Chapter 551

All the people present are not fools. Naturally, I can hear the voice of Qin Xuan’s gritted teeth, and immediately responded: “Yes!”

After that, under the leadership of Qin Xuan, everyone left the backyard directly, leaving only Cao Yusheng and Shi Wu!

Seeing this, Cao Yusheng suddenly became a little dumbfounded.Although he is a little uncomfortable, it does not mean that he is a fool!

He can naturally understand the meaning of Qin Xuan’s words, and now he can’t help looking at Shi Wu with a look of horror!

Not hopeful, this hope suddenly made his hair stand up!

I saw Shi Wuzheng smiling all over his face at this moment, and Mo Tang walked towards him fistfully!

“Shi Hao, you, you… what do you want to do?”

Seeing this, Cao Yusheng stammered and asked.

And backed back with a look of fear!

“Hey! What did I want to do? Master, didn’t his old man let me entertain you? Why are you backing up?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao smiled, and then explained!

“You stop, don’t come over, I, I, I don’t need you to entertain!”

Seeing this, Cao Yusheng suddenly shook his head frantically, and then shouted at Shi Wu!

“That’s not okay! If I don’t entertain you, I can’t afford to wait for the master to blame the old man!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao also shook his head, then put on a look of God 843 that I was good for you and said!

After speaking, Shi Wu stopped being wordy, and strode directly towards Cao Yusheng!

“Ah… don’t come here! Help!”


“Ah! Shi Wu, you bastard! I did it with you!”


“Ah…Stop it! Don’t slap your face, are you jealous of my handsome company?”

“Oh~! Handsome? Fatty, do you still have a face? Only you are still handsome? It seems that your aesthetic concept is not correct. Let me help you correct it. What is really handsome! Take the move, see me completely unrecognizable !”

“Bang, bang, bang!”

“Ah, help!”

Sure enough, when Qin Xuan and others returned to the front yard, they heard Cao Yusheng’s screaming voice from the back yard!

At the moment everyone couldn’t help but shook their heads speechlessly, thinking: “How big is Fatty’s heart? After being taught so many times, I still don’t know how to repent and deserve to be beaten!”

“Right! Where did Linger Shi Yi go?”

At this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly thought that since his return to the present, he hadn’t seen Shi Yi, so he couldn’t help but ask Huo Ling’er!

“Master! I don’t know (agbc) where he is now! But he mentioned to me before that he was looking for his Master!

Hearing that, Huo Ling’er also shook his head, and then replied!


After hearing Huo Ling’er’s words, Qin Xuan suddenly realized it, and then he didn’t continue to ask!

For Shi Yi’s master, Qin Xuan has not paid attention to it seriously, but Qin Xuan still knows some things about her!

“Holy Maiden!

At this moment, Xiaohong walked in from outside, and then came to Huo Ling’er and said to her in a low voice: “Holy Maiden, you let me prepare the meal by yourself! Do you want to pass now?”

“Well, I get it!”

Hearing this, Huo Ling’er nodded, and then said to Qin Xuan and others: “Master, Master, Willow God Big sis, the food is done by ourselves, let’s go over!”

Qin Xuan nodded!

After speaking, Qin Xuan ordered to Ye Fan next to him: “Ye Fan, you go call Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng, let them come to the hall for dinner!”

“Yes! Master!

After Ye Fan responded, he walked directly to the backyard!

Somewhere in the depths of the chaos, the violent chaotic air is surging everywhere, the elemental power of the earth, fire, wind, and water evolves from time to time, and sometimes disappears!

The power of the thunder element evolved into one after another to destroy the gods, and one after another to destroy the gods directly tore the space, and then disappeared!

And the space torn out by the Destroying God Thunder, from time to time, there are terrible chaotic storms.Even if Sage is here, it is difficult to hold on for a while, and it will be annihilated by this powerful chaotic storm!


In the depths of this extremely dangerous chaos, the space was suddenly shattered, and a huge space crack was cracked, and this space crack was completely different from the space cracks that were torn out by the destroyed gods!

I saw that after this crack appeared, the originally violent Chaos Qi suddenly became mild, and the Destructive Thunder that evolved from the thunder element, actually gradually dissipated!

At this moment, three figures came out of that weird crack!

“Mr. Tang! This place” is in the chaos of the prehistoric world?

After these three figures came out of the weird crack, the crack slowly disappeared, and one of the figures couldn’t help but say after looking around!

In addition to Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, who else can these three figures have, and the one who just asked the question is Liu Shen!

It turned out that after the three of Cao Yusheng left the customs, they stayed for a few more days before saying goodbye to Shi Hao and others, leaving the perfect world and returning to the wild world!

“Well! This is indeed in the chaos of the prehistoric world!

Qin Xuan nodded, then replied!

“But Mr. Tang, didn’t you say that the chaos here is extremely violent and very dangerous? Why do I feel that the chaos here is no different except that the world I was in before is richer and more advanced? !”

Liu Shen asked with some doubts!

God Liu did feel from these chaotic auras that it contained that formidable energy, and the chaotic aura here was also mixed with an aura that made him palpitate and didn’t know!

However, it is not as violent as Mr.Tang said, and the existence of the immortal emperor can be arbitrarily able to tear the existence of the immortal emperor, the chaotic storm that surpasses the existence of the immortal emperor, and the destruction of the gods!

“Ah! Because just before coming out of the passage of the world, I was afraid that you would not be able to bear the pressure of the breath here, so I have already imprisoned a trillion light-years in a radius, so the chaos here will be so stable!”

Qin Xuan explained with a smile!

This is the deepest part of the chaos. Although the violent chaotic air is of no use to Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen are not good! Even Ye Qingxian’s Cultivation Base has now surpassed the chaos. Da Luo Jinxian Realm still can’t bear the kind of oppression in the deepest part of the chaos.If you want to ignore the kind of oppression here, you must have at least the chaos Heavenly Dao realm, otherwise you will not be able to withstand the oppression here at all!

If Qin Xuan does not imprison the space of a trillion light-years, I am afraid that the moment Liu Shen appeared here, he would be directly gasified!

You must know that Liushen’s current Cultivation Base does not even have Sage, how can he withstand the oppression that even Sage can’t support!.

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