Chapter 520 Heavenly Dao has fallen!

After all, whether it is Dugu Beitian or Demon Lord Chen Nan, Heavenly Dao knows that only Ye Fan, Shi Hao, and the corpse fairy emperor have never appeared in this world, as if they just popped out of the stone. !

Moreover, whether it is Ye Fan or Shi Hao, the two of them impressed him very deeply.After all, the two of them have fought against themselves. Although they still failed to force their full strength in the end, they are better than Dugu Defeating Heaven. I don’t know how much!

After all, even a clone of own can’t be dealt with, how could this deity put them in his eyes?

If Dugu Baitian and others know that Heavenly Dao treats them this way, I am afraid they will definitely Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

“Yeah! It is indeed the two of them!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan nodded!

Then stared at Heavenly Dao curiously!

After all, in Qin Xuan’s consciousness, although Heavenly Dao has own consciousness, he does not have the slightest emotion. What he does is just for the operation of the whole world!

And this world can’t be compared to the entire chaos, but the Heavenly Dao of this world has born own emotions, which makes Qin Xuan not curious!

Now Heavenly Dao can no longer be regarded as a collection of sentient beings’ consciousness, but a living being. He has his own emotions and his own desires!

If something else gives birth to such a wise spirit, Qin Xuan may be happy, but Heavenly Dao is the master of this world, and his every move will affect the entire Universe!

You know, Heavenly Dao represents all sentient beings in the world, to be fair and just, but now that Heavenly Dao has its own emotions and selfish desires, how can it be fair and just!

“Unexpectedly! You will have such a chance!”

Qin Xuan looked at Heavenly Dao for a while, then exclaimed!

“Do you know that thing?”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Heavenly Dao immediately knew what he meant, and asked curiously now!

“Well! I have seen his deity before! He was also a top existence at the time…!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then said!

Qin Xuan didn’t lie either.When Pangu didn’t break the chaos, Qilin was indeed among the three thousand chaos demon gods, and counted as the top batch of chaos demon gods!

“Unexpectedly, you are so powerful!”

Hearing this, Heavenly Dao looked at own’s left hand.There is still a gray scale on his left hand, but this scale has become extremely dim, and he can’t help but mutter to himself!

Although I don’t know where the man in front of me was, or when he was talking about it, at least I can feel that the man in front of me is a lot higher than his Cultivation Base!

Personally, the deity of the true scales he mentioned must also be a very powerful existence!

“Okay! What else do you want to know, I will tell you at the same time!”

Seeing Heavenly Dao fell silent, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but say again!

After all, it is impossible for Qin Xuan to let go of Heavenly Dao, who has given birth to his own emotions and selfish desires, but he wants to know something, as long as he doesn’t rush to those secret things, it doesn’t matter if he tells him, it will be his compensation. !

This can’t say who is right and who is wrong, I can only blame Heavenly Dao for encountering unlucky!

“No more! You do it!

Heavenly Dao shook his head at Qin Xuan, then said flatly!

After all, for Heavenly Dao, no matter how much he knows, it is useless!

When he first met Qin Xuan, Heavenly Dao knew that he had to fall for it today.

Although I don’t know why Qin Xuan wanted to kill herself, Heavenly Dao knows that she is a weak person now, and Qin Xuan is a stronger existence than herself, no matter what the reason is, she has no power to resist!

What’s more, if you change to be yourself, you will do the same. After all, no one likes to leave a scourge, right?


Hearing that, Qin Xuan didn’t hesitate either, only saw him lift up and put it away, and then lightly touched Heavenly Dao!


Suddenly, Heavenly Dao’s whole person was like a broken glass, with dense and small cracks appearing!

Hearing only one sound, Heavenly Dao’s entire body shattered, and then turned into a small group, disappearing!

After Heavenly Dao dissipated, there were only two things left where he just stood, one was a gray scale, and the other was a ball of light the size of a football and that kept emitting light!

Qin Xuan’s hand gently moved these two things, and immediately, the scale and the light ball flew directly towards Qin Xuan!

Although “I don’t know how you ended up in this world, but since I met you, then you don’t need to exist anymore!”

Qin Xuan looked at the gray scale in his hand, and then said slowly!

After finishing speaking, I saw Qin Xuan squeeze his hand hard, and the gray scales suddenly turned into powder and disappeared!

“Tang Dage! What the hell is this light group?”

Ye Qingxian looked at the light ball in front of him, raised his finger gently, and then asked curiously!

“This is the aggregate of the consciousness of sentient beings in this world! It is also the origin of Heavenly Dao!”

Qin Xuan gave the light group a glance, and then said!

“Ah! This is the consciousness of sentient beings that you often mention? I don’t feel how mysterious it is!”

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian was also taken aback for a while, and then said!

After hearing what Ye Qingxian said, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but a cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

If Heavenly Dao hadn’t fallen, could you see this kind of thing?

“By the way, Don Dage, what are you going to do now?”

Ye Qingxian looked at the consciousness of sentient beings that were constantly emitting light, then looked at Qin Xuan and asked!

“Um! I don’t know! Forget it, let’s go back! When they see Dugu Baitian they are listening to their opinions, after all, this is their world!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also scratched his head, and then said!

“Okay! Then let’s go back!”

Ye Qingxian also nodded (Money Zhao) and nodded in agreement!

“No! When you go back, you must have something to do with Chaos Avenue, after all, I helped him solve a big problem!”

When I thought that killing Heavenly Dao would be so troublesome, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but secretly said!

After speaking, Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian have disappeared!

Yes! This is indeed what Chaos Avenue should do!

The Avenue of Chaos also has its own profession, and this responsibility is to balance every world in the heavens and worlds.

This is what Qin Xuan only knew after breaking through the chaotic great realm.

However, in the current world, Heavenly Dao was born with his own emotions and selfish desires. Therefore, the profession of Chaos Avenue is to eliminate him, and then re-establish a new Heavenly Dao!

And now, Qin Zhan has wiped out Heavenly Dao. As long as a new Heavenly Dao is being erected, then it is equivalent to helping Chaos Dao complete a duty, so Chaos Dao will owe Qin Xuan an adult!

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