Chapter 581: Fly, fly!

After a while, the community and Qiqi picked up a bag full of Lingyun Fruits, and then flew back again!

“Yinguo, Qiqi, do you two carry treasures on your body, or have you cultivated some secret magical powers to fly?”

After seeing Madoka and Kiki flying back, Field Winnie stepped forward and couldn’t wait to ask!


Hearing that, Xiaoguo looked at Field Winnie in a weird way, then nodded and said, “There are treasure maps, but they are rarely used. Moreover, because the country can fly, it doesn’t use any treasures!”

“Kiki! How about you?”

Seeing that Xiao Tutu said that he could fly, although Field Winnie was a little convinced in her heart, he still asked Qiqi next to her!

“Huh? What?”

Kiki, who was eating, suddenly heard someone calling herself, she also looked at Field Winnie with a dull face, and then asked suspiciously!

“Kiki! Little Big sis asks if you can fly!”

Seeing that Kiki was still at a loss, Xiao Guoguo couldn’t help relaying Field Winnie’s words to Kiki again!

“Fly? Qiqi can fly! Don’t you know how to fly little Big sis?”

This time Kiki finally figured it out, and now, like Xiao Guoguo-920, looked at Field Wen with a strange expression, and then asked!

“How can this be!”

After hearing the affirmative answers from Xiaoyin and Kiki, Field Winnie couldn’t accept it at the moment.

Therefore, Field Winnie stared at the eyes of the two little guys, hoping to see the guilty conscience in their eyes, but apart from being at a loss for her innocence, Field Winnie had nothing else to discover!

“Okay! It’s no surprise that you can fly, as long as you work hard in cultivation in the future, you will soon be able to fly freely in the sky like them!

At this moment, Qin Xuan, who was standing next to him without speaking, saw that Field Winnie couldn’t accept it, so he couldn’t help but shout!


Field Winnie looked at Qin Xuan expectantly, and then asked!

“Yeah! It’s true! Also, this seemingly large Celestial Continent is actually very small. You know, there are many very large worlds outside of the Celestial Continent!

Qin Xuan gave Field Winnie a real look and said!

“Uh? What do you mean?”

Field Winnie looked at Qin Xuan in confusion!

Forget it! (agbc) It is still too early for you at this time. After you have cultivated to a certain level, you will naturally know it!!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also reluctantly shook his head and said back!

Forget it! “It’s still too early for you at this time. After you have cultivated to a certain level, you will naturally know!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also reluctantly shook his head and said back!

“Really! I will really become a holy magician in the future?”

Hearing that, Field Winnie couldn’t help but feel a little excited, and she asked expectantly!

For Field Winnie, she can fly only when she becomes a holy rank, so she thought that after what Qin Xuan said, it was when she became a strong holy rank!

“Um… count it!”

Qin Xuan looked at Field Winnie speechlessly, and finally didn’t bother to refute it!

My lord “! When will you start to help me cultivation?” Seeing Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi flying around, Field Winnie couldn’t help showing envy in her eyes, and she couldn’t wait to move towards Qin Xuan right now. Asked!

After all, Field Winnie is nothing more than a teenage girl. Why doesn’t a girl at this age have dreams of owning her own? What’s more, she is still a commoner who lives in a big town, and naturally she has more knowledge!

When she was a child, she often went out to set up a stall with Own’s father, and saw those magicians and swordsmen on the street.They were respected no matter where they went, and she was also envious of this!

Therefore, in her small heart at that time, she unknowingly planted a seed, that is, when she grows up, she will become a magician or swordsman just like them!

With this seed, from then on, Field Winnie asked own father to buy a book about cultivation knowledge, but the book of cultivation knowledge is so expensive that he can’t be read by a child of a commoner family!

In the end, she could only retreat and ask her father to buy the general history of the Celestial Continent, but even the general history is still expensive!

He couldn’t afford to cultivate his own daughter, but he couldn’t afford even the general history of the Celestial Continent. For this, Field Winnie’s father also felt very guilty. After that, he thought of a way!

That is to go to the bookstore to see the old books that are broken and no one wants, and are ready to be thrown away, and buy them back at a low price!

And after Field Winnie got the books she wanted, she also felt an excitement.Even if these books were worn out, they still excited her for several days!

So, this is why, as a commoner child of her, she can know that the strong of the holy rank can soar in the sky freely!

“Even if I know that you want to be a cultivator, I still ask you again, are you really willing to cultivate?

Seeing Field Winnie’s eagerness, Qin Xuan suddenly looked at her seriously, and then asked!

Seeing this, Field Winnie also stared at Qin Xuan firmly!

“Then will you cultivate your parents to agree?”

Qin Xuan asked again!

Although Qin Xuan is detached from the world, he can invite to travel among the worlds of heaven, but he does not want to make decisions for others!

“Yes! Father and mother, of course they would, if it weren’t for my family’s lack of money, I’m afraid they would have sent me to cultivate and finish my practice!”

“Yeah! That’s good!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan nodded in satisfaction!

“My lord, when will you help me to cultivate!”

Field Winnie asked expectantly!

Although “I heard you say that you are very willing to cultivate, but still wait for them to come back, listen to their opinions, if they nod themselves, then I will start to help you cultivate tomorrow morning!

Qin Xuan thought for a while, then said!

“Okay! My lord, do I need to do anything to prepare?”

Although this adult didn’t teach herself to cultivate now, Field Winnie was not disappointed either, because she had been fantasizing for more than ten years, and it was not too bad for such a day!

In Field Winnie’s view, cultivation is the most important thing in life, and helping people cultivation is not a simple matter. You may also need to make some preparations, such as what you want to contain elemental treasures, or some materials for the magic circle. !

However, her family doesn’t have these things at all. If this adult asks her to prepare these things, what should he do if he doesn’t?

Thinking of this, Field Winnie looked at Qin Xuan hesitantly!

“Prepare? No, you can just do it as usual. What you usually do, do what you do now!”

Qin Xuan shook his head, then said!,

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