Chapter 554: Return to Minor World!

Lingzhi Mushrooms dolls like it, which haven’t been completely transformed, don’t have a name. If you want to have an own name, you have to wait for it to transform!

Although it doesn’t know who the woman in front of them is, it must be a god-tier person who can come back with the master. Therefore, the Lingzhi Mushrooms doll also hopes that the woman in front of him can give herself a name. !

Because, once the god-tier pass gives them a name, then it can get the god-tier pass estimate, and can enjoy the luck of the god-tier pass, so that it can quickly Ascension own Cultivation Base!

Therefore, the elves who have grown into fine plants like it all hope that they can communicate with a god-tier who is a powerful Cultivation Base!

“Don’t have a name yet? How about I give you a name?”

But God Liu didn’t know this, so he couldn’t help asking now!

“Okay! Okay! Thank you Niang Niang!”

Hearing this, Lingzhi Mushrooms doll suddenly smiled and nodded and said!

“Hey, you were cultivated by Lingzhi Mushrooms cultivation, or just call it Huizhi! The word “hui” means clever, smart, and wise. When paired with the word “zhi”, it means ice and snow smart, 06 agile and easy to learn, beautiful and intelligent.”

“And you are the first person I came into contact with when I came into this world, so you should have a surname with me! How about your name Liu Huizhi from now on?”

Seeing Lingzhi Mushrooms doll promised, Liu Shen thought for a while, and then said to Lingzhi Mushrooms doll!


Lingzhi Mushrooms doll smash it, smash it, looked at Liu Shen, and then asked uncertainly!

“Well! It’s Liu Huizhi!”

God Liu nodded and said!

“Ah! I have a name! My name is Liu Huizhi!”

Seeing Liu Shen nodded affirmatively, Lingzhi Mushrooms doll, no, it should be Liu Huizhi, suddenly cheered with excitement!

Suddenly, Liu Shen’s body suddenly stiffened, and then looked at the Lingzhi Mushrooms doll in her arms with a look of doubt, because just now, she actually felt that she was with this Lingzhi Mushrooms. There is a trace of contact with the doll!

Although this connection is weak, God Liu really feels it!

And the Lingzhi Mushrooms doll in the arms of God Liu, after being named by God Liu, the whole breath has also undergone earth-shaking changes!

“How is this going?

Liu Shen naturally felt that the Lingzhi Mushrooms doll had changed, but she didn’t even know why there was such a change, and she couldn’t help but be at a loss now!

Somewhere in the chaos!

An old man wearing a green robe with two long eyebrows, there is also a tree that resembles a willow tree carved on that green robe!

The green-robed old man just sat cross-legged in the chaos, exuding a powerful invisible aura. Under this powerful invisible aura, the violent chaotic aura was directly suppressed as soon as it approached the green-robed old man. , Become gentle, and then be absorbed by the old man, as if these violent chaotic auras are nothing to the old man!

If this scene is seen by those Primordial Sages, you will be shocked. You know, even these Primordial Sages can only absorb the milder Chaos Qi on the edge of Chaos, such violent Chaos Qi, they Don’t say it is absorbed, I am afraid that if you stay in it for a long time, it will be directly assimilated!

Needless to say, this green-robed old man is precisely Daoist, one of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods!

At this moment, Daoist raised his eyebrows and felt something. He frowned, and then opened his eyes violently.In an instant, two divine lights shot out from his eyes, and immediately destroyed the chaos in a radius of billions of light years!

“Huh? What’s the matter? Just now I actually felt that my own luck was divided away!”

Raising eyebrows Daoist frowned slightly, and then said with some doubts!

Although being divided up with a trace of luck is nothing to Daoist raising eyebrows, but being divided up with luck for no reason, no one will be happy!

Besides, when he reaches the level of Daoist, his luck can’t be divided by everyone, even Heavenly Dao!

Is it “Qin senior?”

Raising eyebrows Daoist thought for a while, and then said with some uncertainty!

After all, among the people Yangmei Daoist knows, apart from Chaos Avenue, only Qin Xuan has the ability to share his luck without his consent!

Thinking of this, Daoist raises eyebrows and forgets it!

After a while, Daoist raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes violently, only to see a hint of joy flashing in his eyes!

“Could it be Qin senior who came back! Otherwise, the junior of own would not be able to appear in the wilderness!”

Raise eyebrows Daoist guessed!

Forget it “! I’ll go to the Minor World opened by Qin senior first! As long as I see Qin senior, don’t I know everything by then?”

Raising eyebrows Daoist whispered!

After speaking, Daoist raised his eyebrows and stood up, and then he flashed, and the person has disappeared!

Forget it”! I’d better go to the Minor World opened by Qin senior first! As long as I see Qin senior, don’t I know everything by then?

Raising eyebrows Daoist whispered!

After speaking, Daoist raised his eyebrows and stood up 860, and then he flashed, and the person has disappeared!

the other side!

After Qin Xuan and the three returned to Minor World for a while, they felt that the formation outside Minor World was touched!

“Haha! Qin fellow daoist, you are finally back! If you don’t come back, I’m afraid Xiao Guoguo will have to strip off my beard!”

The moment Qin Xuan felt the formation was touched, a voice rang in the Great Hall!

As soon as the words fell, there were already two figures in the Great Hall, one large and one small. Who else could these two figures besides Chaos Avenue and Xiaoguo!

Xiao Guoguo only felt a lot of light flashing in front of his eyes, and then suddenly appeared in a familiar Great Hall, and the Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis that he thought about day and night were also in this Great Hall!

“Big Big Brother! Qingxian Big sis! I miss you so much because of the country!”

After seeing Qin Xuan and Ye Xian, Xiao Yin directly jumped up from the arms of Chaos Avenue, then rushed in the direction of Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian, and plunged into Qin Xuan’s arms!

“Big Brother! Why did you and Qingxian Big sis come back so long? Do you know that you want to die? Do you think about the country?

The little country in Qin Xuan’s arms raised his head and asked!

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