Chapter 499 Ye Fan shot! The momentum that enveloped the entire world!

I saw that the god pattern on the golden Feng Shui compass flew out of the Feng Shui compass suddenly, and then fell into Ye Fan’s body!

Suddenly, a strong aura erupted from Ye Fan!

With the continuous influx of the gods, Ye Fan’s aura also increased. After a while, Ye Fan’s aura seemed to have surpassed the immortal emperor’s level, reaching an unknown zero point.


The space seemed to be unable to withstand this powerful momentum, and it began to break apart!

The powerful aura emanating from Ye Fan instantly enveloped the entire unknown space and began to spread outside!


The entire sky suddenly became gloomy, black clouds all over the unknown space, and countless purple arcs constantly shuttled through the black clouds, as if they would fall down at any time!

Feeling the powerful aura on Ye Fan’s body and the sudden gloomy sky, the expressions of Dugu Beitian and others were shocked!

They all know that Ye Fan is very powerful, but this momentum is really too strong!

Especially Dugu Beitian and the corpse fairy emperor, the two of them stayed with Ye Fan for a long time.They usually heard Shi Wu mention the senior brother own to keep up, but they have never actually seen Ye Fan take action in 06. I saw it for the second time, but they were shocked. Ye Fan’s momentum obviously surpassed the existence of heaven-defying level!

On the other side, Heavenly Dao was also surprised by the breath that Ye Fan exudes, but it was only a surprise, far from being shocked!

Although this momentum is too strong for others, it is like that for Heavenly Dao!


The edge of the heavens is the only way to Nine Heavens!

There are countless corpses floating here, and these corpses seem to have been dead for a short time.In the middle of the corpses, a group of people are standing supporting each other, and they all firmly look to the deepest part of the void!

These people are not others, but Pupu and others who rushed back from the Ninth Stage day.Of course, there are some hidden powerhouses who also rushed over!

In order to withstand the aftermath of the war, nearly half of them have fallen, and the only ones left, it seems that they will not last long!

Now they are all very embarrassed, and some are even seriously injured, but they are still holding on, because they know that as long as they wait for someone to step back, the heaven behind them and other interfaces of themselves will be ruthlessly destroyed by Yu Bo. !

At that time, their relatives, friends, and even the living beings will encounter but ruthless blows, and the whole world will be affected by the aftermath of the war and be destroyed!

At this time, an extremely strong aura spread from the depths of the void.Under this aura, those who still persisted, had no time to react, and they were all overwhelmed by Tongtong!

“Okay, so strong!

They wanted to start their own head too much, but found that their whole body seemed to be unable to move suddenly, and finally they smiled bitterly in their hearts!

“Is there really such a big gap between us and the existence of the heaven-defying stage? With this momentum alone, we are…

Everyone couldn’t help but think bitterly in their hearts!

After this momentum overwhelmed them, it surpassed them and rushed into the heavens!

Under this aura, the entire celestial realm shook violently, and the sky gradually became gloomy.The black cloud instantly enveloped the entire sky, and the thick black cloud seemed to crush the entire celestial realm, and countless thunders were on the clouds. Shaking!

Everyone is looking to the sky, because even if there is no Cultivation Base person, they can feel that the sky has always been shrouded in a strong aura!

It’s not that they don’t want to escape, but this aura envelops the entire celestial realm, no matter where they flee, it is the same, so they can only pray now, hoping that the master of this aura will not destroy the celestial realm!

The Mortal Realm, The Three Realms, Fifth and Sixth Realms are also affected, but because they are far away, they are not that serious, but they can still feel the momentum!

“Is this the aura from Heavenly Dao?”

Some people who knew about the battle of cutting the sky couldn’t help guessing in their hearts!

In the cemetery of gods and demons!

“Tang senior! Ye Fan’s battle with Heavenly Dao has already affected the entire world. If this continues, I’m afraid the entire world will be destroyed!”

Liu Shen looked at Ye Fan and others of the Water Realm Technique, as well as the scenes captured by Divine Sense in the heavens, and couldn’t help but say with worry!

“Don Dage, let me come this time! I haven’t done anything for so many years, I’m afraid my body is about to rust!”

Who knows, before Qin Xuan spoke, Ye Qingxian next to him had already spoken!

“Indeed, you have taken a shot for a long time, so you can do it this time! However, when the two boys, Shi Hao and Ye Fan, are not at the juncture of life and death, don’t help them! I think See, how much potential Heavenly Dao can push them out!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan turned his head to look at Ye Qingxian next to him, then nodded and said!

For Ye Qingxian, Qin Xuan is 100 assured, not to mention that her current Cultivation Base is not much different from Heavenly Dao, and her cultivation rules alone can make her leapfrog the challenge!

So, it shouldn’t be too difficult to deal with this Heavenly Dao!

“Okay! Then I will solve the matter of the heavens first, and then I will look for them!”

After listening to Qin Xuan’s instructions, Ye Qingxian also nodded, and then said with a look of excitement!

You know, at the level of Ye Qingxian, it is very difficult to find a rival like Heavenly Dao, and she also wants to try her own strength not long after she breaks through!

So, now being able to touch Heavenly Dao’s face, how does this make her not excited?

After talking about 903, Ye Qingxian’s whole body has disappeared!

“Tang senior! Is Qingxian Big sis okay?”

After seeing Ye Qingxian leave, God Liu asked with some worry!

Although she knew that this time Ye Qingxian Closed Door Training broke through a Realm she did not know, but when she thought of the Water Realm Surgery, Heavenly Dao made Shi Wu unable to fight again with a single blow. Now Ye Qingxian is ready to go with him. Heavenly Dao fights, how can Liu Shen not worry?

You know, Shi Wu just used the heaven and earth method, although she is not on the scene so she can’t feel any power, but from the water realm technique, she can still see the power that destroys the world!

“Ah! Don’t worry! If Heavenly Dao is in full bloom, I might still be worried, but with the current Heavenly Dao, you are not yet an opponent of Big Sis!”

Seeing Liu Shen looking at him worriedly, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smile, and then said!

The Heavenly Dao in this world, although not as good as the prehistoric Heavenly Dao in its heyday, there is also the Cultivation Base of Chaos Supreme Realm, but now, it is only the Cultivation Base of Chaos Supreme Realm. Cultivation Base!

Although Ye Qingxian is also this Realm, she has cultivated the swallowing rules. What are the rules? Rules are a supreme power. For Ye Qingxian who has the rules of cultivation, the challenge of leapfrogging is still very easy, so, pack one Heavenly Dao shouldn’t be a big problem!

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