Chapter 497 Fight! Heavenly Dao makes a move!

“Haha! Crazy! You are right! We can severely hurt his clone, as well as his deity! If it weren’t for you, we had just reached a dead end!”

Dugu Baitian patted Shi Hao on the shoulder, and then said with a laugh!

Even Ye Fan, who was next to him, looked at Shi Hao with a strange expression.

“What’s more, don’t you want to know what it feels like to pull Heavenly Dao high above the throne and step on your feet?”

Unexpectedly, at this time, Shi Hao looked at everyone with excitement, and then said!


Hearing that, the foreheads of everyone present could not help being covered with black lines, feeling that you said that just now, all because of wanting to pull Heavenly Dao off the horse, what does it feel like!

“This madman (Shi Wu senior) is not very reliable sometimes!”

Dugu Baitian and Chen Nan thought to himself!

“Okay! Now that you are all here! Let’s start!”

At this time, Heavenly Dao, who was sitting on the throne, also slowly stood up, and then looked at everyone with a cold expression and said!

Now Heavenly Dao, the figure looks huge, like a long river of years, with a piece of Star on his head, the sun and the moon on his shoulders, every move can shake the entire universe!

Seeing this, Ye Fan and the others couldn’t help but their faces became serious. The reason is that Heavenly Dao’s aura is too strong, just standing up, it can make themselves and others feel boundless pressure!

Following Heavenly Dao’s movements, a thick layer of black clouds gathered in the originally depressed space, and this black cloud enveloped the entire unknown space!

Amidst the black clouds, thunder thundered, and the roads continued to roar like a world-destroying radar, and the roar was mixed with extremely heavy Tianwei!



The dull thunder sound resounded throughout the world, and the originally gloomy space became brighter under the shining thunder!

A breath of eternity, blueness, and profoundness emanated from Heavenly Dao, and that kind of aura that was above all, enveloping the entire unknown space in one fell swoop!

The majesty even the sky was shattered, and the space was trembling again, making everyone present tremble!

“This… is too strong!!

Shi Hao, who was still excited just now, swallowed his saliva, stuttering in his mouth!

At this moment, no one answered Shi Hao’s words at all, and they all stared at Heavenly Dao solemnly, fearing that Heavenly Dao would suddenly make a move, and he would not have time to react by then!

“Is this the power of the Heavenly Dao deity? It’s no wonder that a group of people was seriously injured and returned by this clone alone!

Dugu Baitian waited for these people who had participated in the battle of cutting the sky before, could not help secretly!

If the Heavenly Dao deity had done it himself before, I am afraid there would be nothing like what they are today!

The clone that fought with them before is probably even less than one billionth of the Heavenly Dao deity now!

At this moment, Heavenly Dao stretched out his hand and took a look at it casually, that hand seemed to be mixed with a large universe, and instantly enveloped like Dugu Baitian and others!

That hand seems to have passed through, the transparent and long river of time and space, and the endless creatures are contained in it. A dragon entangled in it. Show!

The palm of that hand instantly grew bigger, as if it enveloped the entire unknown space, countless laws, magical powers are fully displayed, but wherever there is a law or magical power flowing out, it can cause the entire universe to set off stormy waves!

And the speed of that hand seems to be slow, but in fact it is amazingly fast!

Just in the blink of an eye, the giant hand crossed hundreds of millions of miles of the sky, came to Ye Fan and the others, and grabbed them directly!

“Get out of the way!”

At this moment, Ye Fan also reacted, his face changed immediately, and then he shouted loudly!

Hearing that, everyone fled out one after another, but no matter how they fled, the giant hand followed behind, and it kept getting bigger!

“Brother! Can’t go on like this! We can’t escape at all!”

Shi Hao, who was running away quickly, yelled to Ye Fan in a little anxiousness!

They are like the grandson monkeys in the hands of Tathagata, no matter how they fly, they can’t fly out!

Everyone! “Let’s not run away! That Heavenly Dao’s hand seems to contain the law of space, and the surrounding space seems to be infinitely reduced! Therefore, no matter how we escape, we can’t escape! Everyone uses our strongest tricks, See if you can smash all the surrounding space!”

0……Look for flowers.…………

“Otherwise, even if we are tired of flying, we will still be in this space, being endlessly reduced!”

Hearing that, after Ye Fan looked around, he found the crux of the problem and immediately spoke to everyone!

After speaking, Ye Fan stopped, then turned around, looking solemnly at the giant hand that came over!

“Destiny Feng Shui compass, now!”

A huge golden Feng Shui compass emerged from behind Ye Fan!

There are countless divine patterns engraved on Feng Shui compass, and these divine patterns emit mysterious light, and each light corresponds to a divine pattern, which instantly illuminates this location space by more than half!


“Destiny Feng Shui compass, turn!”

Ye Fan patted the technique and sipped it!



Just listening to the sound of a click, the golden Feng Shui compass that exudes endless light began to turn!

As the golden Feng Shui compass turned, the whole world seemed to stop suddenly, and the giant hand that came over, although it did not stop at all, it has become a lot slower!

“The world of Faxiang!”

At this moment, Shi Hao also stopped, and then drank fiercely!

I saw that Shi Hao’s body instantly grew bigger and turned into a giant with a height of one hundred thousand feet, with muscles bulging, and his whole body exuding the will to fight the sky and the battlefield, just like a living ancient demon god!

“Break it to me!”

I saw that one hundred thousand feet of giant slammed a punch at that giant hand, and in an instant, the huge punch force directly annihilated the space!

“Inverse chaos!

“The Breakthrough of the Evoker Sutra!”


“The light of chaos!

“Time Exile!

Seeing that Ye Fan and Shi Wu had both shot, the others stopped one after another, and then used their strongest trick, thinking of the giant hand to greet him!

Everyone’s series of unique tricks bombarded the giant hand one after another, only to hear a muffled noise, the giant hand actually began to dissipate!

“Huh! It’s finally blocked!” Nine,

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