Chapter 493: Battle! Falling One After Another!

A place far away from Ye Fan and others!

at this time. Chennan has already fought with Qingtian, Shifang Jueyu is trapped in Shifang, the great banner of the great and wild smashes everything, and the eight styles of rebellion are unstoppable!

Now, Chen Nan can evolve everything with energy at will, and even the great banner of the great famine is held in his hand seemingly, and various Secret Techniques are emerging in an endless stream.

Once the Cultivation Base arrived at this Realm, the world could be torn apart even when you raised your hand. Now, as long as you hit the original power out, it would be a devastating attack.

finally. Chen Nan covered the cage with endless starlight. Yelled: “Last time I let you run away, this time, I can’t let you run away anyway! Even Heavenly Dao won’t save you.”

After speaking, Chen Nan disappeared. His body turned into an endless sea of ​​stars. The bright stars flooded the blue sky. By now Chennan is heaven and earth. The world is Chennan. They seem to be truly one.

“Want me to die, it’s not so easy”

Qingtian roared sharply. Stabbing “Eight Nine Zero” with the blue light struggling constantly in the sea of ​​stars. In this original world, I want to smash everything and escape.

However, obviously he underestimated Chennandi Xinghai, and Wanzhong Shenguang blocked it together. The blue sky was slowly melting, and he realized with horror that he could no longer maintain the body of the light. He was truly disappearing, claiming to be immortal. Heavenly Dao is immortal, he is immortal, and now he is about to collapse!


He yelled anxiously!

“Nothing is impossible in this world

Chen Nan turned into a general divine sword in his hands. Slashing forward fiercely, a sword cut the blue light into two sections.

“Want to cut me off”

Qing Tian thought that although the situation was worrisome. But still want to laugh, he is a light body. How could it be completely cut off. But then he shuddered and was split into two parts. Unexpectedly, they couldn’t get together again. Lost contact forever.

Regarding the battle that Chen Nan and Qing Tian only saw, how could it be possible to hide Heavenly Dao, Ye Fan, and Shi Wu!

However, in contrast to Ye Fan and Shi Hao’s happiness, Heavenly Dao is coldly watching all this, and has no intention of helping him. They take it seriously!

“Six Paths of Reincarnation”

Chen Nan drank. With both hands swiping, the endless star field is trembling, and the stars are intertwined to form six black holes. Then madly swallowed the glaring blue light.

“Brother! What are you saying about Heavenly Dao? They didn’t even help!”

Shi Wu asked Heavenly Dao suspiciously, and then asked Ye Fan incomprehensibly!

“do not know!”

Ye Fan shook his head, then replied!

But Ye Fan knew that the reason Heavenly Dao didn’t teach Taishang, Qingtian and the others, must have some secret they didn’t know!

the other side!

Sky thunder bursts, endless thunder, deafening, in the endless electric light, outside the unknown space, is the endless void!

No one knows how big the endless void is, even Heavenly Dao, who has surpassed the heaven-defying order, doesn’t know how big the endless void is!

“Boom Rumble”

From the unknown space rushed out, and the two supreme figures had already smashed into the depths of the endless void.

“Victor, you and I will continue the previous battle!”

In the void, Cangtian stared at the demon lord coldly, and then said!

“You do not deserve!

The demon master said coldly: “I was seriously injured and dying after the battle, you can hardly help me, let alone now! Go to death!”

In an instant, the demon master made a move, and the Demon’s hand shook the sky! It almost covered the void for hundreds of millions of miles, trapping the heavens inside.

Netherworld rushed straight up, trying to break the blockade, but he was like a bird in a cage, unable to break the blockade at all.

What is despair, the current Cangtian is despair. With Lingyun’s lofty ambition, he thought he could be equal to the demon lord, and even wanted to destroy the devil lord with his bare hands, but in the end, he found sadly that he was not the opponent of the devil lord at all!

“The Primordial Era is the age of my weakness, and it is still far from the Cultivation Base of the previous life, the Great Demon King. At that time, you were not my opponent even after I was seriously injured. Now dare to compete with me? Death!

The demon master stirs the magic cloud of the animation sky, gathers all killing intents, and spreads endless Sword Qi on the high sky. Thousands of magic light rages across the sky, quickly piercing the sky through thousands of wounds.

The heavens broke directly!

However, its immortal spirit did not perish. He reorganized his real body in Yuankong and yelled: “Nine Heavens is the only place in the world!”

The Ninth Stage sky and ten layers of back soil formed by his natal vitality appeared amidst the rumbling noise, squeezing towards the demon master, wanting to kill it.

However, the good fortune of the demon master’s skills, how advanced is the Cultivation Base, showing the real super skill, he shouted: “The devil’s world!”

The palms of the fingers directly shattered Nine Heavens! It is not a cultivator at a level. The Cultivation Base is too far apart. With a look of unwillingness, Cangtian glanced at the demon lord at last, screamed, and then shattered again. This time it was completely destroyed.

A void not far away from here!

Eight figures are constantly shuttled in the void, and the battle has come together!

Of these eight figures, four of them are the Immortal Emperor Corpse, Chen Zhan, the Ghost Lord, and the god-tier of time and space!

The other four figures are the Chaos Four!

“The original true body of the original true interpretation!”

After the corpse fairy emperor knocked one of the four chaos back with a fist, he sipped in his mouth!

Behind the corpse fairy emperor, a huge white figure slowly emerged!

“Die to me!

After the huge white figure emerged, he slammed a punch at one of the Four Chaos Venerables who had been repelled by him just now!

Suddenly, the space was shattered, and the void torn apart by the giant fist instantly hit one of the four who fought him!


Before one of the four statues had time to react, he was directly melted away!

the other side!

“Henggu in a hurry!”

Time and space god-tier stretched out his hand, and the torrent of time and space suddenly waved!


As soon as I heard a scream, another Four Chaos Lords fell!

When the time and space god-tier ended the battle, Chen Zhan and the ghost master also solved the other two of the four chaos!

“Let’s go back!”

The four gathered together, and then the Immortal Emperor Corpse said!

Hearing that, Chen Zhan, the ghost master and the god-tier time and space also nodded in agreement!

After speaking, the four of them turned into streamers and rushed towards the unknown space!

Deep in the void!

Chaos King looked pale at the two figures not far away from 0.9!

Dugu “Beat the sky! Don’t let him escape this time anyway! Even if it’s the two of us together!”

The King of People said in an unusually cold voice!

Had it not been for the sudden attack by the Chaos King, the Human King would not have divided his soul into six, leaving only the original source sealed, and it was only not long ago that she was proud to recover. Therefore, for the Human King, she hates this more than Heavenly Dao. Chaos King!


Dugu Baitian didn’t hesitate, and directly nodded in agreement!

After speaking, the two rushed towards the Chaos King!

The Chaos King was originally not Dugu Defeat the opponent, now adding a King who is not bad for Dugu Defeat, he has no chance of winning at all!

Therefore, the King of Chaos was like this. In the eyes of unwillingness and despair, he was directly hit by the two people of Dugu Defeat Heaven and King of Humans.

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