Chapter 552: Return to the Wild World!

“Hey! That’s it! No wonder the chaos here is so stable!”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, Liu Shen also suddenly realized, and then said!

In the perfect world, there is also chaos.Although it cannot be compared with the chaos here, it is also a bit dangerous. Therefore, God Liu also has some understanding of chaos!

“Okay! Let’s get out of here quickly!”

Qin Xuan looked at Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, and then said!

Hearing that, the two women also nodded!

After speaking, Qin Xuan waved his hand, and the three of them had disappeared!

Somewhere away from Qin Xuan three people, I don’t know how many trillions of light years away!

Compared with the place where Qin Xuan was just now, the chaotic air here is much milder, and it is very suitable for people of cultivation to absorb.Of course, the chaotic air can not be absorbed by anyone who wants to absorb it, even if it is Sage in the predecessor. Don’t dare to absorb a large amount of the chaotic air here, or you will be assimilated by the chaotic air here!

And in the center of these gentle Chaos Qi, a huge palace appeared from time to time and disappeared from time to time, like a reflection-shadow!

This palace exudes the aura of eternal age, rushing years, as if it has existed here from the beginning, but no one has noticed it!

In the palace!

A gray-haired old man sat cross-legged on the futon with his eyes closed.Suddenly, the old man seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the place where the Qin Xuan three people were just now!

“Tang fellow daoist and his dao companion are back! Huh? The breath of raising eyebrows? No, this breath is only mixed with the breath of raising eyebrows, not Yang eyebrows at all!!”

The white-haired old man murmured to himself!

This white-haired old man is not Chaos Avenue, who else can he be!

Just now, the Avenue of Chaos felt something unusual in the chaos, and immediately used the authority of the Own Avenue to perceive it.This perception revealed three auras, of which two Chaos Avenues are naturally familiar, that is, Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian’s. breath!

The other breath is similar to raising eyebrows, but it’s not raising eyebrows!

Thinking of this, Chaos Avenue couldn’t help but feel a little strange.This person with raised eyebrows must have been brought by Qin Xuan from another world, but how can people from another world have contact with raised eyebrows?

At the moment, I use the power of own avenue to carry it out.In these heavens and myriad worlds, there are few things that can’t be carried out by themselves.Of course, there are also some secret things, and the avenue of chaos can’t be carried out!

For example, where did his Dao authority come from? You must know that Dao authority did not exist at the beginning, but the Chaos Dao breakthrough was only available in the current Realm!

Moreover, after obtaining this Dao authority, Chaos Dao knows from the Dao authority that the meaning and mission of its existence is to supervise the entire universe!

After the calculation, a group of paintings of Pangu fought against three thousand demon gods flashed in the mind of Chaos Avenue. Among them, the raised eyebrows showed his body, and then he was struck by Pangu with an axe, and the raised eyebrows were split in half instantly. The soul who usually praised the raised eyebrows fled away, and the other half broke apart.

As soon as the picture turned, a piece of willow branch fell into an unknown crack, and then the picture disappeared. In an instant, Chaos Avenue had understood what happened, so it passed by!

“The offspring of the kid raising eyebrows? It seems that the owner of the breath just now was transformed by the willow branch that fell in the crack!

After understanding what happened, the eyes of Chaos Avenue also twitched slightly, and then muttered to himself!


Suddenly, the Avenue of Chaos felt that countless Qi of Chaos was rushing towards somewhere in the palace.At the moment, a light flashed in the eyes of Avenue of Chaos, and then the person had disappeared!

When Chaos Avenue appeared again, he had already come to the door of a room!

Seeing countless Chaos Qi pouring into this room, Chaos Avenue was overwhelmed with joy, and then said: “It seems that the community is about to break through!”


Suddenly, the Avenue of Chaos felt that countless Qi of Chaos was rushing towards somewhere in the palace.At the moment, a light flashed in the eyes of Avenue of Chaos, and then the person had disappeared!

When Chaos Avenue appeared again, it had already come to the door of a room!

Seeing countless Chaos Qi pouring into this room, Chaos Avenue was overwhelmed with joy, and then said: “It seems that Xiaoguo is about to break through!”

After finishing speaking, I saw a wave of Chaos Dadao’s hand, and suddenly, the Chaos Qi with a radius of billions of light-years, like a huge wave, surged toward the palace, and then disappeared into the room!

0……Look for flowers…


Mu Ran, a powerful breath came from the room, and the breath suddenly passed through the palace and spread to the surroundings!


The breath of horror suddenly stirred up the surrounding chaos.

One after another, the gods of destruction thunder directly tore through the space, forming a terrible storm of chaos!

And the chaotic air of a trillion light-years away suddenly became chaotic. The four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water collided with each other, and instantly evolved into a Minor World.

However, this Minor World has just evolved, and it is either assimilated by the terrible Chaos Qi, or annihilated by the Chaos Storm that destroys everything!

Seeing this, Chaos Dao Dao waved his hand again, and saw the chaotic chaos calm down again!


At this time, the aura slowly subsided, and after a while, the door of the room slowly opened!

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Chaos Avenue’s face!


As soon as the door opened, I saw a little girl jumping out of the house!

This little girl is not Xiaoyin, who else can be!

“Grandpa Dadao! Because you have made a breakthrough! Then promise you to let Guoyin go out to play, and now Yinyin can go out and play!”

The little runway was in front of Chaos Avenue, and then raised his head to look at Chaos Avenue, and said with a happy face!

“Haha! Grandpa Dadao promised Xiao Yinyin that he would not return! Moreover, Grandpa Dadao has good news to tell Xiao Yinyin!”

Hearing this, Chaos Avenue suddenly laughed, and then said with a mysterious face!

“Huh? What good news does Grandpa Dadao want to tell Yinyue?”

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chaos Avenue with a puzzled face, and then asked!

“Hehe! Your Big Brother Big Sister is back!

At the moment, Chaos Avenue did not hide it, but just smiled and said it!

“What! Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis are back? No, because I have to find Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis!”

Hearing that, Xiaoguo’s eyes were also full of surprises, and he couldn’t help but shouted happily at the moment!

After speaking, he no longer paid attention to the Chaos Avenue next to him, but ran directly towards the palace! Ding,

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