Chapter 602: The Frightening Tree of Life!

“Aah! Then you see it now! How is it, what is the difference between our elves?”

Now that they know that these two little guys will not harm the elves they have come to, the Elf Queen is also a rare joke!

After all, the two children in front of them, but those with pure hearts, are like their elves, and they are loved by the Lord God of Life and the Goddess of Nature!

“You are very beautiful!

Xiao Guoguo said directly without even thinking about it!

“And your ears are pointed and long! Just like Kiki!”

Qiqi next to her replied not to be outdone!


Hearing that, the elf queen looked at Qiqi a little strangely, and then asked: “Kiki, are you not a human?”

“Hehe! Beautiful Big sis, Qiqi is not a human being! She is a little white fox!

Xiao Guoguo replied with a smile!

“Fox tribe? Orc tribe?”

After hearing what Xiaoyinguo said, the elf queen also looked at Kiki a little differently!

“Unexpectedly, the orc actually appeared again with a pure soul!”

The Elf Queen also said with emotion!

As the queen of the elves, she naturally knows how important an orc with a pure heart is to the orcs!

Since the fall of the orc with a pure heart, the orcs have been desolate for this reason. It has been an unknown number of years. Now that the orcs have once again appeared a person with a pure heart, does this indicate that the orcs will rise again?

And the orc who had a pure heart and fallen, was the prophet of the orc clan!

This kind of people are naturally given the ability to predict the future by the heavens and the earth, but this kind of ability should also be limited, otherwise it will be too invincible!

Knowing the past and the future, if this kind of person is his enemy, when he is weak, he will not be directly killed by him!

“Okay! Dante Elder, you take them down first!”

The Elf Queen thought for a while, and then told a silent Dandy Elder!

After finishing speaking, he said softly to Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi, “You two are Yinyin and Qiqi!”

“Yeah! My name is Yuanyuan!”

Xiao Yinyin said!

“My name is Qiqi!

Qiqi also said!

“Let’s do it! How about I let Dante Elder take you down for a fruit?”

“Pick fruit? Okay!

Hearing this, the two of them stared at the Elf Queen with their eyes shining, and then they nodded and said!

“Yeah! Dandy Elder, then you can take them to the orchard of our elves!

Seeing this, the Elf Queen also smiled, and then said to Dandy Elder!


Dante Elder responded!

Then he said to Xiao Yinyin and Kiki: “Yin Yin, Kiki! Then let’s go!”

After speaking, walked towards the outside of the palace!

Seeing this, the two little guys didn’t hesitate, and quickly chased them up!

After the three of them left, the Elf Queen closed her eyes and communicated with the Tree of Life!

“Mother! How do you feel about those two little guys?”

“Yes, Not Bad!”

Suddenly, an old and kind voice came into the ears of the Elf Queen!

“That’s right! Wen Dini, I feel a power that scares me in these two children, but this power seems to be sealed by another powerful force!”

At this time, the old voice sounded again!

“What? A power that scares you? And it’s sealed up?”

Upon hearing this, the elf queen Wendini exclaimed!

She could naturally feel that when Own’s mother mentioned that power, she was also very jealous!

“Hey! That kind of feeling can’t be wrong! And, the blood of the fox child…

The tree of life said again!

But half talking, but stopped!

“Mother? What happened to that bloodline?”

Seeing that the tree of life suddenly stopped speaking, the elf queen Wendini also hurriedly asked!

This “you don’t need to know! You just need to know, and befriend these two kids, this is a great thing for our whole elves!”

The voice of the tree of life came again!


After hearing the words of the tree of life, the elf queen Wendini couldn’t keep asking, so she nodded and answered!

Don’t look at her as the top existence on the Celestial Continent, but she often communicates with the Tree of Life. Naturally, she knows that there are many powerful worlds and people outside the Celestial Continent!

Therefore, with her current Cultivation Base, she can walk sideways on the Celestial Continent, but once it reaches beyond the Celestial Continent, then she will not be eligible!

0……Look for flowers…

However, she understood at least one thing from the words of the tree of life, that is, these two children and the elves can’t afford it, and they have to make friends, which is good for their elves!

“Okay! I’ll go back first! If there is nothing urgent lately, please don’t contact me!

The tree of life said again!

After speaking, there was no sound, and it seemed to be gone!

After the tree of life was gone, Wendini, the elf queen, was also lost in thought. After a while, she stood up abruptly, and then walked towards the outside of the palace!

the other side!

At this time an extremely huge ancient tree.

It exudes a misty brilliance, needless to say, this ancient tree is the tree of life!

And at the very center of the tree of life, this place is full of rich life elements. If someone directly cultivates here, I am afraid that they will not be able to play for a few years, and they can only directly raise the Cultivation Base Ascension to the gods!


You have to know that this is a god level, how many people are there in the entire Celestial Continent, and they are all the top existences in the Celestial Continent, but here, as long as they can create one, it can be seen how many life elements are here. Rich!

And in the place with such a rich life element, there is a young and beautiful woman in the center of it, sitting cross-eyed with her eyes closed!

Suddenly, the woman’s body shook violently, as if something had happened, only a trace of bright red blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth!

“It’s terrible! I just spied on it, and I was directly injured. If it weren’t for the bloodline power that didn’t harm me, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be as simple as being injured!”

The woman wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and then muttered to herself!

From the woman’s eyes, it is not difficult to see that she is still a little scared at this time!

Thinking of the scene she saw after Divine Sense entered the little girl named Na Qiqi, the woman’s eyes were full of horror!

That is a world full of gloom, a fox with a twelve-day tail. This fox is the largest fox a woman has ever seen. I am afraid that its one eye is bigger than the entire Celestial Continent. I don’t know how many times bigger it is!

When she saw the fox, the fox seemed to look at her suddenly.At that moment, the woman only felt that time and space had stopped, and her own seemed to be stripped naked, naked in the eyes of the fox. There is no secret at all! The factory,

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