Chapter 518 Chaos Avenue? The Power of Rules?

Therefore, they are very familiar with Heavenly Dao.Now when Qin Xuan mentioned it, they also nodded quickly, indicating that they knew it!

“Heavenly Dao in this world is born out of the good fortune of sentient beings. The method for each world to give birth to Heavenly Dao is different. He is born to control the laws. The laws of each world are different, there are high and low! ”

Speaking of this, Qin Xuan paused, then looked at the curious people and continued, “Heavenly Dao is powerful, but it is only in the own world, because in the own world, he can obtain the will of all living beings and the power of the world. The blessings of Heavenly Dao, once they leave the own world, Heavenly Dao’s strength will quickly drop, so Heavenly Dao still has not detached from the world.

The Avenue of Chaos is an existence that has transcended the world. He can swim in the heavens and worlds. Moreover, the Avenue of Chaos is in control of a powerful force by nature, which is the power of rules “six seven zeros”!”

“Do you understand what I said?”

After explaining, Qin Xuan looked at everyone and asked!

“I see!”

Dugu Baitian and the others also seemed to understand, and nodded without knowing if they understood.

“Master! I understand what you mean! Does your consciousness mean that Chaos Dao is much stronger than Heavenly Dao! Heavenly Dao can’t be like Chaos Dao kids at all?”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, Shi Hao also suddenly realized it, and then asked!

“Hey! You can understand this way!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan smiled, then nodded and said!

“Master! You are so true. Did you directly say that Chaos Dao is stronger than Heavenly Dao soon? Why do you talk so much nonsense?”

Shi Hao said with a dissatisfaction!


Hearing Shi Hao’s words, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but look at him, then his eyes twitched slightly, his eyes filled with danger!

“Is this kid getting acquainted recently? Why don’t you wait to practice? By the way, it’s the same with Ye Fan!”

Qin Xuan listened to Shi Hao and Ye Fan, then touched his chin and thought to himself!

“Huh? No wind came in! Why did you suddenly get goose bumps!”

Ye Fan and Shi Wu couldn’t help but hit a Ji Ling, and then looked around suspiciously!


Just when Qin Xuan was about to say something, he suddenly wanted to feel something, and immediately said to Ye Fan and Dugu Beitian and others: “I will go out first, and I will be back later!”

After speaking, they disappeared without waiting for Ye Fan and the others to react!

In the whirlpool of the void!

Looking at the slowly rising gray scales, a trace of madness and determination flashed in Heavenly Dao’s eyes!

Take a sharp drink now!

Following Heavenly Dao’s loud shout, the Qilin projection summoned by Heavenly Dao suddenly lit up with a strong white light, instantly illuminating the entire dark space!

Seeing the Qilin projection body shining brightly, Heavenly Dao also madly retreated back, and issued a series of defensive laws around him!

At this moment, a huge energy fluctuation suddenly spread from the Qilin projection. This huge energy fluctuation has never been seen before!

The entire dark space suddenly vibrated violently, as if it would be broken in half at any time!

And Ye Qingxian, who was outside the vortex, obviously felt this huge energy fluctuation, and this huge energy fluctuation was still gestating crazily. Ye Qingxian felt that once this energy broke out, it would make The entire Universe is in a state of destruction, and seeing the void where you are now, you will be directly destroyed!

In this energy fluctuation, Ye Qingxian Mingrui felt a strong danger!

“What’s the matter with this energy fluctuation? It makes me feel fatal danger. No, with Heavenly Dao’s current Cultivation Base, it is impossible to exude such a powerful force.”

Ye Qingxian also felt this fluctuation, and he couldn’t help but frowned at the moment!

Forget it! “I’ll go in and take a look! If this momentum is really coming from Heavenly Dao, then I will kill Heavenly Dao anyway, even if it goes against Tang Dage’s account!”

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxian didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately flew into the rotating vortex!

Forget it! “I’ll go in and take a look! If this momentum is really coming from Heavenly Dao, then I will kill Heavenly Dao anyway, even if it goes against Tang Dage’s account!”

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxian didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately flew into the rotating vortex!

As soon as Ye Qingxian rushed into the vortex, he noticed that the energy fluctuation had become stronger!

Right now, Ye Qingxian looked towards the energy fluctuations, and saw a strong light sweeping towards him…


Following that, there was an earth-shattering explosion!

The huge impact split the vortex in half, and it continued to spread outward!

The entire void trembles violently with this huge explosion energy, and the space falls off one by one!

“What! So strong? Did Heavenly Dao blew himself up?”

Ye Qingxian was also shocked by this huge power!

“Damn it! I didn’t expect this Heavenly Dao to have such a rigid character, originally I just wanted to trap him, but I didn’t expect him to explode!

“I really hope that the aperture set by Don Dage can withstand such a strong aftermath of self-detonation! Otherwise, this universe might be directly blown up!

Ye Qingxian thought to himself while holding on to the powerful force that was coming!

As the huge energy continued to spread outward, the mask that Qin Xuan isolated the entire void began to show some small cracks.I believe it will take a long time before this mask will be broken!

At this moment, I saw a figure suddenly appeared outside the void, this figure was not someone else, it was Qin Xuan who had just left the cemetery of the gods and demons!

Qin Xuan looked at the mask he put down, and small cracks appeared on him, and he frowned at the moment!

The reason why Qin Xuan frowned was not because the mask was about to break, but he himself did not expect that in order not to be trapped, Heavenly Dao actually blew up something he had obtained and refined for so many years in 1.1!

As for whether Heavenly Dao will fall in this self-detonation, Qin Xuan is not worried at all!

For Qin Xuan, the master of Heavenly Dao’s strength is not considered powerful, but he must have a lot of life-saving skills, especially in the birth of the world of own!

And whether Ye Qingxian is in any danger, Qin Xuan doesn’t have to worry about it, after all, it is just a projection summoned by Heavenly Dao, and the power of self-detonation is not enough to hurt Ye Qingxian!

If Qilin blew himself up, Qin Xuan might still be a little worried about Ye Qingxian!

Thinking of this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head!

Qin Xuan didn’t hesitate at the moment, and saw that she pointed at the mask that was about to shatter.

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