Chapter 675: Shocked Three People!

“Huh? What’s the matter with these five fingers?”

Seeing the traces of the five fingers on this piece of blue ice, Winnie couldn’t help but asked Ling’er suspiciously!

“This was just dug out by Qiqi, and it was dug out directly by hand!”

Linger explained!


After hearing Ling’er’s explanation, Winnie exclaimed directly!

Winnie knew exactly how hard this blue ice was. As a saint, she couldn’t even shake this blue ice. How could Qiqi, a child, be able to dig it out with bare hands!

At first, “I didn’t believe it either, but the facts are right in front of my eyes, and, you see, there are traces left by Qiqi just digging out this piece of blue ice!”

Seeing this, Ling’er was also bitter at the moment, and then pointed to the hole that Qiqi had just dug, and said!


After hearing Ling’er’s explanation, the two of them were also taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Qiqi, who was still confused!

“Kiki! You are digging out a piece of blue ice, show Winnie Big sis and Irene Big sis!”

Seeing this, Ling’er, who was standing next to Qiqi, hurriedly took La Qiqi’s hand, and then said to her:

“Why dig it again?”

After hearing this, Qiqi asked with some doubts!

“Uh, I will dig this time, Winnie Big sis and Irene Big sis, haven’t you seen you dig it? Just once, just this time!”

Linger said!

There is such a little aegyo in the voice!

“Kiki! You are digging out a piece of blue ice and show it to Winnie Big sis and Irene Big sis!

Seeing this, Ling’er, who was standing next to Kiki, hurriedly took La Kiki’s hand, and then said to her!

“Why do you want to dig again?

After hearing this, Qiqi asked with some doubts!

“Um… Just dig this time, Winnie Big sis and Irene Big sis, didn’t you see you dig it? Just one time, just this time!”

Linger said!

There is such a little aegyo in the voice!

“Okay, okay! But this time you can look forward to it!”

Upon hearing Ling’er’s words, Qiqi said immediately!

After speaking, he dug out her blue ice again, and did it again in front of Winnie and Elena!

“Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis, have you seen it, angry?”

Although it was not the first time I saw it, Linger was still a little shocked, Winnie and Elena said!

Hearing Er’s question, the two nodded in shock!

“Then Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Do you know how Kiki does it?”

Seeing this, Ling’er couldn’t help asking immediately!

“I didn’t see it, but I didn’t feel it just now, there is nothing in Qiqi!”

Wen shook his head, then said!

“I didn’t feel anything. So, Qiqi is purely relying on physical strength!”

After hearing Winnie’s words, Elena couldn’t help but say immediately!

“It’s possible!”

Hearing that, Winnie nodded her head with approval!

“Physical body? But is Kiki’s physical body so strong?”

After hearing the words of the two, Ling’er beside her frowned and said!

Indeed, a person who is only a few years old and has no traces of cultivation, how could her body be so strong?

You know, this blue ice is extremely hard, and even Winnie of the Saint-tier Cultivation Base can’t shake it even if she doesn’t use energy!

But just now, watching Kiki dug out the blue ice, it seems to be very relaxed!

“Qiqi! Come here!

Winnie called to Kiki, who was still confused!

“Winnie Big sis!

Hearing Winnie’s call, even though Qiqi didn’t know what she was going to do, she still walked over!

“Aha! It’s okay, Winnie Big sis just wants to check your body!

Looking at her confused Kiki, Winnie couldn’t help but explain with a smile!


Kiki nodded knowingly!

Seeing Qiqi nodding her head, Winnie didn’t hesitate. After checking her body back and forth several times, she was also puzzled!

Because I discovered her, Qiqi’s body is not a problem, just like an ordinary kid of several years old, just a little stronger!

“It makes no sense!”

Winnie frowned and muttered quietly!

Forget it! Maybe the own Cultivation Base is not enough, I can’t see it! When I go back next time, tell Mr. Qin, I want to come to his Cultivation Base, I should be able to see something!”

Winnie said inwardly!

And Winnie and others can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that no one can’t see it!

No, the wolf cloud hidden in the dark can’t help but slap a bit when seeing what happened just now!!

Lang Yun was worried about what would happen to them, so when they came out, he secretly followed, but he didn’t expect to see this scene!

For the wolf cloud with the God-level Cultivation Base, it is naturally visible. When Qiqi dug out the blue ice just now, it relied on pure physical strength!

“How could this little master Qiqi’s body be so strong?”

Lang Yun couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart!

He also tried the blue ice here, but without using energy, he couldn’t just dig out a piece of blue ice as easily as Kiki!

You know, he is a God-level Cultivation Base, and it is also a Magical Beasts transformation, Magical Beasts is much stronger than humans!

And he is so hard, but this little tempered master is so relaxed, which makes Lang Yun a little bit suspicious that the wolf is born!

Who the hell is Magical Beasts! Is it possible that the little master Kiki is also a Magical Beasts?

“No, I have to stay away from Little Master Qiqi in the future, lest she suddenly come to me like this, then she hasn’t caught a hole?”

Lang Yun secretly said in his heart!

“No! There is also the little master! Although she hasn’t shown it yet, it must be difficult to think about it! It seems that if I can hide in the future, I just want to avoid it!”

Suddenly, Lang Yun heard the community next to Qiqi, and couldn’t help but think of it!

And Lang Yun was thinking about this in his heart, it is impossible for Xiaoyin and Qiqi to know!

But are things really as good as Lang Yun thought?

“Okay! Let’s not think about it so much. Let’s ask Mr. Qin when we go back! You know, we came out this time to see the beautiful scenery here!”

Seeing Ling’er and Elena still thinking, Winnie couldn’t help but say!


After hearing Winnie’s words, Linger Elena also nodded her head!

After all, what Winnie said is indeed the truth. No matter how they think, they still don’t know where the problem is. It is better to ask Xiao Guoyin and the big Big Brother of Qiqi when he goes back, maybe he knows it. What is it!

“Go! Qiqi, Guotu! We are going to look elsewhere!”

Winnie smiled and said to the two little guys!


Xiao Guo asked because he looked at Winnie and the three of them!

Although I don’t know what happened just now, the community is still very happy to see that the three of them are finished!

Winnie and the three nodded!.

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