Chapter 553: The Little Cause of Excitement!


Seeing Xiao Yinyin running outside the palace, Chaos Avenue suddenly became depressed!

“Oh~! It seems that in Xiaoyinguo’s heart, I still can’t compare with the fellow daoist Tang!

Chaos Avenue shook his head helplessly, then sighed!

After finishing speaking, I also went outside again!

He can’t rest assured that Xiaoyin went to Qin Xuan alone, not because he was afraid that Xiaoyin would ignore him when he saw Qin Xuan, but worried that the community would be lost in the chaos!

You know, the place where he and Xiao Guoguo are now is in the deepest part of the chaos, and the chaos is so big, then Pangu opened the sky only to split a corner of the chaos, not even one trillionth of the chaos!

Because if the community wants to reach the world opened by Qin Xuan from here, I am afraid that it is impossible to “843” without a trillion years. Of course, this is still in her smooth situation, if she is lost in the chaos, I’m afraid it’s impossible to go out in this life!

After a while, Chaos Avenue chased to Xiaoguo, and I saw Xiaodi walking around at the gate of the palace, looking like he wanted to rush into the mud, but he didn’t dare!

Seeing this, Chaos Avenue also felt a little funny, and immediately shouted at the community: “Ahem! Little Yinyin! What are you doing so fast! Since your big Big Brother is back, it shouldn’t be for a while. Will go out again!”

“Grandpa Dadao, Grandpa Dadao! Take it home and find Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis! Because I miss them!”

But Xiao Yinyin didn’t listen to the words of Chaos Avenue at all, but said with anxious expression!

“Good, good! Little cause, don’t worry, your Grandpa Dadao will now take you to find your Big Brother Big Sister!”

Looking at Xiaotu with an anxious face, as if I would cry if you didn’t take me there, Chaos Avenue suddenly became speechless, but he still replied!

“Then let’s go!”

Hearing that, Xiaoyin directly took the hand of Chaos Avenue, and then rushed towards Chaos with an impatient expression!

“Oh! I’ll take you! You don’t know when you can meet your Big Brother like this!”

Seeing this, Chaos Avenue sighed involuntarily, and then said!

After finishing speaking, I saw the Great Chaos Avenue hugged Xiao Xiao, and then stepped out, the two of them seemed to flow through time and space, and they had disappeared all at once!

When it reappeared, it was already a few trillion light-years away, and then the Chaos Avenue took another step, and I saw a sudden stop in the entire time and space, and the surrounding chaos turned into a stream of light. not see!

The reason for this situation is that the speed of Chaos Avenue is too fast, what a step is a trillion light years, then for the current Chaos Avenue, it is simply a scum, and there is no way between the two. On par!

Now the speed of Chaos Avenue, like a step, has already crossed countless worlds!


Xiaoguo looked at the streamers passing by, and couldn’t help but marvel at the moment!

“Ah! As long as you work hard to Closed Door Training cultivation, you will be as good as Grandpa Dadao in the future!”

After hearing the exclamation of the community, Chaos Avenue couldn’t help but smile!

“I don’t~! Closed Door Training cultivation is so boring, because I don’t want Closed Door Training!”

Who knows, after hearing the words of Chaos Avenue, Xiaoyin directly pouted and said!


Hearing that, Chaos Avenue was suddenly helpless!

The reason why he brought the small country due to cultivation is not because of how talented the small country is. You know, in the prehistoric times, there are not a few people with better talents than the small country, but he dismisses them all, because of their talent. For Chaos Avenue, it is nothing at all!

The reason for bringing a small country is because what he values ​​is the pure white and flawless heart, and a sincere and pure heart!

Only this kind of person can quickly Ascension Cultivation Base with his help!

But because Xiaoguo is good at everything, it is rather annoying, and he doesn’t like cultivation. This is also a headache for Chaos Avenue!

Before the departure of Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian, Xiaoguo only settled down to Closed Door Training cultivation for a period of time, but now that Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian have returned, I am afraid that I want the community to calm down and cultivation. That is impossible. !

Thinking of this, Dao Heart also complained about Qin Xuan in Dao Heart. My heart said, can’t you just stay in other worlds? Can’t you come back later?

However, they said that within a short while, the three of Qin Xuan came outside the Minor World opened by Qin Xuan!

“really big!

After Liu Shenwai entered the Minor World developed by Qin Xuan, he couldn’t help but exclaimed!

But he said that after Liu Shenwai entered Minor World, he also released own Divine Sense, and then took a look!

Then I found that own Divine Sense can’t even cover this Minor World, no, not even one in 10,000 or even one in a billion!

You know, in the perfect world, Liu Shen’s Divine Sense can’t cover the entire upper realm, but it’s not much worse!

That is to say, the world that Mr. Tang opened up is already bigger than a complete perfect world, and the big one is more than a little simple, and there is no comparison between the two!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but smiled, and then said: “Ah! Compared with the entire Chaos, the Minor World I created is nothing at all!

Hearing that, Liu Shen couldn’t help being a little speechless!

If the world you created is nothing, then what are those worlds smaller than this Minor World?

“Okay! Let’s go in and talk about it!”

At this moment, Ye Qingxian said suddenly!


God Liu nodded!

Then the three quickly flew towards the palace!

“Master Nao, it’s Master Nao who is back!”


“Where, don’t you stop me!”

Qin Xuan and the three people came to the palace and were playing next to the palace. The ginseng doll and Lingzhi Mushrooms doll were seen by them. At the moment, the ginseng doll and Lingzhi Mushrooms doll couldn’t help cheering!

“So cute! Are these the life of Cheng Jing and Lingzhi Mushrooms doll?”

Seeing these ginseng dolls and Lingzhi Mushrooms dolls, Liu Shen also exclaimed!

As he said, he picked up the Lingzhi Mushrooms doll closest to her, and squeezed its face! “Aha! What’s your name, cute?”

Liu Shen asked with a smile!

“I, I don’t have a name yet!”

Hearing this, Lingzhi Mushrooms doll thought for a while, and then said with a milky voice!

After speaking, he looked at Liu Shen expectantly!

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