka nodded definitely!

“When will it arrive?”

Ling’er stared at her stubbornly, and then asked!

“It should be fast…

“Big sis! Do you see there?”

Just when Xiaoguo didn’t know how to answer, she suddenly heard Qiqi’s exclamation next to her!

Hearing that, the community was talking and looking in the direction that Qiqi was pointing, only to see a huge cave appeared not far away!

And from this cave, a purple light faintly revealed!

And when she saw the cave, Xiaoyuan couldn’t help showing a smile of joy, and immediately replied without thinking about it: “Look! Isn’t this here? I said I didn’t forget the way!”

After speaking, she looked at Ling’er with a smug look on her face!

“Huh! What’s so good about, who knows if this cave is really as beautiful as you said!”

Seeing that Xiao Yinyin was so proud, Ling’er suddenly curled her lips and said!

“Hehe! You will know when you go in!”

But for Ling’er’s words, Xiao Yinyin didn’t care at all, and immediately replied with a smile!

After speaking, Pee ignored Ling’er, turned her head, and said to Elena and Winnie next to him:

“Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Here we are! This cave is the place I said!”

“Yeah! Then let’s go in! I want to see too! Is there really such a beautiful thing as it says!”

Hearing this, Winnie couldn’t help but said with a smile!

Hee hee “! Can’t say now, you will know when you go in!”

Xiaorourou’s mouth is still very strict, no matter how excited Winnie is, she just won’t talk about it!

After speaking, Urinate pulled Kiki and took the lead to walk inside!

Seeing this, Winnie and Elena couldn’t help laughing bitterly!

But the three of them hurriedly followed!

And after they walked into the cave, a figure suddenly appeared where they stood!

This figure is not someone else, it is Lang Yun!

Looking at the cave not far away, Lang Yun frowned involuntarily, and muttered softly in his mouth!

“Well! There is a cave here! I don’t know! It seems that I have to find time to find out the nearby terrain!”

“Lest the two little masters come out to play, and if something happens, I will be finished!”

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