Chapter 583 Winnie Field’s Parents!

“Hey! Since your parents have agreed, then from tomorrow, you will start to follow me in practice!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also nodded, then smiled and replied!

“Yes! Mr. Qin!”

Winnie Field hurriedly responded!

After speaking, he said: “Since my father and mother have returned by themselves, let’s start eating!


This time Qin Xuan did not decline either, but nodded!

So Winnie Field happily ran into the house, then moved out the table, chair, and served food!

“Time to eat!”

Seeing this, the neighboring community and Qiqi also cheered happily!

At the dinner table, Huating Field could be said to be extremely happy. He kept toasting to Qin Xuan. Naturally, Qin Xuan did not. No matter how much he opened, Qin Xuan drank as much as “Nine-three-seven”!

Anyway, with his current Cultivation Base and physique, no matter how much he gets together, he won’t be drunk!

Sure enough, after Winnie Field and Xiao Guoguo had finished eating, Huating Field was already drunk and shaking his head, but he still wanted to drink with Qin Xuan. In the end, his wife Allie Yi Weitte really couldn’t stand it anymore, so he helped him into the house!

“Mr. Qin, if you want to rest, take a lunch break in Winnie’s room!

After a while, Ellie Yvette walked out and said to Qin Xuan!

“No need! Why not, I think your yard is quite big, how about I build a house here?”

However, Qin Xuan shook his head and refused. He stood up, looked at the surrounding area, and said to Ellie Yvette!

“Mr. Qin, you want to build a house?”

After listening to Qin Xuan’s words, Ellie Yvette felt a little confused at once, and said hesitantly at the moment: “Mr. Qin, why don’t you wait for Huating to wake up and ask him to find someone to come back and help you? Build a house?”

Ellie Yvette is not afraid that Qin Xuan will build a house in her yard and stand in her own place. She is afraid that Qin Xuan will not be able to do it alone, so she said that!

“Ah! It’s okay, you just need to find a place for me to come out!”

Qin Xuan naturally knew what she meant, and couldn’t help but smile at the moment!

“Hey! Look, Mr. Qin, how about there?”

Hearing this, Ellie Yvette wasn’t blocking, she pointed to the open space next to her, and said!


Seeing this, Qin Xuan nodded, that’s all right!

After speaking, Qin Xuan walked directly to the clearing and waved his hand!

I saw this clearing, in the shocked eyes of the mother and daughter of Ellie Yvette and Winnie Field, as if they were enchanted, a tree grew crazily from this clearing, and, The tree continued to grow bigger, and eventually grew to a height of nearly tens of feet, about the size of a house, before it stopped growing!

Qin Xuan: No! It’s Taoism! But he said, Qin Xuan walked directly to this clearing and waved his hand!

I saw this clearing, in the shocked eyes of the mother and daughter of Ellie Yvette and Winnie Field, as if they were enchanted, a tree grew crazily from this clearing, and, The tree continued to grow, and eventually grew to a height of nearly tens of feet, about the size of a house, before it stopped growing!

“Magic? Mr. Qin is a magician?”

Seeing this huge tree grow into a huge tree in a short while, Ellie Yvette couldn’t help muttering to herself in shock!

Even Ellie Yvette, who has never seen anything in the world, knows that if you want a tree to grow from a small sapling into a big tree tens of feet high in the blink of an eye, this is by no means a simple magician. It can be done!

“Mr. Qin is at least at the level of a bronze magician. It is even possible that Mr. Qin is a silver or golden magician!”

Although Ellie Yvette doesn’t know many words, she usually reads some general history about the Celestial Continent with her own daughter Winnie Field when she is free, so she naturally knows some levels of cultivation!

Therefore, she naturally knew how rare it is to see a magician of silver or gold. A golden magician!

Powerhouses like those magisters or great magisters basically dominate the imperial city. As for peak powerhouses like the Dharma Sage, Ellie Yvette has never heard of it!

However, these holy peak powerhouses are nothing more than two types.

And the dozens of holy steps that are known now, four of them sit in the palaces of the four empires. Generally, they rarely move out, unless there is a major problem in the empire, they will take action!

As for the remaining holy step peak powerhouses, they are all hidden, and ordinary people don’t even know where they are!

And when Ellie Yvette thought of such a silver or gold magician teaching this own daughter, her heart suddenly became excited!

After the big tree stopped growing, Qin Xuan walked over and came to the big tree. Qin Xuan stretched out his hand to hold something like a handrail!

Qin Xuan pulled it slightly, and it opened like a door!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also nodded in satisfaction!

“Mr. Qin, is this big tree the house you just mentioned?”

Ellie Yvette asked curiously!

At first, when Ellie Yvette heard Qin Xuan said that she was going to build a house, she thought it was built little by little like ordinary people.

Although this senior Qin may be someone who knows how to practice, he is just a little faster than ordinary people. How can I think about it, which is faster? This is obviously too much faster, and I use a big tree in the blink of an eye. Built a house, how is this not strong Allie Evie 1.2 is surprised!

“Mr. Qin! Is this magic?”

At this time, Fangbian’s Winnie Field also looked at all this in shock, and then asked!

Almost “Oh! But I still like to call it Taoism!”

Qin Xuan smiled slightly, and then said!

“Daoshu? Is it also a kind of magic?

Winnie Field frowned, then looked at Qin Xuan with a puzzled look!

“No! Taoism is Taoism, and magic is magic! Although the two sources are the same, there are huge differences in the process!”

Qin Xuan shook his head, then explained!

“Then Mr. Qin, are you going to teach me this kind of Dao skill in the future?”

Winnie Field looked at Qin Xuan expectantly, and then asked!

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