Chapter 509 Fighting Through All Times!

And Ye Fan, Dugu Beitian and others, although they have been paying attention to the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu, they also feel powerless for the entire Universe to be affected!

However, seeing that the entire void was actually isolated, the aftermath of the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu could not be transmitted at all. Although everyone was wondering, who had the ability to separate the void from the entire universe. .

But they are more happy, at least they know that the entire universe is saved!

“It seems that Shizun Tang senior’s other family made the move!”

Only Ye Fan, Immortal Corpse Emperor, and Dugu Defeated Heaven were present, knowing that Qin Xuan must have made the move, but the three of them did not say it, but continued to pay attention to the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu!

For Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord and others, since knowing that they were only a clone of Heavenly Dao in the previous battles, they no longer expected to destroy Heavenly Dao!

Because they all know that they and others are not Heavenly Dao’s opponents at all, and the previous battles of cutting the sky, I am afraid that in Heavenly Dao’s view, it was only -06 games of entertainment!

I thought of myself and others in order to eliminate Heavenly Dao in this life, I don’t know how many years of layout, but in Heavenly Dao’s view, all these things I and others have done are nothing more than other people who can kill time when they are bored!

Thinking of this, Dugu Baitian and the others were also suffering for a while!

And now, feeling the aftermath of the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao from afar, they also have a little hope in their hearts, hoping that Shi Wu can destroy Heavenly Dao, even if Heavenly Dao can’t be destroyed. , At least it also severely damaged Heavenly Dao, so Heavenly Dao had to go to sleep for a while:

But they all know that this idea of ​​themselves and others is just wishful thinking.Although Shi Hao’s strength has greatly increased after going crazy this time, they still don’t believe that Shi Hao will be Heavenly Dao’s opponent!

Because Ye Fan’s strength has also skyrocketed just now, and it is also far beyond the existence of the heaven-defying stage.Although it is still a bit worse than Ye Fan at that time and Shi Hao now, the difference in strength between the two is not too great. Big.

But even so, from the battle between him and Heavenly Dao, Dugu Baitian and others can still feel that Heavenly Dao has not given all his strength from the beginning to the end!


The battle between Shi Hao and Heavenly Dao caused hundreds of millions of miles of gas in the void to become extremely violent.Everyone present could not get close except Ye Qingxian, they could only use Divine Sense to investigate far away!

The deepest part of the void!

Heavenly Dao stepped out, as if stepping across one big world after another, and the entire universe was just a ladder under his feet, and he came to Shi Hao’s face at once, and then lifted his left hand, which was full of mysterious charms. , Hit Shi Wu’s chest with a punch!


Seeing this, Shi Wu Neng roared up to the sky, and a fierce breath came out from him, and then he waved his own fist and greeted him!


There was a violent collision, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed, but the two of them didn’t care at all, instead they went straight in!

In the long river of time and space, a group of pictures suddenly appeared like a player, and then shattered and disappeared. There are also floating golden hourglasses everywhere.

Suddenly, in this long silent river of time and space, two figures suddenly appeared here, and only one of them with a strong figure appeared here, raised his hair and roared, and then rushed towards the other!

Seeing this, the other one was also worthwhile, and he greeted him directly!

These two are not others, it is Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao who disappeared from the void!

At the level of Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu, magical spells are not too important to them!

One punch between them, one palm, there is great power, countless laws evolve in their moves, with one punch, the Universe can be reopened, and the space can be shattered by only seeing it!

Between each step, the two of them have crossed countless light years, penetrating time and space, not only the present, but also the past and the future. All the creatures in each stage and stage of each era raised their heads and looked at the sky. superior.

Because the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu has surpassed time and space and has gone through all ages. They fought and completely reversed the operation of the Universe. Under the influence of the long river of time and space, they left their battle projections in all ages. !

And the strongest people of all ages also felt the abnormal changes in the long river of time and space, and they have explored their own consciousness, and then sank into the long river of time and space!

It’s not that they don’t want to use their own body to enter the long river of time and space, but their Cultivation Base is not enough, and the physical body can’t enter the long river of time and space at all!

The strongest of each, after their consciousness entered the long river of time and space, they naturally saw the two of Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu who were developing!

Everyone was shocked at the moment, because of their development, Shi Wu and Heavenly Dao, who were fighting, actually entered the long river of time and space with their bodies!

At the same time, I was shocked. You must know that the long river of time and space understands the bonds of each era. The two people are fighting here. Are they not afraid to affect the operation of each era?

As for Ye Qingxian in the void, after seeing Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao disappear, he knew that they had entered the shattered space by themselves, but he was not sure where they had gone!

I’m not hiding right now, I just showed up, walked out of the space, and then released own Divine Sense to track down the breath of Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao!

“Huh? Actually ran into the long river of time and space!”

After a while, Ye Qingxian already felt that Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao were there!

“Madam? Why are you here?”

At this moment, a voice of 060 came from a distance, which interrupted Ye Qingxian at once!

Ye Qingxian followed his reputation and saw that Ye Fan and the others were flying in the direction of this own. They also smiled at the moment, and then nodded towards them!

Ye Fan and others were already paying attention to the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu, but when they saw that they disappeared at once, they were shocked at the moment, thinking they rushed out of the void and started fighting outside!

If this is the case, I am afraid that the entire universe will be over!

In fact, it was Ye Fan and Dugu Baitian who had been worrying too much. You should know that Qin Xuan directly isolated the entire void from this Universe. What kind of existence is Qin Xuan? It is on the same level as Chaos Avenue.

Therefore, even if Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu are allowed to attack petaflops with all their strength, they may not be able to get out here!

Of course, Time and Space Changhe himself is beyond this world and is not in this world, so they can still enter directly from this void!

Just when Ye Fan and Dugu were shocked by their defeat, their Divine Sense suddenly felt that there was a person in the void. After careful investigation, the battle turned out to be Ye Qingxian and the main reason Ye Qingxian did not hide. Own figure, otherwise, with Ye Fan and Dugu Baitian, how could they have discovered it.

At the moment, I couldn’t help but say, directly in the direction of Ye Qingxian, and flew quickly!

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