Chapter 494 Old Demon Chen vs Nether Sky

A certain part of the void, the space violently oscillated, and the two figures blasted crazily against each other, the storm overflowed, the gas surged, and every time they collided, a large piece of void was annihilated!


After facing each other for a while, the two quickly backed away.The two of them were not others, it was Old Demon Chen and You Mingtian!

“Netherworld, I see where you are going to escape this time! My Chen family has died for so many years because of one of your deceptions! I don’t know how many heroes died!”

Chen Huo raised his hand and shook his hand fiercely.In an instant, the void shook fiercely, and he saw his eyes staring at You Ming Tian with red eyes, and then shouted angrily!

“Haha! Don’t say it as if I owe you the Chen family. The kid from your Chen family was pitiful, so I gave him a Cultivation Technique.”

“Furthermore! I didn’t tell him to practice this Cultivation Technique! He couldn’t stand the temptation! It’s none of my business!”

Netherworld suddenly laughed, and then said with a calm expression on his face!

“You…, no matter what, you must die today!”

Hearing this, Old Demon Chen’s face turned red, but he didn’t know how to refute it!

Although the 06 Cultivation Technique was given by You Mingtian, the descendants of own cannot withstand the temptation, so it has nothing to do with him!

However, it is no longer a matter of discussing who is right and who is wrong, but on his own side, and Heavenly Dao’s side, must be resolved, and Netherworld is Heavenly Dao’s running dog, so he still must die!

“No matter how much we talk about, it’s just that our stand is different! Therefore, this time we are both superior and decisive!”

Netherworld said lightly!

“Haha! It’s a different stand! Okay.. This time we will not only distinguish between superior and inferior, but also decisive for life and death!”

Hearing this, Old Demon Chen couldn’t help but laughed, and then shouted!

After speaking, he rushed towards Netherworld!

“Haha! Good coming! The Underworld! Out!”

Seeing this, Netherworld also let out a long and heroic laugh, and then gave it a sharp drink!


Suddenly, I saw the void that was hundreds of millions of miles around the Nether Sky, suddenly covered by a huge shadow!

In an instant, the void violently turbulent, and the shadows slowly solidified.This is a huge space. The space is divided into seven layers, and it is full of terrible Killing intents and death spirits!

At this time, the ancient syllables continued to be heard in the mouth of the Netherworld, and he was cultivating Seventh Stage The Underworld with a secret method! The gloomy The Underworld gradually solidified, and countless grievances were enveloped in a moment, and many ancient spells emerged. .

Seeing this, the old Demon Chen who was rushing over couldn’t help but stop, and then stared at the huge and gloomy space with a guarded face!

“Die me!

Netherworld drank fiercely!

In an instant, the already solidified The Underworld slammed down towards Old Demon Chen!

This is no room. The Underworld waits for the Temple of Yan Luo. Divided into seven layers, it is eerie and terrifying.

It was in the Heng ancient period. Nether Heaven was refined with seven heaven-defying masters in the invisible inner world, and each floor was suppressed by a huge palace. Ancient local scriptures are carved on it. Even the Primordial God could hardly understand what it meant.

“Drink! Summoning Sutra!”

Seeing the huge shadow enveloped, Old Demon Chen’s face was also very solemn, and he did not dare to hesitate anymore, only to see him snorted!

A huge phantom emerged from behind him!


After the appearance of the phantom, Old Demon Chen constantly raised it and found it, and then shouted again in his mouth!

I saw his body gradually disappear, and finally turned into a stream of light and plunged into the phantom!

As Old Demon Chen sank into the phantom, the huge phantom actually began to gradually solidify!

In an instant, an ancient and violent aura radiated from the giant who had condensed himself, like a demon god standing between the heavens and the earth!


Suddenly there was a long roar like a demon god!

With this long roar, Fangyuan’s hundreds of millions of miles of void shrouded in shadows suddenly shook violently!

“Shattering Void!”

The giant like a demon god slammed a punch toward the shadow, and only heard a click, the surrounding void suddenly shattered like a broken mirror!

And the shadow that originally enveloped hundreds of millions of miles of void suddenly trembles violently, and countless souls inside are wailing crazily, and the entire Underworld seems to be under this terrible punch, and it will be shattered at any time!

Seeing this, Nether Mingtian couldn’t help but froze for a moment. He didn’t expect that his strongest move was almost crushed by Old Demon Chen’s punch!


At the moment, I dare not hesitate, and the sky roars fiercely. In an instant, The Underworld is shaking.

The space inside quickly annihilated in an instant, the dazzling light and violent energy fluctuations have long exceeded the limit of fluctuations.

The palace that suppressed the seventh floor of The Underworld space shattered seven or eight times in a row. Then reorganized. However, it was obviously much smaller than before, and the incantations carved on the temple were also dimmed, because the endless space was completely annihilated.

The gloomy The Underworld condensed again, and then pressed down towards Chen Laofei, wanting to swallow him!


Seeing this, the face of the demon-like giant couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.At the moment, the giant seemed to have made some decision, only to see him slammed, and then rushed into the infinite The Underworld!

The giant transformed by Chen Old Demon, after entering The Underworld, waved his fists frantically, destroying the contents with all his strength!

Seeing that Old Demon Chen rushed in so boldly, and was still madly destroying inside, the face of Netherworld Heaven also changed madly at the moment!


At the moment, he quickly raised the law, chanting an ancient mantra in his mouth, and then sipped it!

In an instant, the giant who was madly destroying in The Underworld only felt a terrible pressure to press 890 against him.Countless Killing intents turned into a sharp sword and stabbed towards him, and those wronged souls also attacked him. He rushed over, and then gnawed his own body frantically!


Seeing his body constantly being pierced by the sharp sword turned into by Killing intents and the body gnawed by the wronged souls, the giant roared fiercely, and then his body shook, instantly destroying countless wronged souls in the ashes of the shaking!

Suddenly, the giant saw the seven temples in the center of the space, and instantly knew that these seven temples were the core of The Underworld, and immediately rushed towards the seven temples without even thinking about it. !

Seeing this, watching the Netherworld here outside The Underworld, his face changed wildly!

As the master of The Underworld, he naturally knows that the seven temples are the core of The Underworld. If the seven temples are destroyed, the entire Underworld will collapse!

When I thought of The Underworld that I had only trained for so many years, I was destroyed by Old Demon Chen, and You Mingtian couldn’t sit still!

At the moment, he rushed into The Underworld without even thinking about it!

In an instant, the giant came not far from the seven palaces, and saw that the giant could throw a punch at the palace!

In an instant, the previous one in front was under this punch and was annihilated!


Six temples have been destroyed, and just when the seventh temple was about to be destroyed, a figure stood in front of it, blocking all the terrifying fist winds!

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