Chapter 527 Shi Wu with Very Low EQ

“Brother Ye Fan! Corpse fellow daoist, long time no see!”

With the assurance of Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, the dissatisfaction in Huo Ling’er’s heart has disappeared without a trace, and he immediately greeted Ye Fan and Immortal Corpse Emperor!

“My younger brother Huo Ling’er hasn’t seen you in a long time!”

Ye Fan and the corpse fairy emperor are also in return!

“Huh? This is?”

After seeing Du Yuxin standing behind the corpse fairy emperor, Huo Ling’er asked curiously!

“Oh! This is Du Yuxin, the apprentice of Emperor Corpse Immortal Emperor!”

Seeing Huo Ling’er asking Du Yuxin, Ye Fan beside him also introduced with a smile!

“Yu Xin has seen Huo Ling’er senior!”

After Ye Fan introduced it, Du Yuxin respectfully saluted Huo Ling’er!

Although Du Yuxin didn’t know who the woman in front of him was, they seemed to be very familiar with her when they saw Tang senior. Moreover, the own master is also a fellow daoist, and she wants to be a strong person who is similar to her own master in Cultivation Base. !

Therefore, when Du Yuxin said hello, he regarded herself as Junior!

Seeing that his apprentice is so sensible, Immortal Corpse Nodded with satisfaction!

“Ah! Don’t be polite! I will call you Yuxin from now on! You can call me Linger Big sis!”

Hearing this, Huo Ling’er also smiled, and then said to Du Yuxin!



Seeing that this senior actually wanted to call her Big sis, Du Yuxin couldn’t help but hesitate to look at the Immortal Emperor Corpse!

Seeing Du Yuxin looking hesitantly at the Immortal Emperor Corpse, Huo Ling’er knew what she was thinking, and immediately said with a smile: “Ah! You don’t have to worry about your master, we can pay each other! And, you call me Senior seems to call me old!”

The corpse immortal emperor next to him also nodded with a smile!

For the Emperor Corpse Immortal, as long as he can befriend Tang senior and the others, he has no objection. Moreover, Huo Ling’er is Shi Wu’s dao companion, own disciple called her Big sis, and he has a short relationship with them. Have you gotten closer?

How could Immortal Corpse Emperor disagree with such a good thing!

“Yu Xin has seen Ling’er Big sis!”

Seeing her master nodding, Du Yuxin yelled sweetly at Huo Ling’er!

“Yes, Not Bad!

Seeing this, Huo Linger nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian next to him and said:

“Master, Madam, you just came back, I will tell Xiaohong, let him cook something delicious, and clean the dust for you!”


Hearing that, Qin Xuan did not refuse either!

Seeing Qin Xuan’s consent, Huo Ling’er hugged Xiao Ruoyu, and then called Xiao Hong, who had been silent next to him, and was ready to cook!

“Ah… Linger, I’m here! Didn’t you see me?”

At this moment, Shi Hao suddenly shouted at Huo Ling’er!

Shi Wu Shi was also a little stunned.Huo Ling’er had all greeted each other one by one, but he ignored it!

Originally in Shi Hao’s expectation, when Huo Ling’er saw that he came back, shouldn’t he jump into Own’s arms with excitement, and then cried and said that she wanted to own it?

How do you believe that you will ignore yourself? It seems that you don’t know yourself at all! What is going on?

After hearing Shi Hao’s yelling, Huo Ling’er also paused, then turned to Shi Hao and said, “Who are you? Do we know? And, is Ling’er yours? Humph!”

After finishing speaking, Huo Ling’er snorted coldly, then ignored Shi Hao, turned around and left!

Snow flutters and the north wind is bleak. The world is vast. B sounds!

Seeing Huo Ling’er said that he didn’t know him, Shi Hao felt a thunder flashing in his mind, and he was stupefied there!

“What’s going on? Did you hear that? Ling’er actually said she didn’t know me?”

After a while, Shi Hao came back to his senses, looked at everyone at the moment, and asked with an incredible expression!

“Smelly boy! You have to solve your own housework by yourself!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan instantly figured out what was going on, and at the moment he looked at Shi Hao jokingly, and then said!

After speaking, I walked towards the hall!

Ye Qingxian also glanced at Shi Hao, and then followed. Only Liu Shen said helplessly: “Shi Wu! This time it is indeed your fault! Solve it yourself, and we can’t help you. !”

After speaking, he ignored Shi Hao and followed Ye Xian towards the hall!

“Master! What the hell is going on?”

Seeing this scene, Du Yuxin was also a little at a loss.

“Apprentice! Let’s go! This is the family affair of Emperor Shi Wu! We can’t control it!”

After that, the corpse fairy emperor also took Du Yuxin and left!

Seeing everyone left, Shi Wu was dumbfounded again!

What the hell is going on? Even everyone ignores themselves?


Only Shi Hao and Ye Fan were present. At the moment, Shi Hao also looked at Ye Fan with his eyes asking for help!

0……Look for flowers…

“Hey, brother! It’s not that the brother is not loyal enough to not help you, but that there is nothing you can do with this kind of thing!”

Feeling Shi Hao’s help-seeking gaze, Ye Fan also sighed helplessly, then patted Shi Hao and said!

After speaking, he turned around and left!

It’s just that when he turned around, where Shi Hao couldn’t see, the corner of Ye Fan’s mouth could not help but slightly cocked, not to mention how happy it was!

Ye Fan, who was born on Earth, had never seen a pig run, but he had eaten pork before, and he didn’t know what was going on after a little thought, because he knew what happened!

Ye Fan couldn’t even mention how happy he was to see the younger brother Own eating cancer!

Looking at it, Ye Fan has also become a lot black belly since he worshiped Qin Xuan as his teacher!

“What the hell is going on? Why don’t all of you ignore me? It’s like I’ve committed a serious crime! No! I must go to Ling’er to figure out what happened!” The update is the fastest…

Seeing everyone left, Shi Hao still doesn’t know why this happened!

Right now, Shi Hao chased in the direction where Huo Linger had left!

After a while, Shi Hao came to the kitchen and saw that Huo Ling’er was busy in the kitchen. At the moment, Shi Hao couldn’t take care of that much. He ran to Huo Ling’er and asked, “Ling’er, what happened? Why don’t you know me? Is it the Qi Deviation of your cultivation that you don’t know me if you are unconscious?”

In the hall, Qin Xuan and the others who were watching here suddenly had the urge to spit blood when Shi Wu dared to say this!

“Own, this apprentice owns, although his talent is good, but his emotional intelligence is really anxious!”

Qin Xuan also shook his head helplessly, and secretly said in his heart!

Seeing Shi Wu Shizhen still didn’t know where he was wrong, and thought he Qi Deviation, the anger that had faded in Huo Ling’er’s heart suddenly broke out again!

“You bastard! Who asked you to come to the kitchen? Get out of me!

Huo Ling’er glared at Shi Hao, and then shouted loudly!

“Ling’er Ling’er, it’s me, I’m Shi Wu! Do you really don’t know me anymore?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao and Shi Wu suddenly panicked, grabbed Huo Ling’er by the shoulder, and asked anxiously!

“Get out of here!

However, Huo Ling’er still ignored Shi Hao, only to see her shout again! Ding.

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