Chapter 555 Mysterious Chaos Orb!

“Aha! Of course the Big Brother also wants to be due to the country!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also nodded, then smiled and replied!

What he said is indeed the truth, if he didn’t think about the cause of the community, he wouldn’t be so anxious to come back!

“Because! You go to your Qingxian Big sis first, Big Brother has something to do with you, Grandpa Dadao!”

Qin Xuan touched Xiaoguo’s head and said to her!

Hearing that, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and then ran towards Ye Qingxian!

Although Xiaoguo is small, it can still be prioritized. Seeing that the Big Brother wants to talk to Grandpa Dadao, Xiaoyin dared not to dominate Qin Xuanyang any more, but ran over to follow Ye Qingxian!

“Qingxian Big sis! Are you going to another world this time, is it fun?”

Xiaoyin threw himself into Ye Qingxian’s arms, and then asked curiously!

“Huh~! Who is this beautiful Big sis?”

At this time, Xiao Yinyin also noticed the God of Liu next to him, and couldn’t help but ask with confusion!

“Because, your big Big Brother wants to talk to your Grandpa Dadao. Let’s go out first and wait until outside, Big Sis is talking to you!”

Ye Qingxian looked at Qin Xuan and Chaos Avenue, who were sitting opposite each other, nodded at Liu Shen, and then said to Xiao Guoyin!

“Yeah! Let’s go to the lake and take a boat!”

Hearing that, Xiaoyin nodded his head sensibly, and then said!

After speaking, Ye Qingxian took Liu Shen and Xiao Yin and walked outside!

“Fellow Daoist Qin! Thank you so much this time! I’ll run one more time for the province!”

After sitting down on Chaos Avenue, he hugged the cupped fist towards Qin Xuan, and then thanked him!

“Haha! It should be! But chaos fellow daoist, I helped you so much this time, don’t you mean it?”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan suddenly laughed, then narrowed his eyes, looked at Chaos Avenue and said:

“Ah! Qin fellow daoist, you also know that my best thing is great authority, and this thing can’t be given to you.”

“Besides, at our level this time, you don’t like ordinary things. Therefore, although I want to show it, I have nothing for you! How about I give you a Chaos Treasure?”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Chaos Avenue also shrugged helplessly, and then said a little bachelor!


Seeing the rascal posture of Chaos Avenue, Qin Xuan is also a little speechless!

But he never thought about what good things he could get from Chaos Avenue!

“Forget the Chaos Supreme Treasure!

Qin Xuan curled his lips in disdain, then said!

The Chaos Supreme Treasure may seem to be a supreme treasure in the eyes of others, but for people who exist at this level of Qin Xuan and Chaos Dao, it is not a rare treasure at all!

If they are given materials that can refine the Chaos Supreme Treasure, they can also refine the Chaos Supreme Treasure!

“That’s right! Chaos fellow daoist, do you know anything about Chaos Supreme Chaos Orb?

Suddenly, Qin Xuan thought of something, and immediately couldn’t help but ask the Chaos Avenue!

“Chaotic Bead?

When Chaos Avenue heard Qin Xuan mention Chaos Bead, his brows couldn’t help but frowned!

Let’s talk about the four great chaos treasures born from chaos (open heaven axe, chaotic green lotus, good fortune jade disc, and the most mysterious chaos pearl.)

Among them, Kaitian Axe, Chaos Qinglian and good fortune jade, Chaos Avenue all understand their usefulness.

Among them, the Sky-Opening Axe is used by Pangu to open up the world, and the Chaos Qinglian is to complete Pangu, so that he can better open up the world, and finally the Chaos Qinglian is turned into countless spiritual treasures!

As for the good fortune jade, it evolved into the master of the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu, that is, the prehistoric Heavenly Dao, but it was also broken in the end.

Among the four great chaos treasures, only the Chaos Orb is the most depressing of the Chaos Avenue, because he has never known what the Chaos Orb is used for!

You know, the Avenue of Chaos has been alive for an unknown number of times in the Epoch of Chaos, and every Pangu of the Epoch of Chaos will open once.

Moreover, the Chaos Orb is inherently hidden, and even if the Chaos Avenue uses the Dao authority, it is impossible to calculate its location. Therefore, so many Chaos Era has passed, the Chaos Avenue has never seen the Chaos Orb even once!

And it is precisely these four great chaos treasures, which are not refined by the chaos avenue at all, as if they existed from the beginning!

Every time they are broken, they are reborn in a new era of chaos!

However, the Avenue of Chaos has gone through countless chaotic eras, and he has some vague guesses, that is, among the four great chaos treasures, the Chaos Orb is not like the other three chaotic treasures at all.It will be reborn as soon as the new chaotic era!

It seems to have always been unique, it is impossible to be copied or reborn at all!

“Chaos fellow daoist? Chaos fellow daoist, what’s the matter with you?”

Seeing Chaos Avenue sinking into contemplation, Qin Xuan also felt a little strange, and couldn’t help but shout at the moment!

“Uh! It’s nothing, I just thought about something just now!”

When Qin Xuan’s yelling returned to Chaos Avenue, he also shook his head at the moment, and then said:

“Ah! By the way, fellow daoist Chaos, you haven’t told me yet, do you know anything about Chaos Orb?

Hearing that, although Qin Xuan was strange, he didn’t get too much entanglement in this matter, and immediately asked about Chaos Bead again!

“^”Qin fellow daoist, if you ask me about the other three Chaos Treasures, I will understand a little bit, but only the Chaos Orb, I don’t understand it at all, and I have never seen it even when I live to this day!”

“Qin fellow daoist, if you ask me about the other three Chaos Supreme Treasures, I understand a little bit, but only the Chaos Orb, I don’t understand it at all, and I have never seen it even when I live to this day!”

Hearing Qin Xuan mentioning Chaos Bead again, Chaos Avenue suddenly smiled helplessly, and then explained!

“What! You don’t know Chaos Orb, and you have never seen Chaos Orb! How is this possible?”

Upon hearing the narration of Chaos Avenue, Qin Xuan suddenly exclaimed, and then exclaimed in disbelief!

“What’s impossible? Besides, at the level of waiting for me, you should understand that with our current Cultivation Base, you shouldn’t be able to refine treasures at the level of the Four Chaos Supreme Treasures!”

Seeing that Qin Xuan didn’t believe it, the Great Avenue of Chaos couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and then said!

“Yeah! Indeed!

Hearing this, Qin Xuan also nodded in agreement!

Although the two of them can heal the Chaos Supreme Treasure as long as they have enough materials, but whether it is Qin Xuan or Chaos Dadao, they know that the four great chaos supreme treasures in the rumors are not at the level of the Chaos Supreme Treasure at all, they have already surpassed them. This level of Chaos Supreme Treasure!

Therefore, for Chaos Avenue, Qin Xuan still agrees with it!

Qin fellow daoist “, have you seen Chaos Bead?”

At this time, Chaos Avenue also asked curiously!

“You have never seen the Chaos Bead before, even the Chaos Fellow Daoist, how could I have seen it? I also knew about the existence of the Chaos Bead in the last breakthrough, so I just ask you now to see if you know it. knowledge!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan shook his head, and then replied!

Of course Qin Xuan knew about the existence of Chaos Beads, and the Chaos Beads were still in his body now, but after hearing the words of Chaos Avenue, he felt that he still should not give out the news about Chaos Beads!

You know, in addition to the Chaos Orb, Qin Xuan has another treasure, that is, “Hongmeng Xuantianlu”!

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