Chapter 508 Qin Xuan makes a move!

Directly isolate the void! In the void not far away from Shi Wu’s battle with Heavenly Dao!

Seeing the entire void trembling violently, and the terrible fighting aura coming from a distance, Ye Fan and the Emperor Corpse Immortal looked at each other, seeing each other in embarrassment, they couldn’t help but laugh bitterly!

“Ahem! Ye Fan fellow daoist, fellow daoist corpse!”

At this time, a coughing sound came from not far away!

The two followed their prestige, and saw Dugu Beitian and the others, who were flying towards each other while exchanging support!

When they brought them closer, Ye Fan and Immortal Corpse Lie discovered that they were just like themselves, looking very embarrassed!

“Are you okay!”

Ye Fan looked at Dugu Baitian and the others, and then asked!

“It’s just a slight injury, it’s not a big deal!”

Dugu defeated “Zero Thirty Zero” Tian and others shook their heads, and then replied!

“By the way! Ye Fan fellow daoist, corpse fellow daoist! What is going on with that lunatic Shi Hao? Why did he suddenly go crazy?”

At this time, Dugu Beitian suddenly looked at Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse, and then asked with a look of doubt!

Not only Dugu Baitian, seeing Chen Nan and the Demon Lord, they also looked at Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse with doubts!

Thinking of the terrifying aura that Shi Wu had just gone mad, and just relying on his aura, he made them vomit blood. What if you start a hand against them? I am afraid that a punch can make himself and others fall!

Fortunately, he didn’t do anything to himself and others, otherwise, wouldn’t he have died unjustly when he waited for others?

Thinking of this, Dugu defeated the sky, the demon master and Chen Nan and others couldn’t help but shudder!

“I’m not too sure either!

Hearing that, Ye Fan couldn’t help but shook his head, and then said with a wry smile!

Once “I have seen Shi Wu fellow daoist madness once, but at that time it was not as violent as it is now!”

The corpse fairy emperor also showed a wry smile, but he still knew it and said it!

“Ah! That’s the case for Shi Hao that madman, has it happened more than once?”

Dugu Baitian’s face changed slightly, and then he asked again!

Immortal Emperor Corpse nodded!

Seeing this, everyone present, except for Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse, their expressions changed slightly!

Ye Fan” fellow daoist! Corpse fellow daoist! Do you know that Shi Hao, a lunatic, suddenly went crazy, what is the reason?

“I’m not too sure either!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan and Immortal Emperor Corpse also shook their heads!

But after seeing the worry on everyone’s faces, Ye Fan instantly understood what they were worried about. He smiled immediately and said, “Aha! Don’t worry! After this is over, I will go back and ask Master, I think Master and his elders will definitely know some. As long as we know the reason why Junior Brother Shi Wu is crazy, then we will definitely be able to think of a way!”

Hearing that, everyone present finally breathed a sigh of relief!

For the master in Ye Fan’s mouth, although the Demon Lord and Chen Nan and others have never seen it, they have also heard Dugu Beitian mentioned it!

That is an unfathomable existence in the Cultivation Base. If the Cultivation Base is not high, how can you teach two powerful people like Ye Fan and Shi Wu!

It was like a violent collision, and the entire void was moving violently!

A violent wave of air once again hit Dugu Beitian and Ye Fan and the others, blowing their hair apart, and the clothes on their bodies were also blowing and hunting!

“Haha! Fight again!”

At this time, Shi Hao’s excited voice resounded through the entire void again!

Right now, Ye Fan and others released their own Divine Sense and explored the past. Of course, they did not dare to bring their own Divine Sense too close to avoid being injured by the aftermath of the battle between Shi Hao and Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao and Shi Wu became more excited as they fought, and even the huge void couldn’t restrain the aftermath of the battle between them, and began to spread to the entire universe!

Once it was not only the heavens, but the entire universe was shaking violently, and compared to the current shaking, the previous time was nothing at all!

There are creatures from the Cultivation Base in the entire Universe.

And those ordinary mortals also looked at all this desperately, their eyes were filled with holes, as if there was no trace of anger!


In the cemetery of gods and demons!

Qin Xuan saw Liu Shen and Xuan Xuan looking at him with pleading eyes, and now they laughed helplessly!

“Okay! You two don’t have to look at me like this, it makes me seem to have committed a serious crime!”

Qin Xuan couldn’t stand the gaze of the two of them, and finally nodded and agreed!

“Thank you! Thank you Tang senior! I thank you for the whole world!”

Hearing that, Pu suddenly became excited, and immediately thanked Qin Xuan!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan was also very speechless, but he didn’t say anything.When he waved his hand, a ray of light shot out of his hand!

This ray of light seemed to penetrate time and space and flew quickly toward the void.Moreover, this ray of light was rapidly growing. When it came to the intersection of the void and the heavens, it instantly turned into a huge bubble!

I saw this huge bubble engulf the entire void in an instant, and within a short while, the entire void was enveloped by this huge bubble!

After the entire void was wrapped in this huge bubble, the entire Universe stopped shaking!,

After the entire universe stopped shaking, all the creatures who had been desperate were also blank, but finally there was a trace of anger in their eyes, not as they were before, their eyes were full of despair and Death!

“Stop it?”

“Ah! It really stopped! 1.0”

We “come to life!

The creatures of the entire universe exclaimed in excitement!

However, there are also some creatures who can’t believe that the catastrophe has passed by themselves, so they can’t help but speculate on own: “Could this be temporary? The catastrophe will continue after a while?”

“Scared, scared! What are you talking about asshole? If you don’t want to live, then go to death as soon as possible. Don’t say these unlucky things here, lest you do harm to us!”

But those who didn’t believe it, after saying this, they were immediately reprimanded by everyone!

Seeing that the people around were looking at him angrily, those who did not believe in all of this also knew that they had committed the anger, and they couldn’t help but shrank their necks, and then fled here quickly, so as not to be overwhelmed by the anger of everyone!

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