Chapter 603 Qin Xuan: If I go inside, how about I let you go?

Thinking of the scene she saw after Divine Sense entered the little girl named Na Qiqi, the woman’s eyes were full of horror!

That is a world full of gloom, a fox with only twelve tails. This fox is the largest fox a woman has ever seen. I am afraid that its one eye is bigger than that of the entire Celestial Continent. I don’t know how many times bigger it is!

When she saw her fox, the fox seemed to look at her suddenly.At that moment, the woman only felt that time and space had stopped, and her own seemed to be stripped, naked and naked in the fox’s eyes. There is no secret at all!

If it weren’t for the fox with only twelve tails, and didn’t want to hurt himself, I’m afraid it was definitely not as simple as this kind of injury!

“That fox seems to be a bloodline, but it has been alive for so long, and I have never heard of it, the fox family has such a powerful bloodline!”

The woman who calmed down couldn’t help but secretly “zero zero zero” to guess from herself!

“If the fox clan really has such a strong bloodline, and is known by the main gods of the upper realm, what else can they do to live there?”

When I think of the fact that the main gods of the upper realm can’t sit still after knowing this bloodline, the woman can’t help but want to laugh!

As for the girl named Yin Yin, although she has not been investigated seriously, she can still feel the incomparable power in Yin Guo since she was a child!

Compared with Qiqi, the power of the community is more like it is real, but it is sealed up, and although Qiqi’s power is strong, it is only the power of blood, and she needs to slowly tap it in the future!

“It seems that I still have to go to the God Realm and tell them about this! Let them have some refreshments to prepare!”

The woman pondered for a while, and then muttered to herself!

After speaking, the whole person has disappeared!

the other side!

However, he said that after Qin Xuan rushed into the fairy forest with Qiqi in the community, he was not in a hurry, but followed far behind!

After all, although the power of the two little guys was sealed by him, no one in the entire Celestial Continent could hurt them at all!

Especially because of Xiaoguo, there are several Chaos Supreme Treasures on her body alone, and they are all the Chaos Supreme Treasures with defense!

Therefore, even if the entire Celestial Cang Continent was destroyed, Xiao Yin and Qi Qi would not be hurt at all!

“Huh? That ancient tree is the tree of life of the elves! It actually gave birth to wisdom, and it was transformed!”

Qin Xuan, who was walking forward leisurely, suddenly felt something.At the moment, he also raised his head and looked in the direction of the elves, and then muttered softly!

“Forget it! It doesn’t matter to me whether it changes form or not, as long as it doesn’t come to provoke me!”

Qin Xuan shook his head, then mumbled indifferently!

After speaking, he continued to walk forward!


At this moment, a roar rang out, and I saw a wolf in front of Qin Xuan, somehow!

The wolf stared at Qin Xuan, his eyes filled with heat, as if Qin Xuan was its Chinese food!

After seeing the wolf, Qin Xuan also looked at it with interest!

“Although the strength is not good, but it still looks full of mighty power, let it do it on its own!”

Looking at the wolf that appeared suddenly, Qin Xuan stroked his chin, then whispered!


Seeing that the own prey was not afraid of himself, but was still looking at himself quietly and tastefully, the wolf suddenly became furious, and his eyes flashed fiercely. Pounced!


Qin Xuan couldn’t help feeling a little funny when he saw the wolf pounce on him!

After thinking about cultivating to the Chaos Dao realm, even Daoist, Hongjun Daozu and others are respectful of themselves, and they have to do the power of Junior when they see themselves!

And now, this one is actually going to shoot himself, Qin Xuan can’t help feeling a little new!

Seeing the giant wolf who was rushing towards him, Qin Xuan also slowly raised his hand, and then slapped the giant wolf who was rushing over!



Before the giant wolf understood what was going on, he felt that his own body seemed to have been hit by a huge force.It flew out all of a sudden, hit the surrounding trees, and broke several trees in an instant!

After Qin Xuan shot the giant wolf into the air, he just stayed on the spot and didn’t continue to do it!

After being shot and flying, the giant wolf didn’t seem to have suffered any harm.I saw it stood up and used its own head, and I was very puzzled!

The giant wolf thought to himself, the blow just made him fly so far, even if he wasn’t seriously injured, at least he was injured seriously, but what’s going on now?

Is it because he is loved by heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are helping him? If so, isn’t he invincible?

This giant wolf seems to be huge, but in fact it has just turned on its intelligence soon.According to the human IQ, it is only a few years old!

Thinking of this, the giant wolf’s momentum suddenly increased, as if he was invincible in the world, and suddenly he had forgotten, who just slapped him to fly it to Shuai!

In an instant, the giant wolf rushed towards Qin Xuan again!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, thinking, is this giant wolf really not afraid of death?

In fact, the giant wolf is not loved by the world so that it is not injured, but Qin Xuan’s subordinates are merciful!

Because he will have to let this giant wolf carry himself later, if he hurts this giant wolf, he will have to treat it later, which is very troublesome!

So, just now I took this giant wolf into the air, and it didn’t use much force, and a little force was also allocated to protect it!

However, Qin Xuan didn’t expect that this giant wolf is so unsure of what is good or bad, and even dared to do something to himself and shake his temper?

At the moment, Qin Xuan raised his hand again, and slapped the giant wolf that was rushing over again, and this time, Qin Xuan was not dividing his strength to protect it!


Only a sound of broken bones sounded, and then the giant wolf flew out again!

But this time when flying out, the giant wolf still wanted to stand up like the first time, but just as soon as he tried hard, he felt that his whole body was painful, and he couldn’t make it out with any strength, and instantly fell back!

At the moment it fell, the giant wolf’s eyes could not help being filled with doubts!

What’s going on? Isn’t I loved and protected by the world? How come I can’t stand up after being slapped by this human being?

1.3 With only an IQ comparable to that of two or three-year-old children, the giant wolf wondered!

Seeing that the giant wolf could not stand up, Qin Xuan immediately walked over, came to the giant wolf and squatted down, and then said to it, “How? How did you think about the proposal I just made?”

Hearing that, the giant wolf’s eyes were also at a loss, suggesting? Did you suggest to me just now?

Seeing this, Qin Xuan was speechless for a while, but Qin Xuan did not blame it either.

Immediately he said again: “You carried me into the deepest part of the Elf Forest, and I will heal your wounds, and when I get there, how about I let you leave?”

Hearing that, the giant wolf was first taken aback, then shook his head madly, and the gaze looking at the deepest part of the elf forest was also full of fear, as if there was something terrible in it!

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