Chapter 498 Shi Hao! Defeated!

Seeing that his move was blocked, Heavenly Dao didn’t care, but what made him care was that he felt threatened again just now!

The golden Feng Shui compass, at the moment when the golden Feng Shui compass appeared, now it feels threatened again, just like the phantom that the kid next to him summoned!

Heavenly Dao shook his head, and wanted to throw all these threats out of his mind, he didn’t believe he would lose!

When the next step was taken, it was as if an unknown number of epochs had been straddled, and it came to Ye Fan and the others in an instant!

“Come on! Everyone, be careful!”

Ye Fan drank it fiercely!

Suddenly, everyone’s hearts were bright, and they couldn’t help but be on guard at the moment!

But Heavenly Dao, regardless of whether they were alert or not, directly suppressed them with a palm!

With the terrifying heavenly power and boundless gravity, this palm was suppressed towards Ye “Nine Zero Three” Fan and others!

Under this terrifying majesty, everyone blushed under pressure!


As soon as there was a muffled sound, Ye Fan and the others had already flown upside down!

“Puff!” The first release…

Then fell on the ground and vomited a bit of blood!

Keke “! Damn it! It’s so strong!”

Shi Wu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then stood up, staring at Heavenly Dao and said!

Other people also stood up!

For them, this little injury is nothing at all, and it won’t make them unable to move!

“This is your full strength?”

Heavenly Dao’s eyes flashed disappointment, and then looked at Ye Fan and the others with a plain face and asked!

Hearing that, the faces of everyone present suddenly looked ugly!

“Asshole! Don’t look down on people! Roar… Fa Xiangtiandi!”

Shi Wu Tieqing stared at Heavenly Dao, and then happened!

Suddenly, the giant like that ancient demon god appeared again!

“Open the sky!

The phantom that made Heavenly Dao feel threatened, appeared again, but the phantom that appeared this time was even bigger than the original one, and almost enveloped the general unknown space in it, like a giant who pioneered the world!

I saw that huge phantom, waved the axe in his hand again, and slashed towards Heavenly Dao!

“Who is this phantom? It makes me feel threatened!”

Heavenly Dao’s eyes seemed to see through time and space, and she glanced at the fuzzy phantom!

But no matter how he observes, he just can’t see a trace of the problem!

At this time, Axe Guang came to Heavenly Dao by himself, and when Heavenly Dao was about to dodge, he suddenly discovered that the time and space around him seemed to be locked!

However, Heavenly Dao didn’t care at all.At the moment, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and then greeted him with axe light!


The sound of a collision of gold and stone spread throughout the unknown space, and it continued to spread out!

Heavenly Dao said differently and looked at own right hand!

At this moment, Heavenly Dao’s right hand was covered with black blood, and it seemed to be broken by Shi Wu’s axe just now!

But in the blink of an eye, the wound has disappeared without a trace!

It seems that “As I guessed, what makes myself feel threatened is only the original will of the phantom, and now he has no threat to himself at all!”

After some trials, Heavenly Dao didn’t know Shi Hao’s condition!

Simply put, the reason why the summoned phantom makes himself feel threatened is because he carries the will and aura of his deity.These auras can deter himself and make himself feel threatened!


Seeing that Heavenly Dao could block his strongest blow with his hands, Shi Hao couldn’t help widening his eyes, looking at all this in disbelief!

“The gap is too big!

Not only Shi Wu was stunned, but seeing Ye Fan and Dugu Beitian and others was also very difficult to accept!

They could feel the power of Shi Wu’s attack just now. If they were replaced by Shi Hao’s this strike, they would probably be wiped out.

But it was this blow that ruined the heavens and the earth, and he was so relaxed by Heavenly Dao. Then, for a while, they couldn’t accept it!

“Do you have any stronger moves?”

Heavenly Dao still looked at Shi Hao indifferently, and then asked!

“Damn it!

Hearing this, Shi Hao’s expression became ugly involuntarily!

“If you can summon the phantom body, I definitely don’t have the power to resist, but now it seems that you can’t summon him completely!

Actually “So! Then you can go to death!”

After speaking, a pity flashed in Heavenly Dao’s eyes, and then he blasted towards Shi Wu with a punch!


The invisible Quan Jin directly smashed Shi Hao’s heaven and earth laws, and even the huge and incomparable shadow behind him dissipated. I can’t get up anymore!

“Junior Brother! (Crazy! Shi Wu fellow daoist!) 0…”

Seeing Shi Wu flew out with a punch by Heavenly Dao and fell to the ground and couldn’t get up, Ye Fan, Dugu Beitian and others couldn’t help shouting in a hurry!

Right now, Ye Fan was about to rush over to see what happened to his junior brother Shi Wu, but at this moment, Ye Fan felt that he was suddenly locked by Heavenly Dao. As long as he passed, he would definitely face Heavenly Dao. Attack fiercely!

“it’s your turn!”

At this time, Heavenly Dao’s voice sounded again!


At this time, Ye Fan also discovered that Shi Hao had not fallen, but was seriously injured, and he couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief!

Right now, Ye Fan turned around, his eyes looking at Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but cold light!

Ye Fan naturally knows the meaning of Heavenly Dao. The current Heavenly Dao 0.9 is like a cat playing with a mouse. He is a mouse here, and Heavenly Dao is a cat. He is planning to play with himself and the others little by little. After that, I killed myself!

“In that case! Then I am as you wish!”

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but eyes reveal the fierce light, and then raised the magic formula with both hands, and slammed: “Destiny Feng Shui compass! Now!”

A round of golden Feng Shui compass gradually emerged from behind Ye Fan. When I saw the dense pattern of gods on the golden Feng Shui compass, Dugu Beitian and others couldn’t help but feel a little scalp tingling!

Because, in the golden pattern of Feng Shui compass, they felt that it contained terrifying power!

Of course, this round of golden Feng Shui compass is just a phantom. They believe that if this round of golden Feng Shui compass is an entity, then its power will be even more powerful!,

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