Chapter 582: The Seed That Has Been Planted in My Heart!

With Qin Xuan’s current Cultivation Base, to help one person Foundation Building, it really doesn’t require any preparation. So there is no need to prepare at all!

“No need to prepare anything?”

Listening to Qin Xuan saying that there is no need to prepare those materials, Field Winnie couldn’t help but be stunned at the moment!

You know, in the general history of the heavens that she has read, she said bluntly that if you want to practice, you must make complete preparations, otherwise, if one fails, then there will be no chance!

“My lord! Don’t you really need to prepare anything?”

Field Winnie couldn’t help asking again!

You know, it’s the first time I practice, and if I fail, then in my life, I can only be an ordinary person with peace of mind, and don’t think of getting ahead!

But after learning that Qin Xuan can help her cultivation, how could Field Winnie be willing to be an ordinary person? She made a wish back then to let her parents live better, so that she can be affected everywhere. Respect of others!

“Well! Really don’t need it! It’s just a simple introduction to you, it’s still very simple for me!”

Qin Xuan shook his head, and then promised-said!

Seeing Qin Xuan so sure, Field Winnie felt-finally relieved!

In this way, time slowly passed, it was almost noon, and Field Winnie was already cooking lunch!

“My lord, the food is done by yourself, or you and them will eat first! Father, mother may have to wait a while before they come back!

Field Winnie walked out of the house after lunch, and saw Qin Xuan sitting underneath with her eyes closed and rested, while Xiao Chong Yin and Qiqi were playing and changing, so she couldn’t help but walked over and then whispered. road!

“Aha! It’s okay, let’s wait for your parents to come back and eat!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan opened his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said with a smile!

“That… that’s all right!”

Seeing Qin Xuan’s refusal, Field Winnie is not reluctant!

After that, Field Winnie took the opportunity to sit down next to him, then looked at Xiao Tutu and Kiki, and flew to the big tree to pick the Lingyun fruit from time to time, and her eyes could not help but show envy again!

Time has come to noon again!

At this time, Qin Xuan also found a man and a woman walking in this direction in the distance. At the moment, he couldn’t help but said to the slightly tranced Field Winnie: “Winnie! Two people are coming here, you See if it’s your parents?”

“Yes! It’s the father and mother, they are back!”

After being awakened by Qin Xuan’s voice, Field Winnie followed Qin Xuan’s gaze, and saw that there were indeed two people coming here. Although they were a little far away, Field Winnie could vaguely recognize by her rotation. It’s own parents!

At this time, Qin Xuan also found a man and a woman walking in this direction in the distance. At the moment, he couldn’t help but said to Winnie Field, who was slightly fascinated: “Winnie! Two people are coming here. Do you think it’s your parents?”

“Yes! It’s the father and mother, they are back!”

After being awakened by Qin Xuan’s voice, Winnie Field followed Qin Xuan’s gaze, and saw that two people were indeed coming here. Although they were far away, Winnie Field could vaguely rely on the wheel. Recognize that they are own parents!

After speaking, Winnie Field stood up and greeted her!

“Father, mother, you are back!”

As soon as Field Winnie walked to the gate of the yard, his parents had already walked in front of her!

“Yeah! We are back!”

Winnie Field’s father nodded, and said!

After speaking, he looked at Qin Xuan in the yard with curiosity, and the three people in the courtyard, Yin and Qiqi!

The daughter “! They are?” And Winnie Field’s mother took Winnie Field’s hand and asked in a low voice!

“Mother! This is?”

Hearing this, Winnie Field pulled Own’s mother forward and prepared to introduce her, but as soon as the words were spoken, Winnie Field realized that she still didn’t know Qin Xuan’s name, and she looked at Qin in embarrassment right now. Xuan!

“Aha! You two are Winnie’s parents! My name is Qin Xuan, I just met Winnie at the market!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan didn’t care, and immediately smiled at Winnie Field’s parents, and then introduced herself!

“Hello, Mr. Qin! I am asking your father, see Winnie Field, this is my wife Ellie Yvette!”

Seeing this, Winnie Field’s father also quickly introduced herself and Mrs. Own!

“Father! Mother! I met Mr. Da Qin by selling Lingyun Fruits at the market. Later, he knew that I hadn’t cultivated before, so he was ready to help me in my first life!

At this moment, Winnie Field suddenly interrupted!

After speaking, Winnie Field looked at Own parents expectantly!

“What! Mr. Qin wants to help you cultivate?”

After hearing what their daughter said, Field Huating and Mrs. Own couldn’t help but exclaimed. At the moment, they also looked at Qin Xuan curiously, hoping to see from their faces whether what their daughter said was true. !

“Father, mother! It’s true, I didn’t lie to you. Now Mr. Qin just wants to wait for you to come back and ask if you can answer my cultivation!”

Seeing Own’s parents looking at Qin Xuan, Winnie Field knew that Own’s parents may still have some disbelief, and she quickly explained!

“Mr. Qin, what did this Winnie say?”

Seeing his daughter’s face was affirmative, it was not a fake, Huating Field couldn’t help but look at Qin Xuan expectantly, and then asked!

Ellie’s Yvette, who was next to him, was shocked by the news after hearing her daughter’s words.At the moment, he also looked at Qin Xuan with an incredible expression, with some expectation in his eyes!

“Well! What Winnie said is true, I really want to help the problem cultivation!”

“Then now, you both disagree with Wen Ni cultivation!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also nodded, and then said!

“Yes, why not? If Mr. Qin can help my daughter cultivate, I am a hundred willing!”

After getting confirmation from Qin Xuan, the two nodded fiercely, and then said!

God knows how much he hopes his own daughter can study at the Magic or Ze Swordsman Academy, but because of the family environment, Winnie Field can’t go to the Academy to study!

Regarding this, Huating Field could say that he was extremely guilty, but now he heard someone say that he could help his own daughter to cultivate. How could this make him unwilling?

Not only him, but also Ellie Yvette next to him, his wife, Winnie Field’s mother, after hearing Qin Xuan’s words, she nodded vigorously, showing how willing she is too !

“Look, Mr. Qin, didn’t I say that my father and mother are very willing to cultivate?”

Seeing this, Winnie Field also said with a smile!

When I think that I will be a magician or a swordsman from tomorrow, how can Winnie Field be unhappy, how can he not be excited! Ding.

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