Chapter 510 Ye Qingxian also feels tricky!

“Madam! Why are you here!”

Ye Fan came to Ye Qingxian’s, and then asked with a puzzled look!

“I have seen Ye senior!”

Dugu Baitian and Immortal Corpse Lie also followed, and then respectfully saluted!

“I’ve seen Ye senior!”

Seeing this, the Demon Lord, as well as Chen Nanchen Zhan and others, instantly knew the identity of this white-clothed woman, and she was also a courtesy right now!

Ye Qingxian smiled and nodded at the crowd, then looked at Ye Fan and said, “I have been here for a while!”

“By the way, Madam! Do you know Junior Brother Shi Wu and Heavenly Dao, where are they now?”

“Yeah! They broke into the long river of time and space by themselves!”

Ye Qingxian nodded, then said!

“The long river of time and space?”

Hearing that, not only Ye Fan, even Dugu Defeat Heaven and the others, their brows were slightly frowned!

At their level, they naturally know where the Long River of Time and Space is, and they are not a few of them entering that place. They know that fighting in the Long River of Time and Space will have any influence on me, and now I heard Ye Qingxian say that Shi Hao and Heavenly Dao actually Hit into the long river of time and space, how can this not make them frightened!

“Go! Let’s go in and take a look!

Ye Qingxian said to everyone!

Ye Qingxian did not think as much as they thought. In Ye Qingxian’s Realm, there is no past and future for a long time, only the present, so no matter what Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao are in the long river of time and space, it will have no effect on her. !

After speaking, Ye Qingxian waved his hand, and a spatial crack appeared in front of everyone, and then Qingxian went straight in!

Seeing this, Ye Fan Dugu Baitian and the others were not hesitating, and went straight in!

In the long river of time and space!

Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu are naturally still fighting, and the terrible aftermath has caused the long river of time and space to become extremely unstable!

“Who are these two? They dare to fight in the long river of time and space! Are they not afraid to disturb the order of the entire time and space?”

“I don’t know! But if they continue to do this, I’m afraid it will also affect reality!

“I have said so much. Then what can you do?”

Peak powerhouses from all ages began to talk, but no one dared to stop it!

Just from Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao, being able to enter the long river of time and space with their bodies is not something they can compare, not to mention that they only enter here with consciousness. Unknown, so I am here, they dare not make a move!

Wait “! Look! Someone has come in again!”

At this moment, a consciousness suddenly said!

I saw that not far away, a crack suddenly cracked, and from this crack, ten figures walked out. These ten figures are not Ye Qingxian and the others, who else can they be!

“Huh? Look! They all use their bodies to enter the long river of time and space!

A consciousness suddenly discovered that these ten people had entered the long river of time and space physically, and they couldn’t help exclaiming at the moment!

Hearing that, the peak powerhouses of various eras looked towards Ye Qingxian and others. When they saw that it was exactly what the consciousness said just now, one of them couldn’t help but say in shock: “Which era is this? How could it be? Is there such a peak powerhouse?”

You know, there are several peak powerhouses in an era, and they are considered a glorious era. Now I see Ye Qingxian and they are actually ten people coming together, and they still use their bodies to enter the long river of time and space. How does this come from? Peak powerhouses of all ages are shocked!

the other side!

After Ye Qingxian and the others entered the long river of time and space, they saw Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu who were fighting. Right now, Ye Fan frowned, and then asked Ye Qingxian, “Master, if you are here. Going down, I am afraid that the entire time and space will be interrupted by the two of them!”

Hearing that, not only Dugu Baitian and others, even Ye Qingxian frowned!

Of course Ye Qingxian knew that what Ye Fan said was the truth, but now she didn’t want to stop it, so she could stop it!

Her Cultivation Base does surpass Shi Wu and Heavenly Dao, but the key is that Shi Hao is now controlled by the power of the rules, causing confusion. If she rushes in now, she may face attacks from Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao. !

Although Ye Qingxian is confident of defeating Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu Jian’s combination, she is not arrogant to think that she will be the opponent of the power of the two rules. Live, but now it’s two ways!

If Heavenly Dao, regardless of the consequences, fully exploded the power of the rules on his left hand, I am afraid that the scene will be more difficult to end. What’s more, there is a Shi Wu next to him. The power of rules in his body was bestowed by Tang Dage, Ye Qingxian wouldn’t believe that the power of rules that Qin Xuan bestowed on Shi Hao would be an ordinary thing!

“If I act now, I’m afraid the situation will become even worse!

Ye Qingxian shook his head, and then explained the situation to Ye Fan and others!

“Then what to do now? Should they just let them go on like this?”

Hearing that, Ye Fan and others also frowned!

“It would be great if Master was here!”

Ye Fan whispered!

At the same time, Ye Fan also complained about Qin Xuan, own, the master is good at everything, just a little lazy and stingy!

Although Ye Fan’s muttering voice was small, how could he keep it from Ye Qingxian? After hearing Ye Fan’s muttering, Ye Qingxian was also a little embarrassed, because Qin Xuan was planning to take action by herself, but she stopped. Coming down, now hearing Ye Fan say this, can Ye Qingxian not be embarrassed?

“Ahem! Don’t worry! The situation here should not be hidden from Tang Dage. If he wants to make a move long ago, and he hasn’t made a move until now, then there should be a reason for him (good Li) to do this!

Ye Qingxian coughed dryly, then said!

“Is that right?”

Ye Fan asked suspiciously!

How could Ye Fan not understand what kind of personality his master is?

Ye Fan secretly said in his heart!

Gods and Demons Cemetery!


Qin Xuan is watching. During the battle between Heavenly Dao and Shi Hao in the long river of time and space, he suddenly sneezed, and then he couldn’t help but muttered: “Who is behind me? Shi Hao that stinky boy? No, He should be looking at destroying the rules now, how could he have time to arrange me!

“In that case, there is only Ye Fan! It seems that when Ye Fan comes back, he must teach him a lesson! How dare to arrange me behind my back!”

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