Chapter 601 The other side of the Elf Queen!


After entering the elven clan, Xiaoyin and Qiqi couldn’t help but exclaimed, not to say how beautiful the elven clan is (of course, it may be very beautiful for the Celestial Continent), mainly because here These two little guys are surprised!

After all, it was the first time that the two saw that since someone had put the village in the air and watched the people coming and going in mid-air, how could this not surprise these two little guys!

“Let’s go! You two, go with Dandy Big sis first to see the Queen first!”

At this moment, Dante Elder suddenly said to the two little guys!

Queen “My lord? Is that the patriarch of your elves?”

The two little guys looked at her curiously!

“Well, almost!”

Hearing that, Dandy Elder was also slightly taken aback, but thinking about the Queen, she suddenly nodded and said!

“Okay! Then let’s meet your patriarch!”

“Yeah! Let’s go!”

Seeing this, Danti Elder didn’t say anything, and took the two little guys directly towards the only palace built on the ground!

When he came to the palace, Danti Elder didn’t pause at all, but walked directly in!


After entering the palace, Dandy Elder first bowed respectfully to the Queen of 983 on the throne, and then called!

“Dante Elder, you are back!

The queen opened her eyes. After seeing the small picture and Kiki next to Dandy Elder, a strange color flashed in her eyes because, in the perception just now, she only perceives that the person coming is only Dandy Elder. , And there are no these two children!

You know, she is the existence of the pinnacle of the gods, one of the top existences in the entire Celestial Continent, and only the dragon king of the dragon clan, the two popes of the light gods and the dark gods, etc., can be compared with her. Just wait for so few!

Even the three emperors of the Magical Beasts clan are always one level lower than her. What’s more, they can use the power of the mother tree, and the combat power is doubled!

But even so, I didn’t actually feel it just now, these two children?

Thinking of this, the Elf Queen also looked at Xiaoyin and Kiki with curiosity, and then asked Dandi Elder next to him: “Danti Elder, I wonder if these two are?”

“Queen! This is how things are, I…

Hearing the queen’s question, so Dandy Elder told the queen how he met Xiaoyin and Kiki, and then how to bring the two little guys back!

(agbc) Late! Actually ignoring the power of the enchantment of my clan?”

After hearing what Dandy Elder said, the elf queen also looked at the two little guys with different expressions!

“Pretty Big Sister! Are you the head of the elves?”

While the Elf Queen is looking at them, the two little guys are also looking at the Elf Queen!

“Eh? Hey! I am indeed the patriarch of the elves!”

Hearing the words of the two little guys, the Elf Queen was also slightly taken aback, but soon she nodded and said with a smile!

Since she became the queen of the elves, it is the first time I heard someone call her so, so I feel a little novel!

“Just now Danti Big sis said that you have a lot of fruits here, so Kiki and Guoguo Big sis are not pickable?”

Kiki looked at the elf queen expectantly, and then asked!


Hearing this, the Elf Queen also looked suspicious, and turned her head to look at Dante Elder next to her, and asked her what was going on!

After hearing Kiki’s words, Dandy Elder was also shocked, and her heart was speechless. But seeing the queen looking towards herself, she explained immediately!

“Ah! Don’t worry, there is no problem with how many you two want to pick!

After hearing Dandy Elder’s explanation, the Elf Queen instantly understood what was going on, and she couldn’t help feeling funny at the moment, but she nodded and turned back!

After all, this is the last thing their Elves lack!

“Hee hee! Thank you for the beautiful Big sis!”

After hearing the words of the Elf Queen, the two little guys also thanked them with joy!

“Right! Why do you appear in the barrier of my race?”

The Elf Queen looked at the two curiously, and then asked!



The Elf Queen was stunned again!

She had thought of many reasons in her heart, but she didn’t expect it to be this reason, it was actually for fun?

If you say this, others will not believe it!

“Just for fun?”


Kiki nodded and turned back!

After all, the reason why the two of them are there is because they are playing!

“No! Qiqi, you forgot, what are we here for?”

But at this moment, Xiao Yin next to him shook his head and retorted!

“Yeah! What’s the reason for that?

Hearing that, the elf queen above the throne couldn’t help but jumped slightly, and then looked at the two little guys and asked!

“Oh! Qiqi also remembered, we came here to find the legendary elves!”

After hearing the reminder from Xiaoyinguo, Qiqi also remembered the main reason she came here at this time!

“Looking for our elves?”

After hearing Kiki’s words, the fierce light in the eyes of the Elf Queen suddenly rose.

In an instant, the temperature in the entire palace seemed to suddenly drop more than ten degrees below zero!

And Danti Elder who was next to him seemed to feel something suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

“What a terrible breath! This breath alone makes me feel so powerless. It seems that the Queen has made Cultivation Base even more unpredictable for so many years!”

However, Xiaoyin and Qiqi seem to know nothing, and it seems that this breath can’t affect them at all!

“What do you do with the elves first?”

The elf queen looked at Xiaoyin and Kiki, and then asked!

If the two of them dared to have any bad thoughts about the elves, she would definitely shoot them directly, even if the two of them were just children, she would be merciless!

After all, as the queen of the elves, it is absolutely impossible for her to let the own elves, there is any danger, even a little bit must be killed!

“Because Yin and Qiqi want to see how the legendary elves look like!”

If the small picture doesn’t even think about it, just reply directly!

“that’s all?”

Hearing that, the Elf Queen still looked at the two with suspicion!

The two little guys nodded affirmatively!

Seeing this, the fierce light in the eyes of the Elf Queen slowly receded, and the gazes that looked at the two little guys gradually softened!

As for why the Elf Queen believed so, the words of these two little guys, it was because, the moment she saw these two little guys, she felt that these two little guys have such pure hearts!

As for a person with a pure heart, once she lied, she would feel it directly!

“Aah! Then you see it now! How is it, what is the difference between our elves?”

Now that they know that these two little guys will not harm the elves they came to, the Elf Queen is also a rare joke!,

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