Chapter 492 Let Heavenly Dao feel the threatening phantom!

The trio of Taishang felt the powerful power contained in this axe, and their faces suddenly became pale!

They couldn’t stop this axe and wanted to avoid it, but they found that this axe seemed to contain the power of time and space, and locked them, no matter how they dodge, they will be locked by this axe, and they can only receive it directly. !

What made them even more desperate was that they realized that the three of them couldn’t handle this axe!

“Ah… Nine Cycles profound art? What kind of Cultivation Technique is this?”

Seeing the axe light in front of him, Guangyuan shouted unwillingly!

“Huh? I feel threatened!

When Shi Hao made this move, Heavenly Dao, who was originally silent, couldn’t help but raised his head, looking at Shi Hao in surprise!

He actually felt a deadly threat from this axe? What the hell is going on? The boy in front of me, who is only a heaven-defying level, actually makes me feel threatened?



What makes me threaten is not that there is only a heaven-defying kid in front of me, but the phantom behind this kid!

Who on earth is that? It’s just a phantom that was summoned, and it can actually make me feel a fatal threat!

“Does this phantom come from the same place as the truncated arm?”

Thinking of this, Heavenly Dao’s originally indifferent expression suddenly became gloomy!


“Ah… I’m the master!”

There was a muffled sound, and everything that the axe light passed by was suddenly annihilated!

The Taishang three people who were locked by the axe light just shouted out, they were hit by the destructive axe light.In an instant, the three were directly annihilated by the axe light!

“Huh? So strong?”

Seeing that the three of you were killed by the ashes of his own axe, Shi Hao couldn’t help but feel a little dumbfounded!

He also didn’t expect that the three of them would be so casual, but under this move, they all fell!

At the same time, Shi Hao was also shocked by own’s trick, when he cultivated the eighth level of Nine Cycles profound art cultivation, this trick suddenly appeared in his mind!

He usually fights against Dugu Defeating Heaven, because he is someone he knows, so he didn’t use this trick. powerful!

It was just an axe, and the three of them fell directly!

Moreover, Shi Hao can feel that after this move, there are even more powerful moves.Although I don’t know how many other moves are behind, it is absolutely impossible to have only this move!

“Damn! When did Junior Brother Shi Wu have such a strong trick? Why haven’t you seen him use it before? Is it because he just realized it recently?”

Ye Fan, who has been paying attention to the battlefield, saw his junior brother Shi Hao, and he used one move to kill the three of them, and his pupils couldn’t help but shrink!

From this trick, Ye Fan also obviously felt threatened.Although Feng Shui compass could stop this trick with his own destiny, he was definitely injured!

Unless you can summon the body of the destiny Feng Shui compass, it will be difficult to block this trick. However, if you want to summon the destiny Feng Shui compass completely, unless you can completely refine it, it is impossible to use it at all. The body is summoned!

“Hey, I didn’t expect these three people to be so casual!”

Shi Wu smacked his lips and muttered with lack of interest!

After finishing speaking, I knew that I had flashed back to Ye Fan’s side, and then looked at Ye Fan with some pride and said, “Brother, what do you think of my trick?”

“Yeah! Very powerful!

Seeing Shi Wu’s look awkward, even though Ye Fan wanted to say something against his will, he finally nodded in approval!

“Haha! I didn’t expect this trick to be so strong!”

Seeing that Ye Fan also felt that this move was powerful, Shi Hao suddenly laughed and said!

“Huh? What do you mean? Didn’t you understand this trick yourself?”

Hearing that, Ye Fan couldn’t help but look at him with a strange expression, and asked!


After hearing what Ye Fan said, Shi Hao suddenly froze, and then shook his head with an embarrassment on his face!

“Oh? Since you didn’t comprehend it yourself, is it possible that it still appears in your mind?

Ye Fan asked curiously!

“Huh? Brother how did you know?”


“How do you know that it appeared in my mind by itself?”

0………Look for flowers………

Shi Wu looked at Ye Fan suspiciously, and then asked!

“What? Are you saying that the trick just now suddenly appeared in your mind?”

Ye Fan opened his eyes wide, and then asked with an incredible expression!

“Well! It really appeared in my mind suddenly!

Shi Hao nodded and said!

“There is such a good thing? Why didn’t it happen to me?”

Ye Fan looked up at the sky silently, and his back was indescribable!

“Um! Brother, actually you don’t have to worry about it, because even if you know this trick, you won’t be able to use it?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but sweat coldly on his forehead, and then said!


“If you haven’t tried it, why do you know that I can’t use it?”

Hearing this, Ye Fan stared at Shi Hao with a dissatisfaction, and then asked!

“Um, brother, if you want to use this trick, then you have to cultivate Nine Cycles profound art to do it! I also cultivated Nine Cycles profound art to the eighth level to use this trick!”

Shi Wu held his forehead, and then explained!

“Nine Cycles mystery?

Hearing that, Ye Fan couldn’t help but he didn’t recover soon, and he muttered dissatisfied at the moment: “Nine Cycles Xuan is actually so strong? Master, why didn’t he pass it to me back then?”

“Brother, Master, didn’t his old man give you the Feng Shui compass? You are still not satisfied? What’s more, your fighting style is not suitable for Nine Cycles profound arts at all, and it will not be able to exert his greatest power if passed to you. what!”

Shi Wubai glanced at his senior brother Ye Fan, and then said angrily!

“Yeah! Also, if you make me like a brash man, only knowing to fight physically, that’s really not my style!”

After hearing Shi Hao’s words, Ye Fan nodded in agreement!

“Brother, what do you mean by this? Reckless man? Hand-to-hand combat? Fighting to the flesh is the only battle that a real man sees! He can only use tricks and dodge, so he looks like a woman!”

Seeing that Ye Fan actually said that he was a reckless man, Shi Hao suddenly stopped doing it, and he couldn’t help but retort!

“Junior brother! I am called wisdom, don’t you? Even more so, do you look down on women? How about I go and tell my wife? “Nine.

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