Chapter 489 Come to Unknown Space Again!

“Yeah! They escaped! They should have escaped to the space where I fought Heavenly Dao at the time!!

Seeing Ye Fan asked, Shi Hao couldn’t help but nodded and turned back!

“Then are we going to get in now?”

Hearing that, Ye Fan also nodded, he understood, and then looked at everyone again and asked!


Dugu Baitian nodded affirmatively!

“Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go in now!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao said impatiently!


Seeing that Shi Hao was so impatient, Dugu Baitian also shook his head helplessly!

However, although he looked helpless, his hands were not slow, and he saw him smash the space with a punch, and then got into the watch!

Seeing this, everyone present did not hesitate, and they also went in!

In an unknown space, there is nothing here, even the earth and the sky have no “eight or nine zeros”, and some are just gloomy. The heavens are many times bigger!

Moreover, in this space, there is a smell of decay everywhere!

Suddenly, a spatial crack suddenly appeared in the air, and a group of people suddenly walked out of the spatial crack!

This group of people is Dugu Baitian and others!

“This is where Heavenly Dao is located?”

After looking around, Ye Fan asked curiously!

“Well! This is indeed the place where Heavenly Dao sleeps, and it is also above the real Nine Heavens!”

Dugu Baitian nodded, then said solemnly!

“Then what should we do now? Go to Heavenly Dao, or wait here?”

Immortal Emperor Corpse asked!

I am also very curious about Heavenly Dao’s corpse fairy emperor!

You know, the reason why he came to this world is to find out what is going on with that drop of black blood!

Later, I heard Shi Wu say that Heavenly Dao’s breath is somewhat similar to that drop of black blood, so he came here, trying to figure out whether the drop of black blood that eroded him back then was Heavenly Dao’s!

At this time, everyone clearly felt that in the deepest part of this space, a huge force was recovering, like a beast that could crush the entire Tianyu region, giving people an extremely powerful sense of oppression. Make people tremble from the heart.

“Well, is this power Heavenly Dao?”

After feeling a huge force, Chen Nan also said with an incredible expression!

“Is that Heavenly Dao. He destroys all beings and draws the power of the six realms. Is he awakening now?”


The demon master came over and looked up at the sky as well, saying: “He has been sleeping like this, but part of his subconscious mind is always paying attention to Tianyu. He treats himself as a giant cat like a mountain. He treats us as invisible mice. ”

“Huh, is the cat playing the mouse?”

For the first time Chen Nan was so close to Heavenly Dao, he felt a devastating aura!

As soon as I thought, I looked at the remains of seniors over and over on the Second Stage day. Chen Nan’s heart was a little desolate, because he knew that the immortal god might not even have the remains, and his body and spirit were completely destroyed. The endless bones were at least left by the cultivators of the heavenly ranks.

“Is this the power of Heavenly Dao? It’s so huge!”

Ye Fan also felt this power that is about to recover, and his face couldn’t help but said solemnly!

At the same time, he also felt that this power that is about to recover is not much different from the aura he felt on the destiny Feng Shui compass.The only difference is that this power seems to have decayed!

“So strong! Really strong! Haha! Heavenly Dao, I’m here again! Get out of here, let’s compete again!”

And Shi Hao also roared with excitement!

This is one of the strongest powers he has seen since cultivation, except for his own unscrupulous master!

With such a strong opponent, how can Shi Wu not be excited?

You know, the Cultivation Technique he cultivates is in the battle of life and death to quickly Ascension Cultivation Base!

Of course, you can also Closed Door Training cultivation, but, Closed Door Training cultivation is more than a thousand times slower than the battle of life and death, ten thousand times!

In the unknown space, after the shouting, it was silent again, as if Heavenly Dao fell asleep again. But the terrifying coercion has always existed. Everyone knows that he has truly awakened and is watching everyone coldly.

At this time, Chen Nan suddenly asked: “What is the so-called Heavenly Dao?”

“Are you asking about the Heavenly Dao in the past, or the Heavenly Dao in the present”

Hearing this, the waste lord pondered for a while, then looked at Chen Nan and said!

“What’s the difference?”

Chen Nan frowned involuntarily!

After all, this is also the first time Chen Nan knows about the Battle of Heaven:

“The former Heavenly Dao. No desire, no desire, represents justice, now Heavenly Dao. Represents selfish desire. Killing all living beings, strengthen oneself… is already a huge creature with selfish desire.”

The devil explained!

“The so-called Heavenly Dao. It is not a single life body. In the past, it was the thoughts and feelings of all living beings. It was the vast mind formed by the interweaving of the thoughts and powers of all living people. It was the will of all living beings.

The demon master became more excited as he spoke, and finally his voice increased unconsciously. Until it spreads all over the Ninth Stage.

“But now he is rectifying the collective grievances. The minds of sentient beings have long been corroded and shattered. Heavenly Dao is no longer the original Heavenly Dao. He no longer represents justice. He just represents destruction and selfish desire. He knows. When he is weak, the minds of sentient beings will synthesize a new Heavenly Dao sooner or later, so whenever he feels threatened, he must destroy the world and destroy sentient beings to prevent sentient beings from forming a new Heavenly Dao.”

After hearing the Demon Lord’s explanation, Chen Nan couldn’t help but frowned!

Until then, Chen Nan didn’t know what Heavenly Dao really is. Heavenly Dao represents the will of all living beings, and the strongest is the joint force of all living beings

but now. When the will of sentient beings is corroded by the evil grievances between heaven and earth, Heavenly Dao is no longer Heavenly Dao. He is just a huge, complicated and malignant life form.

All beings are destroyed Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao is destroying all beings. It turned out to be like this…

After knowing the reason, Chen Nan also felt a sigh of relief!

“Haha! Heavenly Dao? Are you trying to be a turtle?”

Shi Hao’s voice sounded again!

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but look towards Shi Wu, and saw Shi Wu still look excited when he was 0.9, and the invincible fighting spirit on his body rose to the sky, and all of a sudden, the decadent aura around him dissipated!


At this time, a voice spread throughout the entire space!

I saw the Chaos King and others, who had been defeated just now, reappearing not far from Shi Hao and the others!

“It’s you guys who are defeated again! If you doglegs don’t want to die, let your master come out!”

Seeing Chaos King and others again, Shi Wu glanced at them impatiently, and then said disdainfully!


Hearing this, the Chaos King and the others flushed their faces involuntarily, pointing to Shi Hao in shock and couldn’t say a word!

Because they knew that Shi Hao was telling the truth, and they couldn’t find any refutation!

“What? Is Heavenly Dao really going to be a turtle?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but mocking them, and then asked again!

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