Chapter 674: Purple Ice! Blue Ice!

Hearing this, the two little guys couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then said!

“Huh? How did you know?”

This time Linger finally stopped tinkering, turned her head, looked at the community Yinhe Qiqi, and asked curiously!

“Because I and Qiqi have tried it too! This ice cube will melt soon after taking it back. Only here, it won’t melt!”

Xiaotutu replied!

“Huh? Did you bring it back? How did you get it out so hard!”

After hearing that Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi had brought it back, Ling’er’s eyes also brightened, and then she hurriedly asked!

“Is it hard? Why don’t I think?”

Hearing that, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi looked at Ling’er a little strangely, and then said, “Huh? How did you know?”

This time Linger finally stopped tinkering, turned her head, looked at the community Yinhe Qiqi, and asked curiously!

“Because I have tried it with Qiqi! This ice cube will melt soon after taking it home. Only here, it won’t melt!

Xiaotutu replied!

“Huh? Did you bring it back? How did you get it out so hard!”

After hearing that Xiao Yinyin and Qi 06 Qi had taken home, Ling’er’s eyes also slammed, and then hurriedly asked!

“Is it hard? Why don’t I think?

Hearing that, Xiaoyin and Qiqi looked at Ling’er a little strangely, and then said!

After speaking, I saw Qiqi squatted down, and then in front of Ling’er, she stretched out her rootless finger, and gently poked it in the place where she had just fiddled with!

In an instant, Qiqi’s five fingers were submerged in the blue ice in Ling’er’s shocked gaze.When she caught it again, she dug out the extremely hard ice block in Ling’er’s mouth!

“Look, isn’t this dug out?”

Kiki handed the piece of blue ice he had dug to Ling’er, and said!

“How, how is it possible!”

Seeing Qiqi dug out a piece of blue ice so easily, Ling’er also said with an incredible expression!

“Is it the wrong place I dug, or hallucinations?”

Linger secretly said in her heart!

Thinking of this, Ling’er also followed the way Qiqi was just now, stretched out five fingers, and slammed the blue ice on the ground!

In an instant, when Ling’er’s fingertips touched Lan Bing, she felt the same as before, and that hard feeling was integrated into her heart again!

“Ouch! It’s so hard!”

Feeling the pain from what I saw, Ling’er couldn’t help but exclaimed!

After returning to her senses, Ling’er realized that she was not an illusion at all just now, but that Lan Bing was so hard!

So the question is, how did Kiki easily dig out such a hard blue ice?

With this question in her heart, Linger couldn’t help but ask Qiqi: “Qiki! How did you dig out such a hard blue ice so easily?”

Ling’er still doesn’t believe that Qiqi dug it out based on her own ability, but there is a problem with her own link, or Qiqi uses a method she doesn’t know, otherwise, how could she dug it so easily? Is it?

“Huh? Linger Big sis, you are so weird, didn’t you just see it?”

Even Ling’er even asked herself this question, Qiqi also looked at her strangely!

After speaking, she walked into Ling’er’s shocked gaze, stretched out five fingers, and grabbed another piece of blue ice at once!

“Look! That’s how it was dug out!”

Seeing this, Ling’er forcefully suppressed the horror in her heart, took the ice cube in Kiki’s hand, and put it in front of Own to look carefully!

“That’s not right! This ice cube is not fake, it’s so hard, how can it be dug out so easily? Is the problem in your hands?”

After taking a close look at Lan Bing in her hand, Linger looked at Qiqi’s hand again!

Putting down the Lan Bing in her hand, Ling’er grabbed Qiqi’s hand, and looked carefully at Xiaoyin’s and Qiqi’s puzzled eyes!

“That’s not right! The hands are no problem! Which link is the problem?”

Linger became fat in a low voice!

Seeing Ling’er Big sis kept in her hand, kneading back and forth, Qiqi’s face suddenly became a little confused, and she couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Ling’er Big sis, what are you doing?”

At this time, even looking not far away, this rare beauty Winnie and Elena also heard Kiki’s exclamation!

The two of them couldn’t help but looked at each other strangely, and then walked in this direction!

“what’s wrong?”

The two came over, and even the two little guys Xiaoguo and Qiqi, and the little girl Linger were squatting on the ground!

And Ling’er was holding Qiqi’s hand, kneading it back and forth, and couldn’t help but ask strangely at the moment!

Winnie “Big sis, Irene Big sis! Look at Linger, Big sis doesn’t know what happened, just grab Kiki’s hand!”

After Elena and Winnie came over, they urinated and stood up, then pointed at Ling’er and said to them:

It’s like giving a short report to the teacher, kindergarten kid!

Hearing this, Winnie and Elena frowned involuntarily, and then asked Ling’er who was still holding Kiki’s hand: “Linger, what happened?”

On Linger’s side, after Zai 437 took a close look at Kiki, and found that there was no problem with her hand, she immediately let go of Kiki’s hand, and then stood up and said to Winnie Elena: “Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Do you think this blue ice is hard?”


Although they don’t know what kind of riddle Linger is playing, the two nodded their heads, and then answered honestly!

This Lan Bing is pretty good-looking, but it’s too hard, so they tried it. With Winnie’s Cultivation Base, I can’t move Lan Bing anymore!

“Then what do you look at this time?”

After hearing the answers of the two, Ling’er cried out a piece of blue ice on the ground in the doubtful eyes of the two, then handed it to them, and asked!

“Lan Bing! What’s the matter?”

Looking at the Lan Bing that Ling’er handed over, Elena replied directly after receiving it!

“I know this is blue ice, I want you to take a closer look at the surface of this blue ice!”

Seeing that the two still didn’t understand the meaning of own, Fang Ha Linger said again!


Hearing that, Winnie and Elena are also a little confused, but they still carefully look at the surface of the blue ice in their hands!

Looking at it, the two suddenly realized that there were five finger marks on the surface of this blue ice!

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