Chapter 580

“Ah! You don’t need to be so nervous, are you afraid that you won’t succeed if I eat it? What’s more, this is your home!”

Looking at the a little nervous Field Winnie, Qin Xuan couldn’t help laughing and joking!

Qin Xuan naturally knew why Field Winnie was so nervous!

The reason why Field Winnie was so nervous was because she remembered that at the market before, Qin Xuan once said that she should help her cultivation, but she has never been exposed to matters related to practice, so I inevitably Ni will also be a little nervous!

“Yeah! I get it!”

Sure enough, after hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Field Winnie’s nervous mood also relaxed a lot!

“Little Big sis, Little Big sis! When can we pick those fruits?”

Just when Field Winnie wanted to say something, she was suddenly interrupted by the small picture next to her!

“Ah… you can pick it now! Wait a minute, Big sis will go in and get the tools now, and then pick the fruits for you!”

After listening to the community’s words, Field Winnie thought of these two little guys at this moment, and there was a trace of embarrassment on her face, so she hurriedly said!

After speaking, Field Winnie stood up, and then he was about to walk into the house!

“Small Big sis actually doesn’t need tools, we can pick them too!

Xiaoguo said again!

After finishing speaking, she looked at Field Winnie with a strange look, as if to say, “Big sis, why are you so weird, you just pick some fruits, what tools do you use!”

“No tools? How to pick it?”

After listening to the community saying that they can be picked without tools, Field Winnie was a little dumbfounded, and immediately glanced at the big tree that was nearly ten meters high next to him, and he couldn’t help but secretly said!

“Could it be climbed up?”

Thinking of this, Fieldwini couldn’t help swallowing, can this tree be so high that she can climb it?

As for why she didn’t want Qin Xuan to climb, it was because in her eyes, Qin Zhan was a person of cultivation, with a noble status, how could he do such a thing as climbing a tree!

As for letting the community and Kiki climb, let’s forget it.In the eyes of Field Winnie, the community and Kiki are just two children. How could it be possible to climb such a high tree?

Thinking of this, Field Winnie couldn’t help but shook her head, wanting to throw this idea out of her own mind!

Qin Xuan is noble and impossible to climb, and because He Qiqi is a child in the community, he can’t climb, so there is only one left here!

“Forget it! Climb! Climb! The big deal is to break your leg, anyway, as long as you don’t die!”

Field Winnie gritted her teeth fiercely, then rolled up her own sleeves, and walked towards the tree as if she was dead!

Forget it “! Climb! Climb! It’s a big deal, break your leg, anyway, as long as you don’t die!”

Field Winnie gritted her teeth fiercely, then rolled up her own sleeves, and walked towards the tree as if she was dead!


Seeing this, Qin Xuan, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi looked at her a little strangely, don’t know what this little Big sis is doing!

“Little Big sis, what do you do?”

Kiki looked at her a little dull, and then asked with doubts in her eyes!

“Climb a tree!!

Field Winnie said without looking back!

“Climbing a tree? What does climbing a tree do? Is it fun to climb a tree?”

“How can I pick you fruits without climbing a tree?”

Hearing Kiki’s words, Field Winnie couldn’t help rolling her eyes with a gloomy look, then turned her head, and then said to Xiao Guoyin and Kiki!

“But is it a bit too much trouble climbing a tree?”

Xiaoyin looked at Field Winnie with hesitation, and then whispered!

“Then you guys, how can you pluck the fruit from the tree without climbing?”

Field Winnie was even more speechless now, shrugged and said!

I thought: “How can you pick the fruit from the tree without climbing? This is a truth that even a three-year-old child knows!”

“You can pick fruits without climbing a tree, and because I do this often too!”

Xiaoguo said directly because he didn’t even think about it!

“Yeah, yeah! Kiki can also pick fruit without climbing a tree!”

Qiqi next to her also said with a positive expression!

“Late! Then if you pick the fruit without climbing the tree and without any tools! Then you can pick as much as you want today!

Seeing that Xiaoyin and Kiki were still bragging, Field Winnie was also grimace at the moment, and then said!


Xiao Guoyin and Kiki’s eyes shined!

“Yeah! Really!

Field Winnie nodded fiercely!

“Hehe! Then we’re welcome! Kiki, we’re going to pick the fruit!”

With the assurance of Field Winnie, Xiao Guoguo suddenly exclaimed in excitement, and then said to Kiki next to her!

After speaking, he jumped directly into the air, flew to the top of the big tree, and began to pick up the fruits!

And Qiqi was unwilling to be left behind, and flew directly towards another tree!


Seeing Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi flying up, Field Winnie’s eyes widened suddenly, and then she pointed at them with an incredible expression and shouted!

“My lord! Look, the two of them are flying!”

Field Winnie yelled to Qin Xuan next to her!

It seems that Xiaoyin and Qiqi can fly, which makes her feel very incredible!

“Yeah! I saw it!”

“My lord! Are you not surprised at all?”

Seeing that Qin Xuan still had such a plain face, Field Winnie couldn’t accept it immediately!

“I am so surprised that they can fly, because they can fly!”

Qin Xuan looked at Field Winnie like a fool, and then asked strangely!

“They could fly?”

Seeing Qin Xuan looking at herself with a strange face, Field Winnie suddenly felt that she had lived in vain for more than ten years!

Flying, isn’t that only the exclusive use of the holy ranks? This is the rule of the Celestial Continent. Even if you are a great magister, you can only fly in the air for a period of time, and it has to be purchased by a great magister with the wind attribute!

Only the holy rank can fly freely in the air without consumption!

But what do I see now? Two little girls, only three or four years old, can fly in the sky at will. This simply breaks (promises) her definition for many years!

As for why Field Winnie knew that only the Holy Order could fly, it was because she had lived in Burlington City for more than ten years.

“Do these two little girls have the Cultivation Base of the Holy Order?”

In an instant, a smiling thought appeared in Field Winnie’s mind involuntarily!

“No, they can’t have a holy-level Cultivation Base. By the way! They must have cultivated some secret technique, or carried some treasure on them! Otherwise, they won’t fly!”

But it was quickly denied by her. Is the holy rank so easy to reach? Three or four-year-old children, even if they start cultivation with their mothers, it is impossible for them to cultivate to the holy rank within a few years. Base,

If the holy ranks can be reached so easily, then the entire Celestial Cang Continent will be flying all over the sky, and there will be no more than a dozen holy ranks powerhouses on the Celestial Continent!

As for the gods, Field Winnie has never heard of it!

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