Chapter 550: Exit!

Hearing that, Shi Hao also nodded and said!

For Shi Wu, the existence of the immortal emperor level, he can naturally feel what level of existence this coercion is!

“Ha ha!

At this moment, the two mighty lines converged, and then an excited laugh came from the wing!

“Dead dog! Look at me finally breaking through to the level of the quasi-immortal emperor!

After a long laugh, a voice suddenly rang from the wing!

“What’s so good about! I’m not breaking through to Realm!”

There was a voice!

“But I am breakthrough ahead of you!”

Said the first voice again!

“Go! I’m ahead of you!

Another voice replied unconvinced!

“Dead dog, don’t be convinced, I really made breakthrough just now!”

“Not wanting face! Me first!

Qin Xuan:

Ye Qingxian:!”

Everyone: “…

Qin Xuan and others outside the wing room, hearing the quarrel between the two inside, couldn’t help but be full of black lines!

“Shi Wu. Go get them two out!”

Seeing the two people arguing over this little matter, Qin Xuan couldn’t help being speechless, and immediately commanded Shi Wu!

“Hey! Master, don’t worry, I will go in and let them come out!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao smiled suddenly, and then said!

After speaking, he walked to the door, pushed the door directly and walked in!

“Hey! What are you two arguing about, or should I join in and try?”

“no, I’m fine!”

“Shi Wu, stop! Don’t come over!”

“Hey! If you let me go, I won’t go there? Come and I will give you a massage!”

“You…you, don’t come over! Stop, what are you doing…ah!”

“Ah…Stop it!”

After Shi Wu entered the room for a while, he heard Shi Hao’s voice and a terrible wailing!

After a while, the tragic wailing gradually decreased until it disappeared!


At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Shi Wu walked out of the wing with a smile on his face!

“Master! I already told them, they said they would come out later!”

Shi Hao walked up to Qin Xuan, and said solemnly!

Seeing this, everyone present couldn’t help but looked at Shi Wu speechlessly!

“When did this little bit become so black-bellied? It seems that you have to be careful in the future, lest you get his black hands!”

A few people from Tieshan looked at a serious Shi Hao with black lines, and they couldn’t help but secretly said in their hearts!

“Ah… Dead dog, wait for me, I feel like my own body is falling apart, you can help me!”


There was another voice in the wing room!

“Ah… Dead dog, wait for me, I feel like my own body is falling apart, you can help me!”


“Hey hey! Dead dogs don’t need to be so unfeeling!”

“Stay here by yourself if you don’t want to go out, I’ve already gone out!”

“Hey! Dead dog, wait for me!”

There was another voice in the wing room!

After a while, everyone saw a young man wearing a Taoist gown, who was a little fat, walked out of the wing, and the young man was followed by a black dog!

Who else can this young man and the black dog be besides Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor!

It’s just that this person and a dog seem to be extremely embarrassed at this time.Because the Black Emperor is a dog, and his whole body is pitch black, it is difficult to see what the problem is!

But Cao Yusheng is different. He was originally white and a little fat, and his whole person looked a little plump!

But at this moment, Cao Yusheng’s face seemed to be stung by a hornet, and his entire face was not swollen, especially his eyes, as if they had been beaten, and it was completely black!

The whole person looks very funny!

“Puff! Haha, Cao Yusheng, which one are you acting in? I almost can’t recognize you!”

Seeing this, Fairy Ye Qing couldn’t help laughing, especially Huo Ling’er. The laugh was exaggerated, and she was laughing with one hand on her belly, and the other pointed at Cao Yusheng and said!

“It’s not that your husband and wife confided it!”

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng thought of his grievances

Cao Yusheng only felt abnormally wronged at this time. Originally, he should be happy to break through to the Immortal Emperor Realm today, but before he was happy, he was beaten by Shi Wu for no reason, and now he is ridiculed by Huo Ling’er. This made Cao Yusheng, who was originally happy because he was able to break through, suddenly depressed!

At the moment, I looked at Shi Hao with a bit of resentment, like a woman who was abandoned by others!

Shi Hao also had a tingling scalp, and finally couldn’t bear Cao Yusheng’s resentful eyes. Shi Hao directly raised his head and looked at the sky, pretending to see nothing!


Seeing Cao Yusheng who was depressed by Huo Linger’s ridicule, Qin Xuan suddenly felt a little embarrassed. I was also a little bit sorry, and immediately coughed twice, hoping that Huo Ling’er could stop it!

Sure enough, after hearing Qin Xuan’s dry cough, Huo Ling’er also stopped, not daring to laugh at Cao Yusheng any more!

“Hey! Tang senior, you are back! Ah, everyone is here!”

Because Cao Yusheng’s eyes were on Huo Ling’er and Shi Hao just now, he didn’t notice Qin Xuan and others. Now after hearing Qin Xuan’s dry cough, he discovered the existence of Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and others. !

Everyone: “…


“We have stood together for so long, and you have only found out now!”

Qin Xuan and others couldn’t help being covered with black lines on their foreheads.

Idiot “!” Even the Black Emperor next to Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but cursed, and then stepped back a few steps, staying away from him, the posture seemed to say that I don’t even know this idiot!

“Dead dog! What do you mean? You dare to scold me? You want to die, don’t you?”

Cao Yusheng, who was next to him, didn’t understand what had happened, and he pointed to the Black Emperor and asked loudly!


Hearing this, the Black Emperor showed a look of disdain, and then turned his head to the side, not continuing to pay attention to Cao Yusheng!

“Ahem! It seems that Fatty still wants to chat with Shi Wu for a while. Let’s go first! I won’t disturb the Yaxing between the two of them here. Shi Hao, since Fatty has such a good relationship with you , Then you will entertain him as a teacher!”

At this time, Qin Xuan suddenly said to everyone present, and when he said the last sentence, his voice became heavy involuntarily!

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