Chapter 488 Heavenly Dao’s party is defeated!

“Dugu! It’s been a long time since I saw you! This time we are going to fight together again!”

Dugu Baitian stroked the sword in his hand, and then muttered to himself!

The sword that suddenly appeared, suddenly felt the meaning of Dugu defeating the sky, and couldn’t help but groan at the moment!

The palm of Dugu Baitian’s “Dugu” also became ten million times bigger in an instant. A great sword suddenly stood between the sky and the earth. In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, the sky and the earth were dim, and countless Sword Qi rolled up the entire space, and the space was also covered. Cut huge cracks!


Dugu Beitian held the giant sword in both hands, looked directly at the giant hand that was grabbed, and shouted fiercely!

I saw that Dugu Baitian slowly raised his hands, and then waved towards the Chaos King.In an instant, the entire Ninth Stage sky seemed to be torn apart, and a huge sword mark cut across the sky and the earth, violently toward the chaos. Wang hacked it down!


Seeing that this space can’t be kept! The fog swept across the sky, the endless divine light was impacting, and the vast expanse of land shattered into the endless void.

“Damn! Dugu Baitian, this old Yinbi is so fierce! It seems that he usually fights with himself, and he hasn’t done his best at all!”

Seeing countless Sword Qi attacks, Shi Hao couldn’t help but shocked Dugu Baitian’s strength!

Although these Sword Qi can’t hurt himself, Shi Wu quickly dodges back!

Seeing Shi Wu avoiding, Taishang, Guangyuan and Huang Tian, ​​my heart was suddenly relieved! The moment he also quickly retreated!

Not only them, Lian Chennan, Old Demon Chen, Demon Lord and others, as well as the four sages of Qingtian and Chaos, also quickly separated, and then quickly retreated!

On the edge of the Ninth Stage day!

“Damn! I finally stabilized, but it was destroyed again!”

Seeing that the space that he had finally stabilized was destroyed again, Ye Fan suddenly wanted to scold his mother!

I don’t know if it is Ye Fan, so is the corpse Immortal Emperor on the other side!

“Oh! Fate is bitter! It seems that we have to work harder, otherwise these Sword Qi rushed out, I am afraid the whole heaven will be annihilated!”

Ye Fan sighed helplessly, then said with a wry smile:


After finishing speaking, I saw him lift up the tactics again, and then shouted!

I saw that the gray Feng Shui compass emerged from behind him!

An ancient, supreme breath also radiated from the gray Feng Shui compass, spreading across the entire Ninth Stage in an instant, and it continued to spread outward!

“Huh? Brother’s trick! What happened? Brother actually called his destiny Feng Shui Compass!”

After feeling the aura of Feng Shui compass of destiny, Shi Hao couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then said with some surprise!

Shi Hao was very clear about the destiny of his senior brother, Feng Shui Compass. When he tried with Ye Fan at the time, he also suffered a lot from the destiny of Feng Shui Compass. Therefore, he did not remember the destiny of Feng Shui Compass. Still new!

On the other side, feeling the sudden appearance of this breath, the Demon Lord, Chen Nan, Qing Tian and others couldn’t help but froze for a while!

I don’t understand who this breath is, so I released Divine Sense to scan it.When I saw Ye Fan and the corpse fairy on the edge of the Ninth Stage, I suddenly understood it!

At the same time, I was shocked by the strength of Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse.You know, this is a battle of more than a dozen heaven-defying tiers.Even the aftermath is very powerful.

Especially Ye Fan, after feeling the breath of the gray Feng Shui compass behind Ye Fan, everyone present except Shi Wu and the corpse fairy emperor was shocked by the breath!

“What exactly is the gray Feng Shui compass phantom? Weapons? Or magical magic?”

Everyone secretly said in their hearts!


At this time, a roar spread throughout the Ninth Stage!

Everyone followed the reputation, and saw that the Chaos King was already disheveled, and his body was bruised, especially the sword wound from the shoulder to the chest, and the sharp Sword intent continued to be exuded on it!

On the other side, Dugu Baitian, there was no trace of wounds on his body, and he didn’t even breathe this roughness, as if he had never been in a big battle!

“What! Dugu Baitian is so powerful! The Chaos King is in his hands, and there is no chance to fight back!”

Taishang, Qingtian and Chaos Four looked at all this in disbelief!

They would never believe that the Chaos King was seriously injured by Dugu Baitian so simply!

You know, Chaos King is the strongest existence among them!

When did Dugu Baitian become so strong?

Seeing that King Chaos had been seriously injured, Taishang, Guangyuan, Qingtian and others looked at each other, and then nodded slightly, as if they had made a decision!

Just as Shi Hao, Chen Nan, and the Demon Master were shocked by the strength of Dugu Baitian, suddenly Qingtian and the others exploded fiercely, only to see them directly breaking through the space and then jumping in!

0……Look for flowers………

The same was true for the Chaos Four Venerables on the other side.They saw them rush to the Chaos King’s side to support him, and then broke through the space and got in!

“Huh? Escaped!”

Shi Wu looked at the space crack that slowly closed, and couldn’t help but say!

After speaking, Shi Wu flew in the direction of Dugu Baitian!

“Okay, Lao Yinbi! I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong! It seems that you usually didn’t make any effort in the competition with me! After this matter is over, we must have a good comparison!”

Shi Wu came to Dugu Beitian’s side, then patted him on the shoulder and said!


Hearing this, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but twitched, but he nodded in response!

Dugu “Baitian! They may have escaped to the sleeping space of Heavenly Dao! What should we do now? Chase or not chase?”


At this time, the old demon and the demon master quickly came over, and then asked Dugu Baitian!

“Why not chase? Why are we here for? It’s not for the heaven and earth sentient beings to kill Heavenly Dao! Now they escape to the space where Heavenly Dao is, isn’t that better? Then I will destroy them and find Heavenly Dao Calculate the ledger!”

Before Dugu Beitian spoke, Shi Wu next to him couldn’t wait to say!

“Yeah! Shi Wu fellow daoist is really good!”

Hearing that, everyone present also felt that Shi Wu’s words were very reasonable, and they couldn’t help but nod their heads in agreement!

After all, they didn’t come here to kill Heavenly Dao, now it’s time for Heavenly Dao to calculate the ledger!

Only Dugu Baitian at the scene understood that Shi Hao didn’t kill Heavenly Dao for the sake of all sentient beings in the world.He was basically for revenge, and revenge Heavenly Dao easily defeated him before!

When I thought of Shi Hao, the madman’s revenge, it was so strong, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but beat a spirit!

“Huh! You guys are finally finished, if you continue to beat my corpse fellow daoist, I won’t be able to hold on!”

At this time, Ye Fan’s depressed voice came from a distance!

“Senior brother, the corpse fairy emperor Ye Fan fellow daoist! corpse fellow daoist!”

Seeing Ye Fan and the Immortal Corpse Emperor come over, everyone also called cupped fist!

Seeing this, Ye Fan and Immortal Emperor Corpse also nodded towards everyone!

After looking around, he couldn’t help but asked curiously: “Where are they? Did they run away?”

“Yeah! They escaped! They should have fled to the space where I was fighting Heavenly Dao at the time!

Hearing that, Shi Hao nodded and turned back! Nine.

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