Chapter 673

“Okay! Let’s go then!”

Seeing this, Xiao Yinyin waved his hand and shouted!

After shouting, walk towards the outside!

“Grandpa Grandpa! Grandpa Huoyun! Don’t you go with us?”

Even when everyone went outside again, Ling’er was ready to follow, but when she turned her head, she found that the Aoge Sage and the Fire Cloud Sage, still standing motionless, couldn’t help but ask!

“Hehe! Our two old men don’t get involved with you anymore, go! lest you can’t keep up with them!”

The Ogg Saint shook his head, and then said: “Okay! Then let’s go!”

Seeing this, Xiao Yinyin waved his hand and shouted!

After shouting, walk towards the outside!

“Grandpa Grandpa! Grandpa Huoyun! Don’t you go with us?”

Even when everyone went outside again, Ling’er was also ready to follow, but when she turned her head, she said “Four Three Seven”, showing the Oge Saint and the Fire Cloud Saint, and she still stood motionless, unable to help at the moment. Asked!

“Ah! Our two old men don’t get involved with you anymore, go! lest you can’t keep up with them! By the way, be careful!”

Saint Ogg shook his head, and then said!

“Got it! Really long-winded!

Upon hearing this, Ling’er couldn’t help but muttered a few words, and then ran out without looking back!

However, the Ogg Sage is the Cultivation Base of the Sacred Order. Although Linger’s muttering voice is small, he still heard it, and she couldn’t help but shook her head with a wry smile!

Seeing this, the sage Huoyun next to him stopped patting the shoulder of this old friend, and then said: “She is not young anymore!”

Hearing this, Oge Saint understood what he meant in an instant. After thinking for a while, Bian also nodded and sighed, “Indeed!”

The meaning of the fire cloud saint is that Ling’er is no longer young now. Sometimes too much care can be counterproductive. It is better to let her develop on her own, and there may be unexpected gains!

What’s more, a child who will only hide under the wings of others will never fly high. Only when she falls, will she know how to prevent herself from falling!

the other side!

Xiaotu and Kiki took Winnie out of the palace and boarded Lan and Baibai directly!

“Blue! Let’s go!”

Xiaoyin held his hand vigorously for a while, then shouted!

“Good little master!

Lan Lan replied, then flapped his wings, turned into a stream of light, and rushed forward!

For nothing “! Let’s set off too!”

Seeing this, Qiqi also said hurriedly!

Nodding in vain, it turned into a flash of lightning, and Xiao Guoguo and the others followed their direction!

“Wow! I didn’t pay attention when I first came. I didn’t expect it to be so spectacular here!

After flying for a while, urinating slowed down Lan Lan’s speed. After the speed slowed down, Ling’er, who was sitting on Lan Lan, couldn’t help but exclaimed after seeing the surrounding scene!

I saw the surrounding area at a glance, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the huge icebergs were piece after piece, continuously connected together!

“Hehe! Linger Big sis! I will take you to a place, where is more beautiful! Where is my secret base with Qiqi, even the Big Brother doesn’t know it!

At this time, Xiao Guoyin suddenly said with a mysterious face!

“Hey! Secret base? Don’t even know your Big Brother?”

After hearing this, Linger was suddenly curious to come!

“Huh huh! It was discovered by Qiqi and I accidentally, ordinary people we would not tell him!”

Xiaoyin said smugly!

“Then what are you waiting for, let’s get out of here!”

Seeing how mysterious the novel is, Ling’er felt itchy in her heart, she couldn’t help but urge now!

“Okay! I’ll take you there!”

Seeing this, Xiao Yin didn’t hesitate, nodded and said!

After speaking, he turned to Qiqi and the others not far behind and shouted: “Qiqi! Go to our secret base!”

After shouting, he commanded Lanlan and flew quickly toward their so-called secret base!


Hearing that, Kiki nodded with excitement, and then said to Elena and Winnie behind her: “Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis, sit down!”

Although they didn’t understand what was going on, Winnie and Elena nodded, and they understood!

Seeing this, Qiqi commanded Bai Bai below her: “Bai Bai! Let’s catch up with Big sis quickly and don’t let them run away!”

“In the direction of the little master, I will catch up with them!”

Also need, nodded in vain and replied!

After finishing speaking, only the golden lightning marks on both sides of its body lit up in an instant, and then turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed in the direction where Xiaoyin and the others had left before!

A group of people flew for a while!

Suddenly, Ling’er, who was sitting on Lanlan’s body, unexpectedly began to have another color on the white glacier in front of him!

“Huh! What’s the matter?”

Linger looked at Xiao Yinyin with some doubts!

“Hehe! You will know when you wait!”

However, Xiao Yinyin did not directly answer her words, but still said with a mysterious face!

Seeing this, although Ling’er felt itchy in her heart, she had no choice but to relax her heart and wait!

After a while!

At this time, Ling’er’s face no longer had that impatient look before!

I saw that there was no longer a white glacier not far away, replaced by an endless blue, and even these blues were mixed with purple!

Not only Ling’er, but Winnie and Elena who were following them also watched all this with amazement!

When I saw the white glacier, it had disappeared. It was replaced by blue and purple glaciers. These blue and purple glaciers, under the sun’s rays, exuded purple and blue light, looked beautiful!

After entering the blue and purple glacier, after being wrapped in the light of these two colors, everyone only felt that they had entered a world with only blue and purple, these two colors!

“How about it, isn’t it beautiful?!

Seeing everyone with shocked faces, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi couldn’t help showing triumphant smiles!

“Hmm! Beautiful! Very beautiful!”

After 1.3 words, Winnie nodded approvingly!

“Ding Ding Ding!”

Sitting on the ground with Lan Lan and Bai Bai, Ling’er couldn’t wait to jump down, then ran to the blue ice cube and knocked!

“It’s so hard!”

After hearing the sound of the ice cube, Ling’er couldn’t help but frown, muttering!

Linger “Big sis! What are you doing?”

Seeing Ling’er playing around on the ground, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi couldn’t help but ask curiously!

“Oh, I think this ice cube is so beautiful, so I want to try it and see if I can go back some of it!”

But Ling’er replied to Xiaoguo and Qiqi’s inquiry, but she didn’t look back at all, she was still tinkering around!

“Uh! Bring it back? But these ice cubes will melt soon after you leave it, so it’s useless if you take it back!”

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