Chapter 496 What? Usually it’s just a clone!

“Solve it? Solve it! It’s just some ants anyway!”

Heavenly Dao tilted his head and glanced at Shi Hao and Ye Fan, and then said indifferently!

In that way, it seems that you don’t care about the life and death of the Chaos King and others!

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but change his face slightly after drinking Ye Fan!

They didn’t expect that Heavenly Dao would be so indifferent and ruthless!

“Don’t you really care about them at all? How to say, they are also your subordinates, once did not know how many strong people helped you resist!”

Shi Wu’s eyes twitched slightly, and then asked!

“Do you care about the life and death of certain ants?

Hearing that, Heavenly Dao still asked indifferently, as if saying something ordinary!

“Damn it!

Seeing Heavenly Dao’s inattentive look, Shi Hao’s posture was about to break out. What he hates most is this kind of person, a high-ranking look, as if it is natural for people to pay for him!

“Junior brother!

Ye Fan grabbed Shi Hao who was about to explode, and then shook his head slightly at him!

Before clarifying the situation of Heavenly Dao, Ye Fan didn’t want to act recklessly. What’s more, Dugu Baitian and the others have not returned. If they do it now, Ping Shi Wu and himself will definitely suffer! 890


At this moment, I saw Shi Wu drinking next to Ye Fan, and suddenly there was a ripple in the space, and then Chen Nan walked out of it, and then went to Dugu Beitian, the king of humans, the corpse fairy emperor, and the old demon Chen and others. !

“It’s all solved!”

Seeing that everyone had returned, Shi Wu couldn’t wait to ask!

Everyone nodded!

“Heavenly Dao, we meet again! Last time you had the help of the Chaos King and our team was defeated. This time, without the help of the Chaos King, I see how you can win us!”

Dugu Baitian took a step forward, looked at Heavenly Dao with plain eyes, and said!

The last time the battle of slashing the sky was with the Chaos King, Qingtian, and the subordinates of Heavenly Dao. After more resistance, they did not succeed. This time, the Chaos King, Qingtian and others have been solved by them, and only left Heavenly Dao alone, if this is not successful, then they will have no chance in the future!

“Both lose and lose? Haha! Dugu defeated the sky, Demon Lord, none of you really confronted me, and you didn’t really fight against each other. How could both lose?”

Who knows, Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but laughed loudly after hearing Dugu Baitian’s words, as if he had heard some great joke!


Hearing that, everyone present was also at a loss, especially the Dugu Defeated Heaven who participated in the last battle of Smashing the Heavens, the devil, the ghost master, and the king of humans are even more unclear!

In the last battle against Heavenly Dao, they really fought Heavenly Dao. Otherwise, with the Chaos King and the others, how could they be seriously injured and fall asleep!

But, what’s going on now? Heavenly Dao actually said that they never fought against each other. Could it be that the last time they fought against a fake Heavenly Dao?

Moreover, seeing Heavenly Dao’s posture does not seem to be a lie at all, and, at his level, he does not bother to lie!

Just when everyone was at a loss, Ye Fan’s eyes flashed with a clear look, and he looked at Heavenly Dao right now, and then asked: “The clone! Isn’t that just your clone?”


After hearing Ye Fan’s words, Heavenly Dao couldn’t help looking at him with a different expression, then nodded and said, “I didn’t expect you to guess it! Not bad! The one who fought with them before was indeed mine. Doppelganger!”

Seeing Heavenly Dao actually admitted that Dugu Baitian and the others’ faces changed wildly, and they became very ugly, as if they had eaten shit!

I thought that even if I lost the previous battle against the sky, I wouldn’t lose too badly.At the very least, he would wound Heavenly Dao and put him into a deep sleep!

But they didn’t expect that the one who fought with them before was only a clone of Heavenly Dao, how could this be accepted by them!

(agaj) If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that a clone of Heavenly Dao can be equal to himself and others? No, it is not equal, it should be his own lose!

Only with this avatar, you can let your own party lose. What if Heavenly Dao’s deity personally takes the shot? Does he and others still have a chance to win?

Dugu Baitian and others think it is ridiculous!

Eternal layout?

Ridiculous eternal layout!

I am afraid that in Heavenly Dao’s view, the eternal layout of myself and others is just a joke!

= I and others thought that even if he couldn’t kill Heavenly Dao this time, he would still be seriously injured again and he had to fall asleep!

Suddenly, Dugu Baitian remembered what Shi Hao’s master had said!

“By the way! Actually, I can’t figure it out, how did you live until now?”

“When I first came to this world, I discovered that this world is also considered to be a big world. In the dark sense, in this world, Heavenly Dao’s Cultivation Base, even if it produces the Cultivation Base of the intellect and drops, it will kill you. It should be the same as playing!”

Thinking of what Qin Xuan once said, Dugu Baitian suddenly smiled bitterly!

“I’m afraid that senior had already guessed, what happened today!

Dugu Baitian thought very painfully in his heart!

Now, Dugu Baitian finally realized the feeling of powerlessness!

It’s not just Dugu Baitian who feels this way, except for Shi Hao, Ye Fan, and the corpse fairy emperor, so people have this feeling of powerlessness in their hearts!

Shi Wu knows that Heavenly Dao is very powerful, but, so what, even if I can’t be your opponent, before I die, I will pull you high above the throne, and then step on both feet. Thinking of this, Shi Hao thought There is even a feeling of excitement!

And Ye Fan thought, anyway, the master who is already in this world, if he is not Heavenly Dao’s opponent, he can’t look at himself, and he will be killed by Heavenly Dao alive!

So, even if you are bold enough to do it, as for the success or failure, let’s talk about it separately!

The Immortal Corpse Emperor thought of Ye Fan as well, but he thought of it more simply. It would be better if Tang Senior tried to save him. If he didn’t do it, he wouldn’t hold his hate.

What’s more, he was a person who had died once, if it weren’t for Shi Hao’s rescue, he would have died in that dark blood dormitory!

Therefore, for him, whether it is life or death this time, it doesn’t really matter much!

“Why? Did you give up before the fight? Especially you, Lao Yinbi, didn’t you keep saying that in order to eliminate Heavenly Dao, you would not hesitate to die? How come you have become so useless now?”

At this moment, Shi Hao looked at everyone with a hatred of iron and steel, and then shouted!

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