Chapter 519 Qin Xuan’s Arrival!

After doing this, Qin Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and then walked inside!

When I came to the mask, I saw the mask suddenly appeared, something similar to the space, Qin Xuan didn’t feel strange, and walked in!

On the other hand, after the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, Ye Qingxian saw that the mask under Qin Xuan’s cloth had not broken, and he was relieved!

“Fortunately, it hasn’t broken, otherwise the aftermath here will spread, I am afraid the whole world will be turbulent again!”

“Oh! It seems Heavenly Dao should have fallen in self-detonation!”

Ye Qingxian looked at the chaotic void land because Heavenly Dao blew himself up, and he couldn’t help feeling a little bit sorrowful!

“Qingxian! Are you okay?”

Just as Ye Qingxian sighed because of the fall of Heavenly Dao, suddenly a voice came from a distance!

Following the prestige, I saw Qin Xuan stepping forward, before he came to own!

“Don Dage! Why are you here?”

“Ah! I am not worried about you!”

Qin Xuan replied with a smile!

“Oh! I’m sorry Don Dage, I didn’t complete the task you gave me. 06”

“I didn’t expect Heavenly Dao’s character to be so rigid. I wanted to trap him, but he actually blew himself up!”

Ye Qingxian looked at Qin Xuan with a ugly expression, and then explained!

“Haha! It’s okay! What’s more, who said you haven’t completed the task?”

Who knows, after hearing what Ye Qingxian said, Qin Xuan couldn’t help laughing, and then said!

“Huh? Don Dage, what do you mean?”

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but wondered what Qin Xuan’s words meant.

Didn’t Heavenly Dao explode and fall? Why would Tang Dage still say such things? Now he couldn’t help but ask with a strange expression!

Heavenly Dao “No fall!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan knew what Ye Qingxian was thinking, and said with a certain face!

“What! Heavenly Dao didn’t fall? The blew up just now,

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian suddenly exclaimed, then looked at Qin Xuan and asked!

Blast”? Who said the blew just now was Heavenly Dao!

Qin Xuan gave her a blank look, and then asked angrily!

“Uh! Isn’t it?”

Hearing Qin Zhan’s rhetorical question, Ye Qingxian was also a little stunned, but soon recovered, and then hesitated to ask!

“Of course not, it was the projection he summoned that blew himself up! Therefore, Heavenly Dao should only be slightly injured, and he didn’t fall at all!”

Qin Xuan explained to Ye Qingxian again!

“So that’s it! Where is Don Dage, Heavenly Dao now?”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, Ye Qingxian also suddenly realized something, and then asked!

Hearing Ye Qingxian’s question, Qin Xuan did not answer either. Instead, he turned and looked into the void ahead, and then said: “What? When do you want to hide? Do you want me to ask? Are you out?”

“Huh? Someone?

Seeing this, Ye Qingxian also followed Qin Xuan’s gaze!

At this moment, the entire void field also became extremely chaotic due to the explosion. The entire void space was also violently distorted, causing Ye Qingxian to dare not release his own Divine Sense.

Because even if she releases Divine Sense, if a strong man like Heavenly Dao intentionally hides it, it will be difficult for her to detect it!

Unless, when the entire void calms down and the frowning space is not distorted, Ye Qingxian’s Divine Sense can play its role!

“Who are you? Are you from the outside world just like them?”

Just when Ye Qingxian thought that Qin Xuan was joking with him, in a distorted space not far away, he suddenly cracked a hole!

I saw Heavenly Dao walked out of it in embarrassment, and then looked at Qin Xuan solemnly and asked!

“Heavenly Dao! I didn’t expect that you really didn’t fall! Also, how did you escape my perception?”

After seeing Heavenly Dao, Ye Qingxian’s eyes also flashed a hint of surprise, and then asked curiously!

You know, at the level of Ye Qingxian’s existence, even if Divine Sense can’t be used, she still has instinctive perception!

In Ye Qingxian’s expectation, with Heavenly Dao’s current Cultivation Base, she couldn’t escape own perception at all, but the facts made her a little bit slapped in the face!

“Ah! Qingxian, if someone else, you may not be able to hide from your perception, but Heavenly Dao is different, he can hide from your perception, this is not very strange, you know, he is the Heavenly Dao of this world, Some of the power of sentient beings on this side, the blessing of the power of their own world!”

Seeing that Ye Qingxian’s face was a little unwilling, Qin Xuan immediately smiled, and then explained!

“Who are you? Are you from the outside world just like them?”

After Heavenly Dao came out, he stared at Qin Xuan solemnly!

Although the person in front of him looks like an ordinary person, Heavenly Dao does not know why, there is always a bad premonition in his heart, like a human being in the forest and encountering a huge tiger!

Heavenly Dao felt this way for the first time since he was born with a sage, even if he was sucked into the dark space by the whirlpool just now, Heavenly Dao didn’t feel that way!

But now, when Heavenly Dao is facing the man in front of him, this feeling suddenly rises in his heart.It is obvious that the man in front of him has not exuded any strong aura, just standing there quietly and looking at him. But in Heavenly Dao’s heart, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear 750!

“Yes! I am indeed not from this world!”

Hearing Heavenly Dao’s question, Qin Xuan didn’t hide it at all, but smiled and said!


After hearing the confession of the man in front of him, Heavenly Dao flashed in front of his eyes, and immediately asked again: “Why are you in this world? Is it because of me?

Heavenly Dao really can’t understand. These people were Ye Fan, Shi Hao, and the Immortal Emperor Corpse, but now Ye Qingxian and Qin Xuan came to own this world. Is there anything in the world they are in? The treasure you know is not a success?

“Aha! In fact, you don’t need to think about it so complicated. The reason why I came here is not for you, but for my two disciples to practice here, so I just come and have a look!

Seeing Heavenly Dao being suspicious, Qin Xuan suddenly felt amused, and couldn’t help but explain now!

For Qin Xuan, he has taken the shot himself, is it possible that Heavenly Dao can escape from him?

If Heavenly Dao can really escape from him, it doesn’t matter if he can let him go for a day. After all, Heavenly Dao can escape from him, that’s also an ability!

“Your apprentice? Is it the two people who fought with me before?”

Hearing Qin Xuan said that he came for his apprentice, Heavenly Dao instantly thought of Ye Fan and Shi Wu!

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