Chapter 491 Heavenly Dao’s Silence!

“Why did you come to this world?”

The shock on Heavenly Dao’s face for a short time, and it also converged, only to see that he continued to ask!

We “come into this world, mainly to find out one thing clearly, by the way, experience it!”

Ye Fan didn’t even think about hiding it, so he said directly!

“Check one thing? What is it?”

Hearing that, Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but be puzzled!

I came to this world to find out one thing, what is going on? Is there any connection between the two worlds?

Hearing this, Ye Fan turned to look at the Immortal Emperor Corpse next to him, and then nodded at him!

Seeing this, the corpse immortal emperor instantly understood what he meant. He took a step forward and looked at Heavenly Dao and said: “Before, in my world, a void similar to a space-time passage suddenly appeared, just when I was going to investigate. During the exploration, a drop of black blood suddenly rushed out of the hollow. Before I could react, it submerged into my body, and then crazily eroded my body!”

If it weren’t for “I still have some strength, I’m afraid that the drop of black blood had already been given to the dormitory, and in the end, if it wasn’t for Immortal Emperor Shi Wu, I’m afraid I’m still resisting, that drop of black blood in the dormitory!”

“Black blood?”

When the corpse immortal emperor mentioned the blood of Hei 890, Heavenly Dao’s pupils shrank suddenly.In an instant, the aura on his body suddenly became confused, as if he had thrown a stone into the lake, causing waves!


Ye Fan and the others also felt the sudden change in Heavenly Dao’s breath, and they couldn’t help feeling weird right now!

You know, in their Realm, how powerful the mood is, not to mention Heavenly Dao, but I didn’t expect that when Heavenly Dao mentioned the black blood, the breath of Heavenly Dao suddenly became messy!

Is there any secret to this black blood? Or this black blood is Heavenly Dao’s at all, so after he hears the words of the Immortal Corpse Emperor, his aura will be confused!

“That drop of black blood belongs to you? And, the consciousness in the black blood, I am afraid it is also your consciousness clone!”

The corpse immortal emperor couldn’t help but hold my hands tightly, his eyes full of anger, staring at Heavenly Dao!

When I thought that for so many years, that drop of black blood had harmed him so badly, Immortal Corpse’s heart couldn’t help but be full of anger!

Hearing this, Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but fell silent for a while!

(agai) Seeing Heavenly Dao is silent now, the Immortal Corpse Emperor thought he had acquiesced, and now he couldn’t help but roared: “It’s really you bastard! Give me death!”

After the roar, Immortal Corpse Emperor rushed towards Heavenly Dao!

“Bold! How dare to be disrespectful to the master!”

Seeing that the corpse immortal emperor dared to rush towards Heavenly Dao, on the other side, the Chaos King and others who had not spoken, also shouted loudly, and then rushed towards the corpse immortal emperor!

“Haha! You dare to bully more and less people, are you using us as a display?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but laughed, and then shouted fiercely!

After speaking, the whole person also rushed towards the Chaos King and others!

Seeing this, the Dugu Baitian and others on the scene knew that they were about to do it, and they couldn’t help but rushed over, and then they each found their own opponents!

“Haha! I asked you to run before, this time I see how you run!”

As before, Shi Hao approached Guangyuan, Taishang and Huang Tian, ​​then looked at them and said with a smile!

Hearing that, the trio of Taishang couldn’t help but look hard!

Three-on-one can still be chased and run. This is probably the most losing face since the three of them became heaven-defying!

But they didn’t dare to refute it, because the kid in front of them didn’t know that it was powerful, and the perverted physical strength made people forget to move!

It seems that “we can only postpone time!”

The three of them looked at each other, with a wry smile on their faces!

“Haha! Come on! See how you guys run this time!”

Shi Hao suddenly let out a long laugh, then punched the three of them!


Quan Jin suddenly tore through the sky and came to the three of them!

Seeing this, the trio’s expressions also became serious. In this fist, the trio felt the terrible power. If there is a slight discrepancy, they will definitely be seriously injured by this punch!

“Let’s shoot together!

Knowing that going on like this is not a solution, Guangyuan couldn’t help but say to Taishang and Huang Tian!


After transmitting the sound, I saw Guang Yuan sip it fiercely, then lifted the power of his whole body, and then also threw a punch. It seems that he is ready to face hard!

In this regard, Tai Shang and Huang Tian naturally knew that they did not dare to hesitate at the moment, so they also transported the power of the whole body and blasted their strongest power against Shi Wu!


The powerful force collided, and the surrounding space suddenly couldn’t bear it, and it shattered one after another!

Countless black time and space storms, like a flood, rushed out of the broken time and space, and spread outward!

Although Shi Hao’s power is strong, what the Taishang three people say is also the existence of the heaven-defying stage. Moreover, they gathered the full blow of the three people, and smashed Shi Wu’s fist strength in one fell swoop, and then continued to move towards. Shi Wu banged over:

“Haha! That’s right! This is the battle I want! Let you see my Nine Cycles mystery!”

Seeing Own Quanjin being crushed by the three of them, Shi Wu’s face was not disappointed, but he looked even more excited!


Shi Wu screamed, only to see a swell of Killing intent Shi Wu radiating from his body.Under this amazing Killing intent, even the flood-like space-time storm was instantly dispelled!



The muscles on Shi Wu’s body swelled up in an instant, those time and space storms, as well as the power of the trio of Supreme Being bombarded with all their strength, hit Shi Hao’s body, and suddenly made a sound of gold and stone collision!

“So perverted?”

Seeing this, the three Taishang couldn’t help but slap their tongues!

For Shi Wu’s abnormal physical strength, they naturally knew about the last time they played, but this is too abnormal, right?

The full bombardment of the three of them was of no use to him. How did they beat him?

“It’s not impolite to come and go! You guys should pick me up too! Haha! ‘War on the sky and battle on the ground.”

Shi Hao wouldn’t care about the triumphant trio!

“Roar! Open the sky!

Shi Wu raised the sky and roared, only to see a huge phantom emerging from behind him!

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