Chapter 490 Ye Fan’s Amazing Guess!

“What? Is Heavenly Dao really going to be a turtle?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but looked at them jokingly, and then asked again!

“Life and death! I let you run away last time, but I didn’t expect you to come and die!”

And at this moment, the monstrous Divine Flame surged from the endless void, sending out a terrible soul wave in the deepest part of this unknown space. Following the huge voice suddenly sounded!

I saw a gap in the distant space, and a figure sat on the huge throne, slowly floating out of the crack!

This figure is sitting on the throne, and the body is even more exuding, the supreme will, like the heaven, overlooking the entire world!

But what is strange is that with such a supreme existence, his body is constantly exuding an incomparably decadent aura!

A figure slowly raised its head and looked directly at Shi Hao. What kind of eyes are these? They are so indifferent, without the slightest emotion, as if everyone is under these eyes, they are all inconspicuous ants!

With just one glance, Shi Hao felt cold all over his body, and a chill rose in his heart!

Not only Shi Hao, but also Ye Fan and the others next to him.Although these eyes only looked at Shi Hao and didn’t look at them, they still let them chill!

“Meet the master!”

After seeing the visitor, the King of Chaos and others hurriedly saluteed respectfully!

In this regard, the people above the throne did not pay any attention to them at all, as if the Chaos King and them were just a group of dispensable existences to him!

Heavenly Dao”!

Dugu defeated the sky, the devil master, the ghost master, and the king of humans, after seeing the people above the throne, their expressions became serious!

Hearing that, the person above the throne took his gaze back from Shi Hao, turned to Dugu Baitian and the Demon Lord and others, and then said indifferently: “Beitian, Demon Lord, it seems that you are really I want to die!”

“Looking for death”? Haha! Heavenly Dao, we are not in the minority anymore. Although we have not been able to kill you every time, you can’t kill me either!

Hearing Heavenly Dao said this, Du Gu Bai Tian couldn’t help laughing, as if he had heard some great joke, and finally shrugged and said!

Can’t kill you? “You? Dugu Baitian, I let you off again and again, and actually raised you so arrogant! Do you really think I can’t kill you?”

Unexpectedly, after listening to Dugu Baitian’s words, Heavenly Dao’s face did not change at all, as indifferently as before!

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

Hearing that, Dugu Bietian, the Demon Lord and the others couldn’t help but stared at Heavenly Dao with puzzled expressions!

And Ye Fan next to him, after hearing Heavenly Dao’s words, couldn’t help but glared. Suddenly, he remembered what his master had said to Dugu Baitian when he first came to the Mausoleum of Gods and Demons!

“By the way! Actually, I can’t figure it out, how did you live until now?”

“When I first came to this world, I discovered that this world is also considered to be a big world. In the dark sense, in this world, Heavenly Dao’s Cultivation Base, even if it produces the Cultivation Base of the intellect and drops, it will kill you. It should be the same as playing!”

Ye Fan recalled what his master Qin Xuan once said!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan had a faint guess, and when he thought of the result of his guess, Ye Fan’s heart couldn’t help but cool!

“Dugu Defeat Heaven, the reason why the Demon Lord, the Ghost Lord, and the King of Humans can survive the Battle of Slashing the Heavens every time is because Heavenly Dao has no intention of killing them at all!”

“But it’s not right! Logically speaking, Du Gu Baitian and the Demon Lord have threatened Heavenly Dao. Why is Heavenly Dao doing this, letting them go again and again?”

“There must be some shocking secret in this! Otherwise Heavenly Dao won’t, so let them be presumptuous again and again!”

Ye Fan frowned involuntarily, and then secretly said in his heart!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan’s gaze at Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but become serious!

If Heavenly Dao is really letting go of them and doesn’t take them seriously, then the strength of Heavenly Dao will be re-estimated!

I am afraid that even if I now call out the phantom of Feng Shui compass of destiny, plus Junior Brother Shi Wu, Dugu Baitian, and the Demon Lord, they may not be the opponent of this Heavenly Dao!

“What’s the meaning?”

Heavenly Dao turned his head and looked around, and finally stopped on the bodies of Ye Fan, Shi Hao and the Immortal Corpse Lie, and then said: “You three, shouldn’t you be from this world?”

Heavenly Dao’s tone seemed to be asking, but Ye Fan and others could still feel that Heavenly Dao’s words were not asking at all, but had already been affirmed!

“Indeed, Shi Wu, Junior Brother Shi, and the corpse fellow daoist are indeed not from this world!

Hearing Heavenly Dao’s inquiry, Ye Fan did not conceal the slightest, nodded directly, and said!

At the level of Heavenly Dao, Ye Fan knew that he couldn’t hide him. What’s more, he was the Heavenly Dao of this world. For Heavenly Dao, everyone present might not know him better than him!

Because the destiny Feng Shui compass he refined is similar in nature to Heavenly Dao. So, he knew he couldn’t hide it, so he might as well say it directly!

…^^ As expected! When I saw you for the first time, I faintly guessed that you are not from this world! I didn’t expect that I really guessed it!”

After hearing Ye Fan’s words, Heavenly Dao finally showed a look of surprise on his face, and then looked at Shi Hao next to Ye Fan, and then said!

“What! Ye Fan fellow daoist, Shi Hao fellow daoist and corpse fellow daoist, they are not from this world!

After hearing the conversation between Heavenly Dao and Ye Fan, Chen Nan, the Demon Lord and the others couldn’t help but exclaimed!

Then they looked at the three of Ye Fan with shocked expressions.They didn’t expect that the three people who participated in the Battle of Heaven with them this time were actually not people in their own world!

Especially Chen Nan, he was the first person to know Shi Hao besides (Qian Nuo’s) Dugu Defeated Heaven, and Shi Hao had rescued him once, and he had rescued him more than once!

Therefore, he secretly guessed Shi Hao’s identity, thinking that Shi Wu might be the same as Dugu Baitian and the others, who had survived from ancient times, and was even older senior than Dugu Baitian, Demon King and the others!

However, he did not expect that Shi Wu senior, whom he had been secretly guessing, was not a person in this world.How could this not shock Chen Nan’s heart!

At the same time, not only Chen Nan was shocked, even the Demon Lord, Chen Zhan, and Old Demon Chen were also very shocked.They thought that the world they were in was unique, but they didn’t find it. Other worlds!

If there is no other world, where did Ye Fan and the others come from?

“Why did you come to this world?”

The shock on Heavenly Dao’s face for a short time, and he also converged, only to see that he continued to ask!

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