Chapter 526

the other side!

Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, and Xiao Ruoyu in her arms, who is she? I actually forgot! You said it shouldn’t be too late for me to write now?, waited outside for a while, then Seeing Shi Hao, Ye Fan, as well as Immortal Emperor Corpse and his apprentice Du Yuxin, came over!

After Du Yuxin came here, she ran directly to Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen’s side, and then the three big one urinated and chatted!

“Hmm! Say goodbye to them?”

Qin Xuan looked at Ye Fan, Shi Wu and the corpse Immortal Emperor and asked!

Shi Wu, Ye Fan and Immortal Emperor Corpse nodded!

“Farewell, then let’s leave!”


After finishing speaking, Qin Xuan waved his hand, and a gate of time and space appeared in front of everyone out of thin air!

Suddenly, everyone present saw that a violent space-time storm was rushing outside, but these violent space-time storms, as soon as they approached the gate of time and space, they were suppressed by an invisible force, and then they were all suppressed. Disappear!

Feeling the violent time and space storm just now, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, and the corpse fairy emperor could not help but shudder, and at the same time couldn’t help but rejoice in their hearts!

Fortunately, when I came to this world, I didn’t encounter such a space-time storm, otherwise, the three of myself would definitely be turned into ashes by this violent space-time storm!

“It seems that in the future, before I am absolutely sure, I can’t open the door of time and space 623 rashly and go to another world!”

Ye Fan, Shi Hao, and Immortal Corpse Emperor secretly warned themselves!

After this time-space gate appeared, Qin Xuan walked in directly!

After that, Ye Qingxian, God Liu, Xiao Ruoyu, and Du Yuxin next to them also hurriedly followed!

“Let’s go!

Seeing this, Ye Fan said something, and then walked in!

And Shi Hao and Immortal Emperor Corpse looked at each other, and followed them in!

a perfect world!

In the Imperial City!

“Master, Madam and Liu Shen Big sis, they actually took Xiao Ruoyu to other worlds! Blame yourself, what are you doing well? If you don’t Closed Door Training, you can go to other worlds with them. have a look!”

In Qin Xuan’s manor, Huo Ling’er sat on a stone bench boringly, muttering to himself!

“Oh! I don’t know Master, when will Master and the others come back? Have you found that bastard Shi Hao!”

With more than a thousand Closed Door Training, Huo Ling’er is still at the level of the quasi-immortal emperor’s great perfection, and there is no sign of the immortal emperor’s breakthrough!

However, even though Huo Ling’er didn’t break through to Immortal Emperor Realm, he still had some gains!

That is, the drop of Phoenix Blood Essence that Qin Xuan bestowed on her has blended a lot. She believes that as long as she completely refines the drop of Phoenix Blood Essence and then integrates it into her own body, then she can definitely break through to Realm!

“I have been out of the customs for hundreds of years, and the three of them haven’t moved yet! Shi Huang’s stinky boy Closed Door Training is a bit longer, I am not surprised, but this time the dead Fatty and the dead dog were actually also Closed Door Training. so long!”

“Could it be that Fatty and that dead dog are going to make a breakthrough in Quasi Immortal Emperor?”

Huo Ling’er felt that the two stronger and stronger auras in the manor couldn’t help but secretly!

“By the way! Shi Yi doesn’t know where he is going! He can’t feel him!

Huo Linger remembered that more than a thousand years ago, not long after Ye Qingxian had just left the pass, Shi Yi came to say goodbye to them, saying that he was going to find his master!

However, after more than a thousand years, there is still no news at all.Did he not find his master?

“Oh! So boring!”

Huo Ling’er sighed!

At this moment, Huo Ling’er suddenly felt that there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, his expression condensed, and then he looked in the direction where he felt the fluctuations!

I saw that a hole suddenly cracked in a space not far away, and the hole slowly grew bigger, and finally formed a door!

At the moment when this gate was formed, Huo Ling’er felt that a terrifying energy fluctuation spread from it!

“what happened?”

Huo Ling’er stared at that door with a guarded face!

“Holy Maiden! What happened… Ah… what is this?”

Huo Ling’er’s personal maid, Xiao Hong, seemed to feel this terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly, and rushed over immediately, after seeing the door, she couldn’t help but exclaimed!

After exclaiming, Xiao Hong came to Huo Ling’er, and then stared at the door with a guard!

Just when the two were on guard secretly, suddenly, a figure walked out of that door (agbc)!


After seeing the person walking out of that door, Huo Ling’er and Xiao Hong couldn’t help but froze for a while, but they soon became excited!

Because Qin Xuan came back, it means that Madam Liu, Big sis, the god of Liu, and Xiao Ruoyu have also come back, and it is even possible that Shi Wu and the others will come back with them!

Sure enough, as Huo Ling’er thought, after Qin Xuan walked out, Ye Qingxian, Liu Shen, Xiao Ruoyu also walked out of that door!

After that, Shi Hao, Ye Fan, Immortal Corpse Emperor, and a girl she didn’t know also walked out:

After Ye Fan and Shi Wu came out, the door slowly closed, and then disappeared!

“Master! Master, Liu Shen Big sis, Xiao Ruoyu, you are back!”

Huo Ling’er exclaimed excitedly!

“Old grandma!

After hearing Huo Ling’er’s call, Xiao Ruoyu also exclaimed excitedly, and then rushed towards Huo Ling’er, and suddenly rushed into Huo Ling’er’s arms!

“Xiao Ruoyu! Grandma miss you! Have you missed you grandma?”

Huo Ling’er hugged Xiao Ruoyu, kissed her happily, and asked!

“Yeah! Ruoyu misses grandma too!”

Hearing that, Xiao Ruoyu nodded fiercely!

“How much do you think about that?

“Huh? I just want so much!

Hearing the old grandma’s question, Xiao Ruo Yuyu couldn’t help but wondered how to express it for a moment, so she gestured with her hands and said!

Seeing Xiao Ruoyu’s cute look, Huo Ling’er was immediately happy!

At this time, seeing Qin Xuan and others approaching, Huo Ling’er smiled and said, “Master, Madam, Willow God Big sis, you are welcome to come back!”

“Little girl! Long time no see!”

Qin Xuan also nodded towards Huo Ling’er and said with a smile!

Linger “! You are out! I thought you would have to Closed Door Training for a while!”

Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen also nodded, and then said!

“Well! I left the customs hundreds of years ago! Madam Liu, Big sis, you go to other worlds to play, but you didn’t even call me! It made me bored to death at home alone!”

Hearing this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help pouting, and said with a dissatisfaction!

“Aha! We are not seeing you Closed Door Training. And Tang Dage just came back, so we set out to find Ye Fan and Shi Wu together! Next time! I will definitely bring you next time!”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen also smiled, and then explained!

In the end, a series of guarantees were made, and the dissatisfaction in Huo Ling’er’s heart was eliminated!

“Brother Ye Fan! Corpse fellow daoist, long time no see!”

With the assurance of Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, the dissatisfaction in Lingerhuo’s heart has disappeared without a trace, and he immediately greeted Ye Fan and Immortal Corpse Emperor!

“My younger brother Huo Ling’er hasn’t seen you in a long time!”

Ye Fan and the corpse fairy emperor are also in return!

“Huh? This is?”

After seeing Du Yuxin standing behind the corpse fairy emperor, Huo Linger couldn’t help but ask curiously!

“Cough! This is Du Yuxin, the apprentice of Emperor Corpse Immortal Emperor!”

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