Chapter 678: Hole In Hole!

Hearing that, everyone couldn’t help but stunned, and then asked curiously!

“Hehe! Come with me!”

Seeing this, Xiaoguo didn’t answer either, just waved at them, beckoning them to follow!

Seeing that Xiaoyin was so mysterious, Winnie and the three couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then followed too!

After a while, everyone passed through the ice cave and came to a corner with a knowing passage inside. This passage is not very large, and only two people can enter!

When seeing this passage, Xiaoyin and Qiqi walked in without any hesitation!

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed in!

After walking into this somewhat gloomy passage, everyone suddenly noticed that the top of the cave had suddenly risen, almost twenty feet high.

And on the surrounding ice wall, there are many “four six seven” stones of various colors. As for whether it is a diamond, a gem, or gold, they don’t know whether it is a diamond, a gem, or gold.

After walking in the passage for a while, everyone saw a glimmer of light in front, so they hurriedly walked over!

As everyone got closer and closer, the light became brighter and brighter.At the moment, everyone closed their eyes and walked directly in!

After a while, everyone slowly opened their eyes after their eyes adjusted to the bright light!

What you see is an empty ice cave. On the top of the ice cave, there are many stalactites hanging upside down. Strings of fruit; some are pouring like a waterfall, some are like vines, entwined in every way.

Some of these stalactites are like lotus flowers, some are like begonia flowers, some are like pearls, and some are like amber and agate. At the exit of the cave, there is a bunch of lush ancient vines hanging upside down from the ceiling of the cave, like a curtain of jasper beads.

And there was a stream of clear water gushing from the height of the ice cave. The clear water formed a sparse curtain of water in the center of the cave. There is a mist that makes people unable to really see what is inside!

“Hehe! Winnie Big sis, look inside that pool!”

At this time, Xiao Yin pointed to the center of the pool not far away, and then said to them!


Hearing that, although the three of them were puzzled, they still looked in the direction pointed by Xiao Guoguo!

I saw that the mist around the water pool suddenly dispersed, and the clear pool water was reflected in everyone’s eyes!

But he said that what made Winnie and the other three people didn’t expect is that there is another ice cave in this ice cave!

After everyone entered another ice cave, the scene inside shocked them!

I saw that there was a stream of clear water gushing from the height of the ice cave. The clear water formed a sparse curtain of water in the center of the cave. There is also a mist of mist around, making people unable to really see what is inside!

“Hehe! Winnie Big sis, look inside that pool!”

At this time, Xiao Yin pointed to the center of the pool not far away, and then said to them!


Hearing that, although the three of them were puzzled, they still looked in the direction pointed by Xiaoguo!

I saw that the mist around the water pool suddenly dispersed, and the clear pool water was reflected in everyone’s eyes!

After the fog cleared, everyone could see the entire appearance of the clear pool.

I saw that the water in this pool was extremely clear, and there was a white flower growing on it!

This flower is transparent and white, except for white, there is no other color, and it exudes white brilliance!

“Huh! A flower? How can there be flowers on the lake?”

After Ling’er saw this flower, she couldn’t help but frowned!

“Huh? Did you ask a smell?”

At this moment, Winnie wrinkled her nose next to her suddenly, and asked!

Fragrance “Huh… I really can’t feel it if you don’t say it! There really is a fragrance!”

After hearing Winnie’s question, Ling’er also sniffed with her own nose, she was indeed asking for a scent, and she couldn’t help but say it right now!

“Strange! This scent actually makes me get Cultivation Base, with a hint of Ascension!”

Suddenly, Winnie seemed to feel something, and she couldn’t help but said in shock!

“What? This scent can actually be Ascension Cultivation Base? So what are you waiting for, let’s look for it quickly and see where this scent comes from?”

After hearing Winnie say that this scent can be used in Ascension Cultivation Base, Linger’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn’t wait to ask!

After speaking, he turned around and looked around, not only Linger, but also Winnie next to him!

After all, things that can be used in the Ascension Cultivation Base are too rare. You know, it is not an overnight thing to think about the Ascension Cultivation Base at the level of Winnie’s Cultivation Base! And just now, I just smelled the fragrance and let myself The Cultivation Base, which has not moved for a long time, has a trace of Ascension. Although it is only a trace of Ascension, this is definitely an unimaginable gain for Winnie!

Just ask, you can Ascension Cultivation Base, what if you find the source?

Then own Cultivation Base, isn’t it in Ascension all the time?

Thinking of this, how could Winnie not be moved?

“The lotus of ice and snow!

At this moment, Elena suddenly thought of something, and she exclaimed in shock!

“Huh? What ice and snow company? Erin Big sis, look for it! See where this scent comes from? If you know this scent can be found in the Ascension Cultivation Base, if we find it, it won’t be Let us quickly Ascension Cultivation Base?

After hearing Elena’s exclamation, Linger said in a hurry!

“Huh! No need to look for it! I know where the fragrance comes from!”

After hearing Ling’er’s words, Elena let out a sigh, then shook her head and said!

1.3 “Huh? Irene Big sis, you know? Do you know where the fragrance comes from?”

Sure enough, after hearing Elena’s words, Ling’er and Winnie also stopped, and then looked at her curiously!

“Yeah! That scent is from the snow Lotus flower!”

Elena nodded affirmatively, then pointed to the white flower in the pool not far away, and said to everyone!

“that flower?

Hearing this, Ling’er and Winnie couldn’t help but froze, then turned their heads and looked at the white flower on the pond!

They really can’t think of the fragrance of a flower, and Ascension can have Realm Winnie’s Cultivation Base!

“Well! That’s the flower! In fact, this flower is not an ordinary flower, but a lotus of ice and snow!”

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