Chapter 528 Huo Ling’er’s Rage!

Ling’er “Ling’er, it’s me, I’m Shi Hao! Do you really don’t know me anymore?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao Shi Hao suddenly panicked, grabbed Huo Ling’er’s shoulder, and then asked anxiously!

“Get out of here!

However, Huo Ling’er still ignored Shi Hao, only to see her shout loudly again!

In the hall!

Qin Xuan patted Own’s forehead. He really couldn’t stand it anymore, and immediately said to Ye Fan: “Ye Fan! Go and bring your stupid junior brother over!

Hearing that, Ye Fan was also taken aback for a moment and then couldn’t help thinking: “He is my stupid apprentice, isn’t he your stupid apprentice?

However, even though Ye Fan thought so in his heart, he didn’t dare to say it in front of Qin Xuan, and he also honestly obeyed Qin Xuan’s instructions!

“Puff! Shi Wu senior is too cute!”

Du Yuxin, who was sitting next to God Liu, was also able to figure out what happened to Chu “Seven Zero Zero” from the mouth of God Liu, and said with a smile!

Du Yuxin also didn’t expect that Shi Wu looked like a fighting freak at ordinary times, but in terms of feelings, he was indeed a noob!

After a while, I saw Ye Fan come in with a gloomy Shi Wu!

“Master! Master! Willow God Big sis,…………


Shi Wu walked into the hall, and after greeting Qin Xuan and others, he sat on the chair with a depressed look!

“Smelly boy! You haven’t figured it out yet, why is Ling’er angry?”

Seeing Shi Hao sitting there without saying a word, Qin Xuan was suddenly speechless, and couldn’t help but ask him!

“Huh? Ling’er is angry?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao was stunned again, but then Shi Hao’s face became ecstatic, and immediately asked: “Master! You mean that Linger didn’t know me because of the cultivation Qi Deviation, she Is it just because you are angry with me that you pretend not to know me?”


Seeing this, everyone in the hall suddenly looked at the sky speechlessly, although they were blocked by the roof, and could not see the sky, at this time they didn’t know what to say!

Qi Deviation? How low is Shi Hao’s EQ? Now I think Huo Ling’er is because of Qi Deviation? I don’t know him!

“It turns out that Ling’er ignored me because he was angry with me. No, I have to explain it clearly to her!”

Shi Wu muttered to himself, as he said, he was about to sing in the direction of the kitchen and ran away!


Seeing this, Qin Xuan also quickly stopped him!

“Um! Master, what’s the matter? I’m anxious to explain to Ling’er!”

Shi Hao looked at Master Own with some confusion, and then asked anxiously!

This IQ, Qin Xuan, couldn’t stand it anymore, so he immediately told Ye Fan: “Ye Fan! You take your idiot brother down and teach him how to deal with this matter! His emotional quotient is really not a teacher. Go down!”

“Um! Master! Actually, I think Junior Brother Shi Hao’s EQ is quite high, so I shouldn’t need to teach it myself!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan’s forehead was covered with black lines, and he said reluctantly at the moment!


Seeing that Ye Fan dared to push three and block four, Qin Xuan’s eyes twitched slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes and stared at Ye Fan!

When Qin Xuan saw it like this, Ye Fan felt cold all over his body.

“Go! Brother, today I will practice you, how to make girls happy, the author does not have a girlfriend, so it is not clear, so imagine for yourself!”

Ye Fan said Bingran Da Mi, and while speaking, he pulled up the silly Shi Hao next to him and walked outside!

Time passed bit by bit!

“Master, Master, Big Sis, God of Willow. I’m eating!”

Qin Xuan and others who were chatting in the lobby suddenly heard the sound of Huo Ling’er in the courtyard!

“Let’s go! Let’s eat first!”

Qin Xuan stood up and said to everyone!

After speaking, I walked outside!

Seeing this, everyone also got up, and then followed one after another!

Dinner table!

“Hey! Where did Senior Brother Ye Fan go? Why didn’t you see him?”

After everyone sat down, Huo Ling’er looked around and found that there were no Shi Hao and Ye Fan, so he asked even more strangely!

“Hey! Ye Fan and Shi Wu go out for a while, and they should be back later! Let’s eat first, don’t wait for them!”

Qin Xuan looked at Xiao Ruoyu who was swallowing, and couldn’t help but explain with a smile at the moment!

“Lah! Eat!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Xiao Ruoyu cheered happily!

With that, everyone started to move their hands!

“Huh? Ling’er, why don’t you eat it! Is there something wrong?”

God Liu, who was sitting next to Huo Ling’er, couldn’t help but ask when seeing her absent-minded!

“Ah! It’s okay, what can I do? Don’t I eat now?”

Hearing what Liu Shen said, Huo Ling’er seemed to be taken aback suddenly, and then replied in shock!

“It’s okay? Look at your surprise. Are you thinking about that stinky boy Shi Wu?”

Seeing this, how could Liu Shen believe her, staring at her playfully, and then said jokingly!

“Shi Hao? Willow God Big sis, stop joking, I will miss him? Unless the sun comes out to the west!”

Seeing Liu Shen looking at himself with a playful look, Huo Linger’s hair was blown up, and he shook his head frantically!

“Why don’t you have such a big reaction?”

However, Liu Shen still didn’t plan to let her go, so he continued to speak now!

Patriarch “Mother! Your face is so red!”

At this time, even Xiao Ruoyu, who was frantically sweeping the food on the table, stopped, and then shouted at Huo Ling’er!

Hearing that, everyone on the table also stopped, and then looked at her with a smile!

“I…I…Anyway, things are not what you think!”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Huo Ling’er blushed immediately and said!


Seeing this, everyone also laughed!

We’re back!

At this time, a voice came over, and I saw Ye Fan walk in from outside, and behind him, followed by Shi Wu with a confident expression!

“Hey! You are back! Then sit down and eat together!”

Looking at Shi Hao with a confident face, Qin Xuan also glanced at Ye Fan curiously, thinking, I don’t know what Ye Fan this stinky kid taught Shi Hao to make him so confident!

“Yes! Master!”

After listening to Qin Xuan’s words, Ye Fan and Shi Wu hurriedly responded, and then sat down too!

After that, at the dinner table, Shi Hao didn’t say a word in shock, and ate quietly there!

1.2 Huo Ling’er has listened to him several times, and he seems to be hesitant to speak!

Seeing this, other people also felt very strange, is this still Shi Wu? It is so quiet?

As time passed bit by bit, the meal ended in this weird atmosphere!

“Qingxian! Let’s go!”

After eating, Qin Xuan called Ye Qingxian directly and left!

“It’s been a long time since I came back! Go, Xiao Ruoyu, I will take you out for a stroll!”

With that said, God Liu picked up Xiao Ruoyu and left!

“Apprentice! You have just come to this world, and take you out as a teacher to see!”

The corpse fairy emperor, who has lived for an unknown number of years, didn’t understand what happened, so he found a reason and left with Du Yuxin!

“Junior brother! Do it according to the method I taught you, and ensure that she will be submissive!

Ye Fan patted Shi Hao on the shoulder, and then said!

After speaking, people also walked outside!

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